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Not Quite Human
Chapter 2: The Secret Comes Out
By Dreamcatcher

"Whoa! That is one big rock!" Kento exclaimed. The six
boys were in the space exhibit, looking at a giant
rock supported on metal posts. "That's no mere rock,
Kento. That's a meteorite," Rowen revealed as he read
the sign next to the display. "According to this, this
particular meteorite is just a small fragment off of a
much larger meteor that's still floating somewhere in
outer space." "How much does this meteorite weigh?"
Cye asked curiously. "Over three tons!" Donatello
announced. "That's over six thousand pounds!" Ryo,
Cye, Sage, and Kento gasped when thy heard this.
"That's pretty awesome!" Kento admitted as they left
the space exhibit.

"See, Kento? I told you that there were some things in
the Museum of Natural History that even you would be
interested in," Rowen remarked. "Yeah, I guess it's
not that bad," Kento reluctantly admitted. "Looks like
there's hope for you yet, Kento," Cye remarked. Rowen
glanced over at Donatello, who was suspiciously
looking around the main lobby that they had just
entered. "Is there something wrong, Donatello?" Rowen
asked curiously. "Nothing, I guess. It's just that I
expected the museum to be more crowded," Donatello
explained. "Even on a Sunday, there's usually a bigger
crowd around here. We're practically the only ones

"Why are you making such a big deal out of it?" Ryo
asked. "I've been to the Museum of Natural History a
ton of times, and even on slow days, there's bigger
crowds than this. I have a feeling that's something's
up," Donatello muttered thoughtfully. "Well, since
it's around noontime, a lot of people must be out for
lunch now," Rowen pointed out. "I guess that would
explain why the museum's not so busy," Donatello
admitted. "Hey, Donatello? Since you know so much
about this place, where's the dinosaur exhibit?" Kento
asked. "It's straight ahead. Just follow me,"
Donatello instructed as the six boys cut through the
main lobby.

Donatello and his five friends never noticed something
unusual going on in the security office, which they
passed on their way to the dinosaur exhibit. "Hurry it
up, Bebop!" Rocksteady complained. "We have to meet
the boss in the gem room with the Foot Soldiers!"
"Hold on! I'm almost done," Bebop muttered out loud as
he finished tying up one of the two security guards.
The two security guards had their hands and legs tied,
and their mouths gagged. "There. Finished," Bebop
announced as he finished tying the last knot. "Come
on! Let's meet the boss!" Rocksteady announced as he
headed for the door, followed by Bebop.

Rocksteady slowly opened the door a little bit and
stuck his head out. He looked around to see if anyone
was there, but all he could see was a group of six
teenage boys looking at a skeleton of a tyrannosaurus
rex, with their backs turned to him. "Come on, Bebop.
Let's get going," Rocksteady whispered. He slowly
opened the door all the way and crept out into the
lobby, followed by Bebop. Bebop turned around and
accidentally slammed the door behind him. Rocksteady
and Bebop froze dead in their tracks, hoping that
neither of the six boys would turn around.

After a few agonizing moments, the two mutants
realized that the boys didn't hear them. "Phew! That
was close!" Bebop whispered as he let out a huge sigh
of relief. "Way to go, you dolt!" Rocksteady whispered
loudly as he smacked Bebop upside the head. "Huh?"
Donatello muttered to himself. He had just heard a
familiar voice coming from the lobby. He carefully
turned his head to see who it was and gasped loudly
when he recognized the two mutants tiptoeing in the
opposite direction. Bebop and Rocksteady! What are
they doing here? And how did they get past all of the
security? Donatello thought.

"Donatello, is there something wrong?" Rowen asked
curiously. "Umm...nothing," Donatello lied. "Excuse me
for a minute. I need to use the bathroom. I'll catch
up with you guys later, okay?" "Sure, Donatello,"
Rowen replied as he, Ryo, Cye, Kento, and Sage walked
further into the dinosaur exhibit, while Donatello
headed back into the lobby. Rowen turned around and
was surprised to see Donatello walk right past the
restrooms. That's strange. Donatello said that he knew
the Museum of Natural History like the back of his
hand, so of course he'd know where the bathroom
is...unless he was covering up for something else,
Rowen thought.

