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Not Quite Human
Chapter 1: Donatello's Secret
By Dreamcatcher

Although it was around six o'clock in the morning in
Toyama, Japan, a young teenage boy with thick blonde
hair was wide-awake in his room, checking over some
clothes in one of two suitcases. Suddenly, there was a
knock at the door. "May I come in, Sage?" a man's
voice asked. "Sure thing, Dad," Sage replied. He
continued looking through his clothes as his father
entered his bedroom. "Got everything you need for your
trip?" Mr. Date asked. "Sure do, Dad," Sage replied as
he closed his suitcase and zipped it shut. "I got
plenty of clean clothes, an extra pair of shoes, a
bathing suit, a beach towel, deodorant, brush...Oh,
yeah! Almost forgot my toothbrush!" Sage quickly ran
down the hall to the upstairs bathroom.

Mr. Date also went into the bathroom, where Sage was
looking through a cabinet. "Sage, I need you to do a
favor for me while you and your friends are in New
York City," Mr. Date revealed. "Sure, Dad. What is
it?" Sage asked as he took his toothbrush out of the
cabinet. "Over fifteen years ago, a good friend of
mine was forced to leave Japan, due to some confusion
at the ninja school he once taught at," Mr. Date
explained as he followed his son back to his bedroom.
"He was accused of attempting to assassinate the
school's master sensei, but it was later discovered
that the sword they found on him was planted by his

"No offense, Dad, but if I'm gonna find your friend,
I'll need more information than that," Sage replied as
he put his toothbrush inside a small duffel bag. "Of
course, son," Mr. Date replied. "His name is Hamato
Yoshi. He was a shidoshi in the ancient art of
ninjitsu. When he was forced to flee Japan, Yoshi got
on a boat for New York City." "That might not be that
helpful, Dad," Sage revealed. "Hamato Yoshi might not
have stayed in New York. He might have moved somewhere
else. Besides, New York City is huge, almost as big as
Tokyo. I wouldn't know where to start looking."

"Isn't there an island in New York City where
immigrants had to go when they arrive by boat?" Mr.
Date asked. "Yeah, there is," Sage murmured
thoughtfully. "That was one of the places Rowen
mentioned yesterday. I think it's called Ellis
Island." "They must keep records there of all the
immigrants that have passed through," Mr. Date
suggested. "All right, Dad. I'll check that out when
my friends and I visit Ellis Island," Sage replied. "I
also want you to take this," Mr. Date added as he
handed Sage a worn black and white photograph. Sage
looked at the two young men in the photo and
recognized the one on the left as his father.

"Is that him?" Sage asked, pointing at the man on the
right, who was dressed in a kimono and striped pants.
Mr. Date nodded as he stared at the picture. "Yoshi
has a picture identical to this. If you do happen to
find him, you can use this picture as proof that
you're my son. He knows that I wouldn't give this
picture to just anyone." Just then, the two heard a
loud car horn from outside. "That must be the guys,"
Sage muttered out loud as he slipped the photograph in
a pocket on his duffel bag before picking up his
suitcases. "I gotta go now, Dad. Our flight leaves at
seven, and it's gonna be a forty-five minute drive to
the airport."

"All right then, Sage," Mr. Date replied as he picked
up Sage's duffel bag. He followed Sage downstairs,
where his wife was waiting for them in her nightgown
and robe. "Have a good time on your trip, Sage," Mrs.
Date announced as she gave her son a farewell hug.
"Thanks, Mom," Sage replied. "I promise I'll call you
as soon as we arrive at our hotel." Mr. Date opened
the door for his son and he soon followed him outside.
"About time, Sage!" Kento complained loudly from the
driver's seat of his gold van. "We've been waiting
forever!" "Kento! You know that's not true!" Cye
shouted from the front passenger seat. "We just got
here!" Sage chuckled a bit at his two friends' antics.
"Guys, you remember my father?"

