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Not Quite Human
Chapter 03: A Trip to the Sewers
By Dreamcatcher

"Come on! Turn it up!" Kento complained, who was
sitting on top of his bed. "Hold on a second, Kento!"
Sage retorted as he stood up, approached the
television, and pressed a button under the television
screen to increase the volume. "This is the first time
I ever seen you excited about seeing the news, Kento!"
Ryo remarked as Sage sat back down on the floor
between him and Rowen. "Well, you have to admit, Ryo,
it's not every day that we are the news," Cye pointed
out, who was sitting on his own bed. "Yeah, you're
right, Cye," Ryo admitted. "This is a first for us,
especially in another country!"

"Quiet, everyone! It's starting!" Rowen whispered as a
young woman appeared on the television screen. She had
short red hair and green eyes, and was wearing a
one-piece yellow jumpsuit and white boots. "This is
April O'Neil, Channel Six News, live in front of the
Museum of Natural History," the young woman reported.
"Just minutes ago, an attempted robbery was stopped by
these five young heroes right behind me." "All right!"
Kento cheered as the television showed him and his
four friends on the steps of the museum, surrounded by
a group of citizens that were applauding them for
their heroic efforts.

"These five young men, visitors vacationing here from
Japan, risked their lives today to stop a gang of
dangerous thieves from stealing the largest emerald in
the world," April continued. "The curator of the
museum has offered them an award for their heroic
deed, but they graciously declined the offer. Instead,
the curator insists on paying for all of their
expenses while they're here in New York City. If these
young men are watching, the city thanks you for your
help. This is April O'Neil of Channel Six News." "That
April O'Neil is pretty nice," Cye admitted as Ryo got
up and turned off the television. "Well, I think she's
pretty, period!" Sage pointed out.

"Of course you would think that, Casanova!" Kento
retorted as he threw his pillow at Sage. "Hey!" Sage
shouted as the pillow hit him in the back of the head.
He picked up the pillow and threw it back at Kento,
hitting him in the face. "Don't start with me, Sage!"
Kento warned Sage as he got off of his bed. "No one's
ever beaten me in a pillow fight!" "Knock it off, you
two!" Cye interrupted as he stepped in between Kento
and Sage. "It's getting late. We should all go to bed.
We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow." "Speaking of
which, what do you have planned for us tomorrow, Cye?"
Ryo asked curiously.

"Well, I figured after that unexpected adventure we
had at the museum, we need to relax a bit, and Central
Park will be the perfect place to do that," Cye
explained. "Afterwards, we'll go have dinner and then
go see 'Rent' on Broadway." "How did you get tickets
for that, Cye?" Sage asked curiously. "I thought that
show was sold out." "It is, Sage. The museum curator
got them for us as a reward for preventing that
emerald from being stolen," Cye revealed. "I couldn't
turn down a rare opportunity like that." "We should be
getting back to our room, guys," Ryo announced as he,
Sage, and Rowen headed for the door. "Good night,
Kento, Cye." "Good night, Ryo," Cye and Kento replied
simultaneously as their three friends left their hotel

Meanwhile, down in the Techno-Drome, Krang was also
watching the Channel Six News broadcast, along with
Shredder, Bebop, and Rocksteady. "Shredder, you
idiot!" Krang shouted angrily as he turned away from
the monitor. "Not only did you and those mutant morons
of yours lose the emerald that I need for my power
generator, you were also defeated by a bunch of
children!" "But Krang, it wasn't just them boys. The
Turtles were there, too!" Bebop pointed out. "That's
just great! Because of you bungling idiots, the
security at the museum is going to be doubled, making
it even harder to steal the emerald!" Krang shouted

Shredder wasn't paying attention to what Krang was
saying. His eyes were focused on the large monitor in
front of him, which was showing a close up of the five
teenage boys he ran into back at the museum.
"Shredder, are you ignoring me?" Krang asked
suspiciously. "No, Krang. It's just that those boys'
fighting style looked familiar to me," Shredder
muttered thoughtfully. "It's not ninjitsu. Their
fighting technique is much older than that." Shredder
suddenly started to walk out of the room towards the
door. "Where do you think you're going?" Krang
demanded. "To do some special research, Krang. If I'm
right about those boys, we shall have powers undreamed
of!" Shredder proclaimed as he left the main control