Donatello carefully walked down the lobby and
approached the security office. He peered through the
glass window in the door and gasped when he saw the
two security guards tied up. "So that's how they did
it," Donatello muttered thoughtfully. He looked at the
entrance to the gem room, where Bebop and Rocksteady
went. "I better see what they're up to," Donatello
told himself as he slowly crept up to the doorway and
entered the gem room. He knelt behind a small
guardrail surrounding the room and carefully peered
over the top. "Shredder! And the Foot Soldiers!"
Donatello gasped.

"Hurry up, you numbskulls! We don't have all day!"
Shredder shouted at Bebop and Rocksteady as they
quickly approached him and the fifteen Foot Soldiers.
"Sorry, boss," Bebop apologized with a snort. "Did you
remember to turn off the alarms?" Shredder asked. "We
sure did, boss," Rocksteady replied. "You better have.
If the alarm goes off, the police will be here in no
time!" Shredder warned his mutants as he glass case
covering the huge green gemstone. Using the sharp
metal prawns on his steel gauntlets, Shredder slowly
started to carve a circle in the glass.

"I better let the Turtles know about this," Donatello
muttered to himself as he took out his Turtle Com and
turned it on. "This is Donatello. Come in, guys!"
"Raphael here. What's going on, Donatello?" Raphael
asked. "You and the others need to come to the Museum
of Natural History right away!" Donatello whispered.
"Why? So you can give some boring lecture on a new
exhibit?" Raphael retorted. "No, Raphael. Shredder and
his goons are here!" Donatello whispered. "What? No
way!" Raphael exclaimed. "It's true, Raphael,"
Donatello explained. "I need you to get here right
away, along with Leonardo and Michelangelo." "You got
it, Donatello. We're on our way!" Raphael announced
before turning off his Turtle Com.

Donatello put away his Turtle Com and peered over the
guardrail again. He could see that Shredder had
finished cutting the circle in the glass. Shredder
made a fist and punched the circle he just made, which
knocked out the portion of glass. "Quickly, get the
emerald!" Shredder ordered Bebop. "Right, boss," Bebop
replied. As the mutant warthog carefully reached into
the glass case to pull out the emerald, Donatello
whispered to himself, "I have to stop Shredder! If I
wait any longer, he's gonna get away!" He reached
behind him and was about to pull out the bo that was
concealed underneath his clothes when he suddenly felt
a hand on his shoulder.

"Huh? Rowen?" Donatello gasped when he saw his
blue-haired friend crouched down next to him. "What
are you doing here?" "I was about to ask you the same
question, Donatello. What's going on?" Rowen asked
curiously. Donatello hesitated for a few moments,
wondering whether he should tell Rowen the truth about
the creeps in the same room as them and himself. "You
see that guy dressed like a human can opener, Rowen?"
Donatello asked as he and Rowen both peered over the
edge of the guardrail. Rowen slowly nodded his head.
"That guy is known as the Shredder. He's bad news,"
Donatello explained.

"So he's a criminal?" Rowen asked. "Sure is,"
Donatello replied. "You probably saw for yourself that
his mutant henchmen tied up the museum's security
guards. Unless we do something, Shredder's gonna get
away with that emerald." "Then we have to stop him,"
Rowen announced, which caught Donatello a bit off
guard. "You have an idea?" Donatello asked. "I sure
do. Those mutants aren't exactly on the bright side,
are they?" Rowen asked. "You definitely got that
right," Donatello muttered out loud. "Then we can use
that to our advantage, Donatello. You wouldn't happen
to have some rope on you, would you?" Rowen asked.

While Rowen and Donatello were quickly formulating a
plan, Bebop was carefully pulling the emerald out of
the glass case. "I got it!" Bebop shouted triumphantly
as he held up the emerald. "Excellent! Now let's get
back to the Techno-Drome," Shredder announced. "I
don't think so!" a voice shouted from somewhere in the
room. "Who was that?" Rocksteady asked as he, Bebop,
Shredder, and the Foot Soldiers looked around the
room. "Up here, you boneheads!" Rowen shouted. The
group of thieves looked up and saw the blue-haired
teenage boy standing by the entrance.