"Of course, we do. Good morning, Mr. Date," Cye
greeted. "Good morning, boys," Mr. Date greeted. "Just
toss your backs in back, Sage," Kento told his friend.
Sage nodded as he walked to the back of the van and
opened the trunk door. "Morning, Sage," Ryo greeted as
Sage placed his suitcases among the several suitcases
and duffel bags already placed in the trunk. "Hey,
Ryo," Sage greeted back. He then noticed a familiar
head of blue hair sitting next to Ryo. "Is Rowen
sleeping?" Sage asked as he closed the trunk door. "He
sure is. Rowen's not used to getting up this
early,"Cye confessed.

"Tell me about it! I had to practically drag him out
of bed!" Kento retorted. "It's a good thing Rowen
packed his bags last night, otherwise we would have
missed our plane!" Sage laughed a bit as he climbed
into the back of the van and sat down behind Cye.
"Here's your bag, Sage," Mr. Date announced as he
handed Sage the small duffel bag. "Thanks, Dad," Sage
replied as he took the duffel bag from his father.
"Don't forget to call us, Sage," Mr. Date added.
"Don't worry, Dad. I'll call home as soon as I can,"
Sage replied as his father closed the door. As the
gold van pulled away from the Date home, Mr. Date
waved goodbye to his son...

"Everyone got their tickets?" Ryo asked his four
friends. Sage, Kento, Cye, and Rowen all nodded as
they showed Ryo their airline tickets. They had
already dropped off their luggage at the luggage
drop-off station and were now standing next to the
boarding entrance for the seven o'clock flight to New
York City. "Okay, let's go," Ryo announced as he and
his friends headed toward the boarding gates. "I'll
need to see your tickets and passports, please," the
stewardess at the gate requested. One by one, the five
boys handed their airline tickets and their passports
to the young woman. She studied the passports for a
few moments before handing them back. "Enjoy your
flight," the stewardess announced as the five friends
headed through the boarding gates.

"New York City, here we come!" Kento shouted out of
excitement. Ryo, Sage, Cye, and Rowen laughed a bit as
they followed Kento to the loading ramp. "Hey, Rowen,
what time are we going to land in New York?" Sage
asked. "Well, according to our time here in Japan, it
will be one-thirty in the afternoon when the plane
lands in New York," Rowen explained. "But, since we'll
be on a six and a half-hour flight through ten
separate time zones, the time in New York will be
eleven-thirty at night." "Whoa!" Ryo admitted with a
low whistle. "That's a pretty big time difference."
"Because of that time difference, we may experience a
bit of jet lag when we land in New York," Rowen
admitted as they boarded the plane.

"Please take your seats. We'll be taking off in ten
minutes," the airline stewardess instructed as the
five friends got on the plane. "I call the window
seat!" Kento announced as he got into his seat. Cye
shook his head as he took the seat next to Kento. Sage
sat down in the aisle seat next to Cye, while Ryo and
Rowen took seats behind them. "I think Kento's the
most excited out of all of us!" Cye remarked. "I think
we're all excited about this trip," Ryo admitted.
"None of us have ever been in the United States
before." "And there's a lot of places to see in New
York City, right, Rowen?" Sage asked as he looked over
the back of his seat at Rowen.

"Sure is," Rowen replied as he took out a small book
from his pocket that was entitled "Sights of New York
City" and opened it. "We got Ellis Island, the Statue
of Liberty, the Empire State Building, the Chrysler
Building, Central Park, the Metropolitan Museum of
Art, the Rockefeller Center, the Radio City Music
Hall..." "Geez, Rowen! Does the list ever end?" Kento
asked sarcastically. "I'm not finished yet," Rowen
retorted through clenched teeth, a bit irritated that
Kento interrupted him. "There's also Coney Island,
which is the huge beach and amusement center located
in Brooklyn, the Bronx Zoo, and of course, we're
definitely going to visit the American Museum of
Natural History and the Hayden Planetarium."