Shredder laughed sinisterly at the sight of Rowen.
"And how do you plan on stopping us, little man?" he
asked sarcastically. "I'll have you know that the
police are already on their way here," Rowen lied.
"He's bluffing. Rocksteady, Bebop, get him!" Shredder
ordered his two mutant henchmen. "You got it, boss!"
Rocksteady agreed as he and Bebop started to walk
toward Rowen. "Rowen, who's holding the emerald?"
Donatello whispered, who was concealed behind the
guardrail. "That huge mutant warthog has it," Rowen
whispered just loud enough for Donatello to hear. "You
got to make him come to you, so we can get the emerald
away from him," Donatello instructed. "Gotcha," Rowen

"You're gonna get it now, Little Boy Blue!" Bebop
remarked sarcastically with a snort. "I'd like to see
you try, pig face!" Rowen shouted. Bebop was obviously
ticked off by Rowen's insult. "You're about to get
mashed, wimp!" Bebop shouted as he charged towards
Rowen. When Bebop was just a few feet away from him,
Rowen shouted, "Now!" Donatello quickly responded by
pulling the rope in his hands. The rope was quickly
pulled taunt across the entrance in front of Bebop.
Before he could stop himself, Bebop tripped over the
rope and dropped the emerald in the process, which
skidded across the lobby floor.

"Hurry, let's go now!" Donatello shouted as he let go
of the rope. As Rowen and Donatello ran into the lobby
after the emerald, Shredder shouted, "After them, you
klutz!" "Sure thing, boss," Bebop muttered out loud as
he stood up. "I got it," Rowen replied as he picked up
the emerald from the floor. "We better find your
friends and let them know what's going on," Donatello
announced. "Right," Rowen agreed as he and Donatello
ran toward the dinosaur exhibit. "Rowen, Donatello,
where have you two been?" Cye asked curiously when he
saw Rowen and Donatello running towards him, Kento,
Ryo, and Sage.

"Whoa! Where the heck did you get that from?" Kento
asked suspiciously, pointing at the emerald in Rowen's
hand. "There's no time to explain, guys," Rowen
interrupted as he put the emerald in his pocket.
"There are some thieves in the museum that are after
this emerald." "Where are the security guards?" Sage
asked. "Shredder's goons already tied them up,"
Donatello replied. "Shredder? Who's that?" Ryo asked.
"Him!" Rowen shouted as he pointed at the entrance to
the lobby. Ryo, Sage, Kento, Cye, and Donatello looked
up and gasped when they saw Shredder, Bebop,
Rocksteady, and the Foot Soldiers blocking the

"Hey, it's a walking can opener!" Kento retorted with
a snicker. "Silence, boy!" Shredder shouted. "He's got
some nerve, calling me a boy!" Kento remarked angrily
as he started to charge towards Shredder. "Kento,
don't!" Cye shouted as he and Sage held Kento back.
"Now, give me that emerald!" Shredder demanded.
"You'll have to catch us first!" Ryo shouted as he,
Sage, Kento, Cye, Rowen, and Donatello ran through the
dinosaur exhibit. "After them!" Shredder ordered
Bebop, Rocksteady, and the Foot Soldiers. "With great
pleasure, Master Shredder," Rocksteady agreed as he,
Bebop, the Foot Soldiers, and Shredder ran after the
teenage boys.

"We have to lose those creeps, but how?" Sage asked as
he and his five friends continued running down the
corridor. "We'll have to split up. That way, it'll be
easier to lose them," Donatello suggested. "There's an
intersection coming up!" When the six boys
reached the intersection in the corridor, Ryo and Sage
turned left, Rowen and Donatello turned right, and
Kento and Cye ran straight ahead. "Blast it! They've
split up!" Shredder shouted as he, his army of fifteen
Foot Soldiers, and two mutants stopped at the
intersection. "That kid with the blue hair could have
passed that emerald to any one of his friends!"

"What do we do now, boss?" Bebop asked. "We have no
choice but to split up and hunt those boys down one by
one until they hand over that emerald to us," Shredder
muttered thoughtfully. "Rocksteady, you head down the
right corridor. Bebop, you go straight ahead. I'll
take the corridor on the left. Now, get going!" "Yes,
Master Shredder," Bebop replied as he headed down the
corridor with five Foot Soldiers. Rocksteady ran down
the right corridor, followed by five more Foot
Soldiers, while Shredder ran down the left corridor
with the remaining Foot Soldiers...

"Hurry, Sage, in here!" Ryo shouted as he ran into a
large room, followed by Sage. "What is this place?"
Sage asked as they walked past display cases of
antique oriental weapons and armor. "It must be the
feudal Japan exhibit that I heard about," Ryo muttered
out loud as they walked through the room. "Hey, Ryo,
maybe we can use some of these weapons to fight back,"
Sage suggested as he studied a display case containing
decorative antique katanas and battle swords. "No,
Sage. It would be wrong to use these weapons," Ryo
protested. "That would be disrespecting our
ancestors." "What else are we supposed to do, Ryo?"
Sage asked. "We can't transform into our armor here,
and we can't keep running from those creeps. We have
to fight back."
"I'd like to see you try!" a familiar voice shouted.
Ryo and Sage turned around and gasped when they saw
Shredder and five of his ninja soldiers standing in
the doorway. "It's that Shredder guy again!" Sage
shouted. "Now, which one of you has the emerald?"
Shredder asked. "Try and guess, metal head!" Ryo
shouted as he and Sage stood ready to fight off
Shredder and his Foot Soldiers. "If you want it that
way...Foot Soldiers, attack!" Shredder ordered his
ninja soldiers. The Foot Soldiers responded by lifting
up their laser blasters and firing them at Ryo and

"Jump!" Sage shouted. Ryo and Sage quickly jumped out
of the way of the red lasers, which reflected off the
glass protecting the feudal weapons. "You're going
down!" Ryo shouted as he charged toward two of the
Foot Soldiers. He jumped high above their heads,
landed behind them, and quickly punched the two Foot
Soldiers in the face, knocking them down to the floor.
"Sorry to do this, Ryo, but desperate times call for
desperate measures!" Sage muttered out loud as he
grabbed a fire extinguisher and used it to break the
glass covering the Japanese swords. He took out a long
battle sword and a pair of katanas from the display

"Hey, Ryo! Catch!" Sage shouted as he threw the
katanas high in the air. The pair of twin swords flew
over all of the Foot Soldiers' heads and Ryo caught
both of them by the handles. "Now, this is more like
it!" Ryo admitted as he removed the katanas from their
sheaths. The two Foot Soldiers got back up and fired
their laser blasters at Ryo. Ryo quickly responded by
crossing the twin blades in the form of an X. The red
lasers reflected off of the katanas' blades and headed
back to the Foot Soldiers. To Ryo's surprise, the
lasers burned large holes through the Foot Soldiers'
stomachs, revealing metal parts, wires, and circuitry.
"What the...Hey, Sage! These soldiers are robots!" Ryo

"Then we should have no problem taking care of them,
Ryo," Sage replied as he removed the battle sword from
its sheath. "I'll handle these robots, Sage. Think you
can take on that Shredder guy?" Ryo asked as he swung
his katanas at the two Foot Soldiers with the holes in
their stomachs, cutting them both in half. "You got
it, Ryo," Sage replied as he turned his attention
toward Shredder."You'll find me more of a challenge
than you think, boy!" Shredder muttered sinisterly as
he withdrew his own sword from the sheath attached to
his belt. "The same goes for me, too, chrome face!"
Sage shouted.

"You will pay for that insult!" Shredder shouted as he
swung his sword at Sage's feet in an attempt to trip
him. Sage quickly jumped over the razor-sharp blade
and swung his sword at Shredder. Shredder quickly used
his sword to black Sage's sword. "I must admit, you
have excellent fighting skills for someone so young,"
Shredder admitted. "Perhaps you would be interested in
joining my gang of Foot Soldiers." "Thanks for the
offer, but I'll pass," Sage retorted. As the two were
locked in combat, Ryo was continuing to fight off the
three remaining Foot Soldiers. "Sage, I can use a
little help here," Ryo shouted as he chopped one of
the Foot Soldiers' laser blasters in half. "I'm a
little busy here, Ryo," Sage muttered out loud as he
blocked another swing from Shredder's sword.

"Perhaps I can be of some help!" a voice shouted from
above them. Ryo gasped when a giant turtle wearing a
blue mask dropped down from the ceiling."It's one of
those wretched reptiles! Just what I need!" Shredder
retorted under his breath as he continued his sword
fight with Sage. "Who or what are you?" Ryo asked as
Leonardo removed his katanas from behind his shell.
"There's no time to explain," Leonardo interrupted.
"First, we have to take care of these Foot Soldiers.
Hi-ya!" Leonardo somersaulted over one of the
remaining Foot Soldiers, turned around, and swung his
katanas at his waist, cutting him in half.