"Of course Rowen would want to waste part of our
vacation going to a couple of stupid museums," Kento
muttered angrily. "We wouldn't be wasting it, Kento,"
Rowen told him. "And from what I read, there's some
things in these museums that even you would be
interested in." "Yeah, right!" Kento retorted. "Chill,
Kento. We'll be staying in New York for a week," Sage
told him. "Yeah, Kento. Don't forget, we each get a
day to pick out places where we want to go," Cye
reminded his burly friend. "Yeah, but why does Rowen
get the first day?" Kento complained. "Because I won
the drawing we had yesterday, that's why," Rowen
pointed out.

Kento growled angrily to himself as he crossed his
arms. "So, what are the plans for tomorrow, Rowen?"
Ryo asked. "Well, I was thinking that after breakfast,
we can go on this boat tour that I read about," Rowen
explained. "It'll take us to Governors Island, then to
Ellis Island, and finally to Liberty Island, where the
Statue of Liberty is located, obviously. After we get
back to the city and have some lunch, we'll head over
to the Museum of Natural History and the Planetarium.
After that, we'll go eat dinner and head back to the
hotel. Whatever we do the day after that is all up to

"Hey, Rowen, have you ever considered getting a job as
a tour guide?" Kento asked jokingly. "You'd be really
good at it!" "Very funny, Kento," Rowen stated dully
as Ryo, Sage, and Cye snickered a little bit. "It's
not just the sights of New York City that I'm
interested in." "What else is there?" Cye asked
curiously. "Well, remember I mentioned my pen pal from
the United States, who's also an intellect like
myself?" Rowen asked. "Figures a geek would be pen
pals with a geek from another country!" Kento
retorted. "Anyway," Rowen continued after giving Kento
a quick dirty look, "my pen pal happens to live in New
York City."

"What's his name?" Ryo asked. "He has quite an unique
name: Donatello," Rowen revealed. "Donatello?" Cye
repeated. "Isn't that the name of one of the four
famous Renaissance painters?" "That is correct, Cye,"
Rowen replied. "In my last letter, I told Donatello
about our trip to New York and what hotel we're
staying at, so he can give me a call while we're
there." "Are you sure about this, Rowen?" Ryo asked
suspiciously. "What if he turns out to be some creep
who plans on kidnaping you or something?" "Don't worry
about it, Ryo," Rowen assured him. "I'm not stupid,
you know. I plan on asking Donatello to meet me in a
public place. If he turns out to be some creep, I
doubt he'll agree to that."

"I guess you're right, Rowen," Ryo reluctantly
admitted. "Just be careful, okay? And that goes for
everyone. I've heard that New York City can be a very
dangerous place." Just then, the PLEASE FASTEN
SEATBELTS sign lit up and a man's voice from the
intercom system announced, "Attention, passengers.
This is your captain speaking. We will be ready for
take-off shortly, so everyone please fasten your
seatbelts." The passengers all quickly clicked their
seatbelts together as instructed. "Here we go!" Kento
shouted as he and everyone else on the airplane felt
the massive craft start to slowly head down the

Meanwhile, somewhere in New York City, the sun was
slowly starting to go down. A young man dressed in
blue pants, dark brown boots, a tan trench coat, and a
brown hat was casually walking down the street,
carrying a single envelope, a magazine, and a small
package with him. He cut through the crowd of people
and entered a dark alleyway. When he approached a
metal sewer cover, the young man tucked the mail under
his arm and removed the sewer cover, revealing a metal
ladder leading down into the dank sewer system
underneath New York City. After quickly checking to
make sure no one was watching him, the young man
climbed down the ladder and carefully slid the sewer
cover back where it belonged.

"Better get back home before anyone gets worried about
me," the young man muttered to himself as he started
to walk down the dimly lit sewer tunnel. He zipped
through the confusing maze of tunnels with ease, as
though he had done it several times before. The young
man soon entered a room hidden within the complicated
labyrinth of sewer tunnels, with a couch, a beat-up
recliner, a coffee table, and a small television set.
"Hey, guys! I'm back!" the young man announced as he
placed the mail on the coffee table and took off his
hat. "About time, Donatello!" a voice shouted
sarcastically from the other room.