"Look out!" Ryo shouted when the two remaining Foot
Soldiers started firing their laser blaster at him and
Leonardo. "Quickly, do exactly as I do!" Leonardo
instructed as he held up his katanas. "You got it,"
Ryo agreed. "Now!" Leonardo shouted as he swung his
katana at the incoming lasers, followed by Ryo. The
lasers reflected off of their katanas and headed right
back to the remaining Foot Soldiers, causing them to
explode into piles of singed metal bits and fabric.
"All right! We smoked them!" Ryo admitted. "Leave the
Shredder to me! You two get out of here and call the
police!" Leonardo instructed.

"Okay, if you say so," Ryo replied as he dropped the
katanas. "Come on, Sage! Let's get out of here and
find our friends!" "I'm right behind you, Ryo!" Sage
shouted as he dropped his sword and followed Ryo out
of the room. "I'll get them later, but for now, I'll
finish you off, shellback!" Shredder shouted as he
charged at Leonardo. "I don't think so, Shred-Head!
Turtles fight with honor!" Leonardo shouted as he
blocked Shredder's sword with his katanas. "And I
fight dirty!" Shredder retorted as he tried to trip
Leonardo with a roundhouse kick. Leonardo quickly
jumped high in the air to avoid Shredder's cheap

"Those two kids has gotta be in here somewheres,"
Bebop muttered out loud as he and his five Foot
Soldiers entered a large room. The room contained
several displays of stuffed African animals protected
by panels of Plexiglas. In the center of the room was
a display of a massive African bull elephant. "Check
the displays for 'em!" Bebop ordered the Foot
Soldiers. The ninja robots nodded as they started to
carefully examine the displays. They were all unaware
that someone was watching them. "What's going on out
there, Cye?" Kento whispered to his friend, who was
peering over the edge of the elephant display. "Those
Foot Soldiers and that huge warthog are searching for
us, Kento," Cye whispered. "We best be getting out of

"I don't get why we can't just transform into our
armors and take care of those ugly creeps!" Kento
whispered a bit angrily as he smacked his fist in his
other hand. "Not a good idea, Kento. It's not like
we're fighting Talpa all over again. This is
different," Cye whispered. "Besides, this museum has
security cameras recording our every move. Who knows
how the people of this country would react if they see
five foreign visitors transform into mystical armor?
They'll think we're some sort of threat to the nation
and send the armed forces after us!"
"I guess you're right, Cye," Kento mumbled to himself.

"I found youse!" Bebop announced gleefully. Kento and
Cye turned around and gasped when they saw the mutant
warthog standing on the elephant display behind them.
He jumped down from the display and landed on the
marble floor. "Oh, great! It's that ugly excuse for a
football again!" Kento retorted. "You wimps are about
to get mashed!" Bebop shouted angrily. Before he could
grab Cye and Kento, a voice from above them shouted,
"Cowabunga!" Bebop looked up and gasped loudly when a
giant turtle wearing an orange mask swung down from
the second floor on a rope and kicked him hard,
sending him flying until he collided with the wall.
"Who the heck are you?" Kento asked. "I'll explain it
later, man," Michelangelo interrupted. "Gotta take
care of those Foot Soldiers first!" Michelangelo
looked up at the second floor, cupped his hands over
his mouth, and shouted, "Yo, Raphael! Come on down and
join the party!" "You got it, Michelangelo! Bonsai!"
another voice shouted as a second turtle wearing a red
mask swung down from the same rope and landed in front
of Kento and Cye. "What are you guys?" Cye asked.
"Don't tell me you never heard of the Teenage Mutant
Ninja Turtles?" Raphael asked. "Afraid not," Cye
replied as he and Kento shook their heads no.

"What did you expect, dude?" Michelangelo asked
Raphael. "They're from way, way outta town!" "And
youse shellbacks are gonna be turtle mush!" Bebop
shouted as he stood up. "Get them!" The five Foot
Soldiers quickly surrounded Cye, Kento, Raphael, and
Michelangelo. "Let's see, six against two. My kind of
odds!" Raphael admitted as he and Michelangelo took
out their weapons. "Don't you mean six against four?"
Cye asked. "No offense, dudes, but let us handle this,
okay?" Michelangelo asked. "We've had plenty of
experience dealing with these guys." "What makes you
think we can't fight them?" Kento retorted.