The young man looked up as three humanoid turtles
entered the room he was standing in. Each of the three
turtles were wearing belts with a distinct letter on
the circle-shaped buckle and different colored masks
with matching knee, wrist, and elbow pads. One turtle
had a L on his belt and was wearing blue, the second
turtle had a R on his belt and was wearing red, and
the third turtle had a M on his belt and was wearing
orange. "Nice to see you, too, Raphael," Donatello
muttered out loud to the turtle in red as he removed
the rubber mask he was wearing, revealing himself as a
humanoid turtle wearing a purple mask.

"What did we get, dude?" the turtle in orange asked as
Donatello picked up the mail. "Let me see..."
Donatello muttered thoughtfully as he sorted through
the mail. "Here's that skateboarding magazine you
ordered, Michelangelo," he announced as he handed the
magazine to the turtle in orange. "Awesome! I've been
waiting forever for this to come in!" Michelangelo
exclaimed as he plopped down on the couch and started
flipping through the magazine. "More like three weeks,
Michelangelo!" Raphael retorted. "I also got something
for you, Raphael," Donatello announced as he handed
the package to his brother. Raphael quickly tore off
the brown wrapping paper from the package to reveal a
thick yellow paperback book.

"All right!" Raphael cheered. "It's my very own copy
of 'A Thousand and One Ways to Insult Your Friends!' "
Donatello shook his head in disappointment as Raphael
sat next to Michelangelo and opened up his book. "Is
there anything else, Donatello?" the turtle in blue
asked as Donatello started to take off his trench
coat. "There's just a letter for me, Leonardo,"
Donatello told the turtle in blue as he took off his
boots and pants. "It's from my pen pal in Japan." "You
know, Donatello, you haven't told us much about this
pen pal of yours, even though you've been writing to
him for over a year now," Leonardo muttered
suspiciously as Donatello sat down in the recliner
with his letter in his hand.

"Yeah, well, I didn't feel like talking about him to
you guys," Donatello muttered out loud. "And why not,
Donatello?" Michelangelo asked as he and Raphael
looked up. "Well, it turns out that my pen pal, Rowen
Hashiba, is a genius like me!" Donatello admitted
proudly. "We're even the same age, give or take a few
months." "That's just great! Our geek writing to
another geek halfway around the world!" Raphael
retorted dully. Donatello pretended not to hear
Raphael as he opened the envelope and pulled out the
letter. As he read the letter, Donatello suddenly
gasped, "I can't believe this!" "What's wrong,
Donatello?" Leonardo asked.

"Nothing's wrong," Donatello admitted as a smile
formed on his face. "I just found out that Rowen is
coming to New York City for a whole week!" "Why? Is
there an international nerd convention in town?"
Raphael asked sarcastically. "No, he's spending part
of his summer vacation here with friends, Raphael,"
Donatello revealed. "He wants me to call him at the
hotel that he and his friends will be staying at."
"So, when is this Rowen dude getting here?"
Michelangelo asked. Donatello looked at the date of
arrival that was written in the letter and exclaimed,
"He's coming today!" "Aren't you gonna call him?"
Leonardo asked curiously.

"No, it'd be too late to call him today, Leonardo,"
Donatello confessed. "With the ten hour time
difference between here and Japan, it'll be
eleven-thirty at night when his plane finally lands in
New York City." "Whoa, dude! That's really late!"
Michelangelo admitted. "I'll try calling Rowen first
thing tomorrow morning," Donatello muttered out loud
as he stood up. "So, Michelangelo, what kind of pizza
are we having for dinner tonight?" "It's my absolute
fave, dudes: pepperoni and caramel fudge sauce!"
Michelangelo announced as he headed into the other
room, followed by the other Turtles...

"Kento? Kento, wake up!" Cye shouted as he shook his
friend's shoulder, who was still sleeping in one of
the two twin beds in the hotel room they shared. "Come
on, Cye! Leave me alone!" Kento mumbled groggily as he
rolled around to his other side. "Okay, but you asked
for it!" Cye warned him. The next thing Kento knew, he
got hit in the head with a pillow. "Oh, it's on now!"
Kento shouted as he stood up on his bed and swung his
pillow at Cye, knocking him down to the floor. He
jumped on the floor and grabbed Cye in a headlock.
"Come on, Kento! Let me go!" Cye complained. "I had to
wake you up! We're supposed to meet the guys
downstairs at nine for breakfast, and it's already
eight forty-five! Remember, Kento, it's an
all-you-can-eat breakfast buffet!"

"Why didn't you tell me sooner, Cye?" Kento asked as
he let go of Cye and ran to his duffel bag. As Cye sat
down on his bed and took in a few gasps of air, Kento
dug through his duffel bag and pulled out a yellow
T-shirt and jeans. "Just give me a few minutes, Cye,"
Kento announced as he went into the bathroom and
closed the door behind him. "While I'm waiting, I
might as well make the beds," Cye muttered out loud,
who was already dressed in clean clothes. "You better
be joking, Cye!" Kento retorted from the bathroom.
"We're in a hotel! Making the beds is the maid's job,

"Fine, then. I'll leave the beds alone," Cye replied
as he put on his sneakers. "Good for you, Cye. We
don't wanna put the maid out of a job," Kento added as
he opened the bathroom door, now wearing the yellow
T-shirt and jeans. As Kento grabbed his sneakers, he
and Cye heard a knock at the door. "Who is it?" Cye
asked. "It's Sage. What's taking you guys so long?"
Sage asked. "I figured that with Kento's appetite that
he would have been downstairs long before us!" "Very
funny, Sage," Kento muttered out loud as he put on his
sneakers. "I'm surprised you're still not tired. We
didn't get to our rooms till midnight!"

"Yeah, well, I'm a light sleeper, especially when I'm
sleeping in an unfamiliar bed," Sage admitted. "Now,
will you two speed it up? Ryo and Rowen are waiting
downstairs for us." "Okay, we're coming," Cye replied
as he and Kento walked to the door and opened it. "You
got the keys?" Kento asked as Cye closed the door
behind them. "They're right here," Cye replied as he
took the hotel key out of his pocket and locked the
door. As Cye put the key back in his pocket, he,
Kento, and Sage headed toward the elevator...

"Take it easy, Kento!" Cye retorted as Kento chowed
down on a huge stack of blueberry pancakes smothered
with melted butter and maple syrup. "Hey, I'm gonna
need the energy," Kento argued. "We're gonna be
walking all over New York City today, Cye!" "Kento,
we’re taking a bus to the docks," Ryo remarked. "That
doesn't count as walking." "And another thing, if you
could, you would eat like this every day, Kento!" Sage
pointed out sarcastically, causing a round of
snickering from Ryo, Cye, and Rowen. "Ha, ha, ha! Very
funny, guys," Kento retorted dryly before he continued
eating his pancakes.

"You better speed it up, Kento," Rowen warned his
burly friend. "The boat tour starts at ten, and the
bus for the docks leaves the hotel at nine-thirty. I'm
not going to miss this tour because of your bottomless
pit of a stomach, Kento!" "He's got the 'bottomless
pit' part right," Cye admitted as he tried to muffle
his snickering. The five friends were so occupied that
they didn't notice a man in his forties wearing a
hotel uniform approaching them with a cordless
telephone in his hand. "Excuse me, but would one of
you young men happen to be Rowen Hashiba?" the man
asked. "That would be me," Rowen announced.