"Save it for later, okay?" Raphael interrupted when he
saw two Foot Soldiers charging towards them. "Hey,
dudes? What goes quack-quack?" Michelangelo asked.
"That's easy. A duck," Cye replied. "Exactamundo!"
Michelangelo shouted as he and Raphael intentionally
fell back on their shells and used their feet to send
the two Foot Soldiers flying. "Now I get it. Get down,
Kento!" Cye shouted. The two boys dropped down to the
ground as the Foot Soldiers flew over them and crashed
onto the marble floor behind them. Kento and Cye
turned around and gasped when they saw two small piles
of smoldering metal parts and fabric.

"Those ninjas were robots?" Kento gasped loudly out of
shock. "Exactamundo, dudes!" Michelangelo replied with
a grin as he spun his nunchucks around. Meanwhile, two
Foot Soldiers had cornered Raphael. "Have you two ever
met face-to-face?" Raphael asked sarcastically as he
grabbed the Foot Soldiers by their heads and smacked
them together, smashing them both into little pieces.
"They just don't make them like they used to." Raphael
was startled when Bebop started firing his laser
blaster at him. "I don't think so!" Raphael shouted as
he threw one of his sais at Bebop. "Hey! No fair!"
Bebop complained as the sai implanted itself into his
laser blaster, causing it to blow up in his hands.

"Come on, Cye! We can take those robots, even without
our armor," Kento admitted. "I'm right behind you!"
Cye shouted. Together, the two boys talked the last
Foot Soldier and punched him repeatedly in the head,
which soon exploded from the damage they caused.
"Bebop, you're about to get injured by a ninja!"
Michelangelo shouted as he, Raphael, Kento, and Cye
surrounded the mutant warthog. "Umm...I just
remembered something. I'm late for, umm...a dentist
appointment! Mama!" Bebop shouted as he ran out of the
room as fast as he could. "We sure took care of old
hog-breath, huh, Michelangelo?" Raphael asked. "We
sure did, dude!" Michelangelo agreed as they exchanged
a high three. "Hey, we helped out, too!" Kento pointed

"Knock it off, Kento! We have to find our friends,"
Cye interrupted. "Yeah, we better find our buds, too,
Raphael," Michelangelo admitted. "You mean there's
more of you?" Kento asked out of disbelief. "Totally,
dude! We got two more bros in here--" Michelangelo was
stopped short by Raphael putting his hand over his
mouth. "You need to learn when to keep that big beak
of yours shut, Michelangelo!" Raphael retorted. "We
better book it!" "Right, dude," Michelangelo agreed as
the two Turtles ran out of the room. "That's strange,"
Cye muttered thoughtfully. "Yeah, and I thought giant
alligators lived in the sewers, not giant turtles!"
Kento remarked. "Not that, Kento," Cye interrupted.
"Those turtles, they said their names were
Michelangelo and Raphael."

"Yeah, so?" Kento asked. "Well, don't you find it a
bit ironic that Rowen's friend, Donatello, has two
brothers with the exact same names?" Cye asked. "You
know, I thought Donatello looked a bit odd. He's
rather short, he has only three fingers on each hand,
and he has a massive hump on his back...Kento, do you
know what this means?" "Not exactly, but I have a
feeling you're gonna tell me," Kento remarked. "I know
this sounds outrageous, but I think that Donatello is
one of those Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in
disguise!" Cye announced. "You really think so?" Kento
asked. "It has to be. There are just too many
coincidences that add up. Come on, Kento. We better
find Ryo, Sage, Rowen, and Donatello!" Cye shouted.
"You got it!" Kento agreed as he followed Cye out of
the exhibit...

"They're catching up to us, Donatello!" Rowen shouted
as he and Donatello turned into yet another corridor.
"Just hang on, Rowen! We're almost there!" Donatello
shouted. The two boys soon reached a door at the end
of the long corridor. Donatello tried to open the
door, but came across a slight problem. "It's locked.
We have to go back." "Too late for that!" Rowen
shouted. Donatello looked up and gasped when he saw
Rocksteady and five Foot Soldiers heading towards
them. "We're rats!" Donatello
reluctantly admitted. "Now you two are gonna get it!"
Rocksteady taunted in a singsong tone. "Where's the