"You have a telephone call, Mr. Hashiba," the man
revealed as he handed the telephone to Rowen. "When
you're finished, please return the phone to the front
desk." "I will. Thank you, sir," Rowen replied as the
man nodded his head and walked away. "Hello, this is
Rowen," he replied through the phone. Ryo, Cye, Sage,
and Kento strained their ears to listen to the caller,
to see if they could recognize his voice. "This is
Rowen Hashiba I'm speaking to, from Toyama, Japan,
correct?" the caller's voice asked, which was
unfamiliar to Rowen's friends. "Yes, it is," Rowen

"Hey, Rowen! This is your pen pal, Donatello!" the
caller announced. "Donatello?" Rowen exclaimed. "It's
good to hear from you." "Same here, Rowen," Donatello
replied. "How are you enjoying your vacation?"
"Running pretty smoothly so far," Rowen replied as he,
Ryo, Cye, Kento, and Sage got up from the table and
walked toward the lobby. "That's good," Donatello
admitted. "I know that New York City has a bad
reputation, but it's really not as bad as most people
think." "Listen, Donatello, I hate to end this
conversation so abruptly, but my friends and I are
getting ready to do some sight-seeing in a few
minutes," Rowen revealed.
"If you don't mind me asking, where are you guys
going?" Donatello asked curiously. "We're taking this
boat tour to Governors Island, Ellis Island, and
Liberty Island," Rowen explained. "Sounds
interesting," Donatello admitted. "Hey, I got an idea.
Why don't you come with us, Donatello?" Rowen
suggested. There was a pause of silence for a few
moments, as though Donatello was thinking about the
proposal. "Well...I'll have to ask my father first,
but I think I might be able to join you," Donatello
finally answered. "All right then. If you can make it,
we're taking the ten o'clock boat tour," Rowen
explained. "You know how to get there, right?"

"Are you kidding?" Donatello asked. "I know this city
inside out." "All right then. Hope to see you there,
Donatello," Rowen admitted. "Goodbye for now."
"Goodbye, Rowen," Donatello replied before hanging up
the payphone he used to call the hotel with. He let
out a deep sigh before he pulled his Turtle Com out of
his pants' pocket and turned it on. Almost instantly,
Leonardo's face appeared on the Turtle Com's
mini-screen. "What's going on, Donatello?" Leonardo
asked. "I need to talk to Master Splinter, Leonardo.
Can you get him on the Turtle Com for me?" Donatello
asked. "Sure thing, Donatello," Leonardo agreed as he
got up from the couch. "Just hold on a minute, okay?"

Leonardo walked out of the room, went through the
small kitchen, and entered a third room that he and
the other Turtles used to practice their moves.
Sitting on a small mat in deep meditation was a large
brown humanoid rat dressed in a dark pink kimono with
a black sash tied around his waist and white bandages
wrapped around his feet. Lying next to the humanoid
rat was a wooden walking stick. "Master Splinter?"
Leonardo asked as he cautiously approached the giant
rat. "Yes, Leonardo?" Splinter asked as he opened his
eyes. "I'm sorry for interrupting your meditation,
Master, but Donatello needs to ask you something,"
Leonardo explained as he handed Splinter his Turtle
Com. "What is it, Donatello?" Splinter asked

"Master Splinter, I just got off the phone with my pen
pal, and he wants to meet me," Donatello revealed.
"Would it be all right with you if I go down to the
docks to meet Rowen?" "Go ahead, Donatello, but please
be careful," Splinter approved. "Don't worry, Master
Splinter. I'll be careful," Donatello assured his
sensei. "Donatello out." He turned off his Turtle Com
and put it back in his pocket. Donatello cautiously
looked around to make sure no one was watching him,
then he put on his rubber mask, followed by a purple
wool hat. "Let's see, I got less than thirty minutes
before that boat tour leaves," Donatello muttered to
himself as he checked his watch. "I better get going."
With that, the disguised Turtle got on his skateboard
and sped through Central Park...

"I wonder what could be taking him so long," Rowen
muttered out loud as he leaned against the boat's rail
and studied the people boarding the boat, hoping
silently that one of them would turn out to be his pen
pal. "Don't worry, Rowen. I'm sure he'll show up
soon," Cye assured Rowen, who was standing next to
him. "You know, maybe Donatello couldn't come," Ryo
suggested, who was sitting on a bench on the boat's
deck, along with Sage and Kento. "He did say that he
had to ask his father for permission first." "Yeah, I
guess you're right," Rowen admitted. "I'm gonna get a
soda. You guys want anything?"

"No thanks, Rowen," Sage replied. "Since you're going,
could you get me a soda, too?" Kento asked. "Sure,
Kento," Rowen replied. Kento took some change out of
his pocket and handed it to Rowen. "I'll be back in a
few minutes, guys." With that, Rowen walked off of the
boat and headed to a soda machine a few yards away
from the dock. "Hey, guys. Check that out!" Ryo
remarked as he pointed at a fast moving figure heading
towards the dock. Sage, Cye, and Kento looked up and
realized that the figure was a young teenage boy on a
skateboard. He was wearing blue pants, dark brown
boots, a purple sweater, and a matching wool hat.
"Wow! That's pretty awesome!" Kento admitted as he
watched the teenage boy use a telephone pole to turn
himself toward the ticket booth.

The four boys continued to watch as the teenage boy
used a tic-tac maneuver to stop himself. He picked up
the skateboard and headed to the ticket booth. After
getting his ticket for the boat tour, the teenage boy
got on the boat. "Mind if I sit here for a minute?" he
asked Ryo, Sage, and Kento. "Sure, go ahead," Ryo
admitted as they moved over. "Thanks a lot," the
teenage boy admitted as he sat down on the end of the
bench and took in a deep breath of air. "I needed
that." "Well, you made it just in time," Sage remarked
as the remaining people on the dock quickly got on
board. "You better hurry it up, Rowen, or the boat's
gonna leave without you!" Cye shouted. "Did you say
Rowen?" the teenage boy asked curiously. "Yeah, I did.
Why do you ask?" Cye asked.

"You wouldn't happen to be Donatello, would you?" Ryo
asked curiously. "Yeah, that's me," Donatello
confessed. "How did you know?" "Rowen told us about
you," Sage admitted. "Oh, you guys must be his
friends," Donatello realized. "Rowen did mention that
he was coming to New York City with four of his
friends." "Hey, guys! I'm back!" the five boys heard
Rowen shout. They all looked up at Rowen, who was
carrying two cans of soda. "Here you go, Kento," Rowen
announced as he handed Kento one of the soda cans.
"Hey, Rowen!" Donatello greeted as he stood up.
"Donatello?" Rowen asked, who was a bit surprised to
see his pen pal face-to-face. "Yeah, that's me,"
Donatello replied. "I was just talking to your friends
here. Sorry, but I didn't get your names."

"This is Ryo, Sage, and Kento, and this guy over here
is Cye," Rowen introduced. "Nice to meet you all,"
Donatello replied. "You have some pretty cool
skateboarding moves...for a geek," Kento admitted.
"Kento! That was uncalled for!" Cye retorted. "It's
okay," Donatello told him. "I get stuff like that from
my brothers all the time, especially Raphael." "Your
parents seem to have a liking for Renaissance
painters," Cye remarked. "Yeah, I guess you can say
that," Donatello admitted. "I also have two other
brothers named Leonardo and Michelangelo." Just then,
the boat let out a loud deep bellow that startled the
teenage boys, except for Donatello. "Don't worry,
guys. The boat's just getting ready to leave,"
Donatello explained as the boat slowly pulled away
from the docks...

"Not to insult your friend, Kento, but I've never seen
anyone scarf pizza down so fast! Well, except for
Michelangelo," Donatello whispered to Rowen as they
left Tony's Pizzeria with Ryo, Sage, Cye, and Kento.
"It's no big deal, Donatello. Kento eats like that all
the time," Rowen admitted. "Every day, I'm becoming
more convinced that he's a human ruminant!" Donatello
snickered over Rowen's remark. "Maybe it's the same
case with Michelangelo!" "What did you call me,
Rowen?" Kento asked angrily. "Nothing, Kento. I just
said that I think you may be a human ruminant," Rowen
confessed. "And what the heck does that mean?" Kento
asked loudly. "It refers to an animal with four
stomachs, like a cow, for example," Donatello
"That would explain you endless appetite, Kento!" Cye
retorted sarcastically, which caused a round of
snickering from Ryo, Sage, Rowen, and Donatello.
"Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up, guys," Kento muttered out
loud. "Come on, you guys," Rowen interrupted. "We got
to catch the next bus to the Museum of Natural
History." "That's not entirely necessary, Rowen,"
Donatello announced. "The museum's only a couple of
blocks away. It'd be quicker to walk, especially
around this time of day. Traffic can get really backed
up around noontime." "Well, if you say so, Donatello,"
Rowen replied. "The museum's this way. Just follow
me," Donatello announced as he led the five teenage
boys down the sidewalk...