"What makes you think that we have it?" Rowen asked.
"You can forget that. I'm not falling for any more of
your tricks!" Rocksteady proclaimed. "You should talk,
rhino breath!" Donatello retorted. "Hey, wait a
minute! That voice sounds familiar," Rocksteady
muttered thoughtfully. "Uh-oh!" Donatello murmured
under his breath. "Donatello, what is he talking
about?" Rowen asked. "Donatello? Now I remember!
You're one of them Turtles!" Rocksteady announced,
pointing an accusing finger at Donatello. "What is
this overgrown rhinoceros talking about?" Rowen asked

Donatello was silent for a few moments, now knowing
that there was only one way out of their predicament.
"I meant to tell you about this, but it looks like
you're about to see for yourself," Donatello muttered
just loud enough for Rowen to hear. Rowen's eyes
widened out of shock when Donatello pulled off a
rubber mask, revealing a green face with a purple
mask. "I knew you was one of them shellbacks!"
Rocksteady admitted gleefully as Donatello ripped off
the remainder of his disguise. "Congratulations! You
win the grand prize!" Donatello retorted as he
withdrew his bo. "Really? Oh, goody! What did I win?"
Rocksteady asked curiously.

"A free ninja lesson, courtesy of Donatello!"
Donatello announced. Using his bo as a vault pole,
Donatello hurdled over Rocksteady and the Foot
Soldiers. "Get that Turtle!" Rocksteady ordered the
Foot Soldiers. The Foot Soldiers responded by charging
towards Donatello. "Fore!" Donatello shouted as he
swung his bo, sending two of the Foot Soldiers flying
towards the remaining Foot Soldiers, knocking them all
down in a pile of tangled robotic parts. "Let's see ya
swing your way outta this!" Rocksteady announced
sinisterly. "Rowen!" Donatello gasped when he saw that
Rocksteady had his human friend held tightly in a
headlock. "Let me go, you boneheaded imbecile!" Rowen
shouted as he struggled to get out of Rocksteady's

"Drop your weapon or your geeky friend here is gonna
get it!" Rocksteady announced as he held his laser
blaster against Rowen's back. "Fine, Rocksteady,"
Donatello reluctantly agreed as he dropped his bo on
the floor. "Now let him go!" "Uh-uh! Not until I get
that emerald! Now, where is it?" Rocksteady demanded.
"It's in my pocket," Rowen reluctantly revealed. "You
better give it to me, if ya know what's good for
youse!" Rocksteady told Rowen as he poked him in the
back with the laser blaster to prove his point. Rowen
hesitated for a moment before he reached into his
pocket, pulled out the emerald, and handed it to

"All right! I got it!" Rocksteady announced as he held
up the emerald triumphantly in his free hand. "That's
what you think!" Raphael shouted as he threw both of
his sais at the mutant rhinoceros. One of the small
weapons knocked the emerald right out of Rocksteady's
hand, while the other sai destroyed Rocksteady's laser
blaster. "Good timing, guys!" Donatello admitted as
Raphael, Michelangelo, and Leonardo joined him. "Hey,
we can't let you have all the fun, Donatello!"
Michelangelo exclaimed. "You better give up,
Rocksteady! You're outnumbered four to one!" Leonardo
shouted. "Let that kid go!"

"If you say so! Catch!" Rocksteady shouted as he
lifted Rowen over his head and threw him towards the
four Turtles. "We got you, Rowen!" Donatello announced
as he and the other Turtles stood ready to catch
Rowen. The four Turtles ended up getting knocked down
to the ground in their attempt to save Donatello's
human friend. "Thanks for breaking my fall," Rowen
admitted. "No problemo, dude," Michelangelo groaned.
"Just drop in any time!" Raphael retorted. "Come on,
Turtles! Rocksteady is getting away!" Leonardo shouted
as he pointed at the retreating mutant rhinoceros.

"Stay here, Rowen," Donatello instructed as he and his
three brothers ran after Rocksteady. "Where did he go,
dude?" Michelangelo asked. "That way!" Leonardo
shouted when he saw Rocksteady running down a flight
of stairs. "Why would rhino breath go down into the
basement?" Raphael asked as the four Turtles ran down
the stairs. "The modules must be down there,"
Donatello muttered thoughtfully. "So that's how
Shredder and his mutants broke into the museum!" "We
better hurry or Rocksteady's going to get away!"
Leonardo announced. "Looks like we're too late!"
Michelangelo reluctantly admitted when they reached
the basement.

Leonardo, Raphael, and Donatello looked up and gasped
when they saw a transport module drill a hole into the
basement's concrete floor. As soon as the module
disappeared into the freshly drilled hole, the tunnel
was immediately flooded with molten lava. "Bummer,
dudes! They got away!" Michelangelo remarked. "Thanks
for stating the obvious, Michelangelo!" Raphael
retorted. "Look on the bright side, guys. At least
they didn't get that emerald they came for," Donatello
pointed out. "Speaking of which, whatever happened to
that emerald, Donatello?" Leonardo asked.

"I have it right here," Rowen announced as he entered
the basement, carrying the emerald in his hand.
"Rowen!" Donatello gasped. "That's good. When the
police arrive, you can turn the emerald over to them,"
Leonardo admitted. "Speaking of the boys in blue, we
better beat it!" Raphael announced. "I totally dig
that notion!" Michelangelo added. Leonardo looked
around and spotted a steel grate in the concrete
floor. "There's our way out. Come on, Turtles!"
Leonardo announced as he removed the grate from the
floor. "Donatello, aren't you coming?" Raphael asked.
"Give me a minute, guys. I need to do something
first," Donatello revealed.

"If you say so! Later, dude!" Michelangelo shouted as
he headed down the hole leading into the sewer,
followed by Leonardo and Raphael. Donatello let out a
deep sigh as he turned around to face Rowen. "Rowen,
I'm sorry I never told you the truth about me,"
Donatello apologized. "It's kinda hard to explain
something like this in a letter, you know." "That's
understandable," Rowen replied. "You mean you're not
freaked out about this?" Donatello asked curiously.
"I'll admit that I definitely wasn't expecting this,
but after I got over the initial shock, it's no big
deal," Rowen admitted.

"That's good...I guess," Donatello replied. "Listen, I
have to go now, Rowen." "What for, Donatello?" Rowen
asked as Donatello headed for the sewer opening.
"Well, let's just say that the police have a bit of a
problem accepting the fact that we're on their side
because we happen to be mutants," Donatello explained.
"I guess that makes sense. Most people tend to fear
what they don't understand," Rowen replied. "I can
definitely vouch for that!" Donatello remarked.
"Rowen, where are you?" Rowen and Donatello heard Ryo
shout. "Sounds like your friends are looking for you,"
Donatello muttered out loud. "You should go back up
there and join them." "Am I ever going to see you
again, Donatello?" Rowen asked curiously as Donatello
stepped into the opening.

"I don't know if I'll be able to," Donatello
reluctantly replied. "I'll have to call you later.
Goodbye, Rowen." "Donatello, wait!" Rowen protested as
Donatello picked up the grating and put it back over
his head. Rowen looked through the grating into the
sewer below, but there was no sign of his friend. "I
hope Donatello keeps his promise," Rowen muttered to
himself as he climbed up the basement stairs. "I have
no idea how to contact him." When Rowen reached the
top of the stairs, he noticed a round object lying on
the floor. "What is this?" Rowen asked himself as he
picked up the small electronic device shaped like a
turtle shell.

"Rowen! Over here!" Cye shouted. Rowen turned his head
around and saw his four friends running towards him,
along with two security guards. He quickly shoved the
turtle shell into his pocket before he turned around
to face them. "Where have you been, Rowen?" Sage asked
curiously. "Yeah! You missed all the excitement,"
Kento added. "Believe me, I didn't miss all of it,"
Rowen muttered out loud. "Listen up, Rowen. Sage and I
found these security guards tied up and the police are
also on their way here," Ryo explained. "Well they
should be very relieved to know that those crooks
didn't get away with this," Rowen revealed as he
handed the emerald to one of the security guards.

"Thank you very much. You boys are heroes!" the
security guard admitted. "If you don't mind, boys,
you'll have to stay here for a few minutes until the
police arrive so you can give them a statement and
explain to them what happened," the other security
guard explained. "We don't have any problem with
that," Ryo admitted. "Just come with us to the lobby,"
the first security guard instructed as he and the
other guard led the five boys to the lobby.
"We don't exactly deserve all of this credit," Cye
whispered to his friends. "If those Teenage Mutant
Ninja Turtles didn't show up when they did..." "You're
right, Cye, but what can we do?" Sage asked. "It's not
like we can find those Turtles and thank them
personally." "Maybe there is a way, Rowen murmured
thoughtfully to himself as he looked back down at his
pocket, which held the turtle shell-shaped electronic
device that he found earlier...


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