Meanwhile, several miles below the surface of New York
City, a gigantic white tank shaped like a sphere with
a huge eyeball on top and massive steel weapons laid
in a massive pool of red-hot lava. Inside the giant
tank was a complicated maze of halls and rooms. One of
the rooms was much larger than the others with three
glass tunnels attached to one of the walls and a giant
wide-screen television monitor. A six-foot humanoid
robot was studying a large power generator he had
finished building. The robot was flesh-colored with
steel wrist and ankle bands, steel shoulder plates,
red shoes, and red briefs. Inside an open yellow
compartment in the robot's stomach was a giant pink
alien brain with a pair of tentacles, a mouth with
small sharp teeth, and lavender eyes.

"Shredder! Get in here!" the alien brain shouted. A
man soon entered the main control room of the massive
tank. He was wearing black pants, black boots, a
charcoal gray tank top, a purple cape, steel gauntlets
with long steel prawns, and steel shin and shoulder
plates covered with sharp steel claws. The man known
as Shredder was also wearing a steel helmet and mask,
which covered his head and all of his face, except for
his eyes. "What is it, Krang?" Shredder asked the
alien brain. "I need you and those mutant nincompoops
of yours to go to the surface," Krang announced. "What
for?" Shredder asked.

"This power generator needs five different gem stones
for its power source," Krang explained, pointing at
the generator. "Once it's activated, my new generator
will have enough power to raise the Techno-Drome to
the surface!" "Fine, Krang. What gem stones do you
need?" Shredder asked. "For starters, get me the
largest emerald in the world. You'll find it on
display at the Museum of Natural History," Krang
explained. "Bebop! Rocksteady! Get in here!" Shredder

Immediately, two mutants ran into the main control
room. One was a humanoid warthog with a purple Mohawk
and a silver nose ring. He was wearing purple
sunglasses, an open red vest, a necklace made of
bones, a pair of shoulder pads shaped like turtle
shells, dark gray wristbands, black pants, and
red-and-white sneakers. The other mutant was a
humanoid rhinoceros with yellow eyes. He was wearing a
yellow tank top, light brown cargo pants, a brown
belt, light brown leather wristbands, and dark brown
boots. "Yeah, boss?" the humanoid rhinoceros asked as
he and the humanoid warthog stopped in front of

"We're going to the surface. Bebop, round up the Foot
Soldiers!" Shredder ordered the humanoid warthog.
"Sure thing, boss," Bebop replied with a snort as he
ran out of the main control room. "Rocksteady, get the
modules ready!" Shredder ordered the mutant
rhinoceros. "Right, boss," Rocksteady replied as he
headed toward the glass tubes, where three strange
cylinder-shaped vehicles were parked, each with a huge
drill at one end. "You better not fail me again,
Shredder," Krang warned Shredder. "Don't worry about
it, Krang," Shredder assured the alien brain. "You'll
get your emerald."

"I'm back, boss," Bebop announced with a snort as he
came back into the main control room. He was followed
by fifteen robots dressed in black and purple ninja
uniforms, black boots, and purple hoods that
completely covered their heads. "Let's go now,"
Shredder announced as he headed toward the three
modules, with Bebop and the Foot Soldiers following
him. Rocksteady had just opened the side door of the
third module. Shredder entered one of the modules with
five of the ninja robots. Rocksteady entered the
second module with five more Foot Soldiers, and Bebop
entered the last module with the remaining robots.
Krang stood by and watched as the three modules left
through the glass tubes...


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