"Donatello, what's bothering you?" Leonardo asked
Donatello, who was just staring absently into empty
space. "Yeah, you haven't even touched any of your
jelly bean and mushroom pizza," Raphael remarked.
"Hmm...what?" Donatello murmured as he shook it off.
"I'm sorry, guys. I'm not hungry." Leonardo, Raphael,
and Michelangelo were surprised to hear Donatello say
that and even more surprised to see him push away his
plate of pizza. "Are you okay, Donatello?" Leonardo
asked with concern. "I'm fine, Leonardo. Just a little
tired. I'm going to bed," Donatello announced as he
got up from the table. "Well...since you're going to
bed, Donatello, can I have your pizza?" Michelangelo
asked curiously. "Michelangelo!" Leonardo and Raphael
shouted simultaneously.

"Go ahead, Michelangelo. Help yourself," Donatello
replied as he left the kitchen. "All right!"
Michelangelo exclaimed as he reached across the table
and grabbed Donatello's plate. "This isn't like
Donatello. Something must be bothering him," Leonardo
muttered thoughtfully as Michelangelo practically
inhaled the slices of pizza that Donatello left
behind. "You don't think it has to do with his pen
pal, Rowen, do ya?" Raphael asked. "I'll bet that's
it, Raphael. Donatello's probably afraid that since
Rowen found out about his secret, he won't want to see
him again," Leonardo agreed.

Donatello let out a deep sigh as he plopped down on
his bed. "What troubles you, Donatello?" Splinter
asked as he entered the room. "You know my pen pal,
Rowen, Master Splinter?" Donatello asked. "Yes. What
about your friend?" Splinter asked curiously. "Well,
he found out that I'm a Turtle, by accident,"
Donatello reluctantly revealed to his sensei. "Well,
if he cannot accept who you are, my son, then he isn't
your friend," Splinter replied. "The thing is that
Rowen didn't have any problem with it at all,
Splinter. The problem is the way he found out about
it. I wanted to tell him the truth myself, but now,
Rowen probably thinks that I never intended to tell
him the truth at all," Donatello revealed.
"Are you sure that is what Rowen believes, Donatello?"
Splinter asked. "I don't know, Master, but I'll bet
that's what he's thinking," Donatello reluctantly
admitted. "Only time will tell. Good night,
Donatello," Splinter announced as he left the room.
"Good night, Master Splinter," Donatello replied. He
sat up in his bed, took out his bo, and laid it at the
foot of his bed. Donatello reached for his Turtle Com,
which he normally kept in his belt, but he felt
nothing. "Oh, no!" Donatello whispered worriedly as he
looked down and frantically checked his belt. "My
Turtle Com! I must have dropped it during the fight at
the museum!"

Donatello was about to get out of bed, but he soon
stopped himself. "I better not. The museum's already
closed, and security's gonna be tight after what
happened earlier today with Shredder and his goons,"
Donatello muttered thoughtfully to himself. "I'll go
to the museum first thing tomorrow morning. Perhaps
someone found it and turned it into the Lost and
Found, probably mistaking it for a toy. Hopefully,
Shred Head didn't get his grubby claws on it,
otherwise he could possibly use it to hone into our
frequency and locate our lair! Hopefully, that's not
the case." With that idea in mind, Donatello laid back
down on his bed and slowly closed his eyes...

"Hurry it up, Sage! We don't have all day!" Ryo
shouted as he knocked loudly at the bathroom door.
"Hold on, Ryo! I'm almost done!" Sage shouted from
inside the bathroom. A few moments later, Sage opened
the bathroom door and came back into the hotel room.
"Come on, Rowen. Let's go," Ryo told Rowen, who was
sitting on one of the beds, putting on his sneakers.
"I'll meet you guys down there, okay?" Rowen suggested
as he tied his shoelaces. "I have to make a phone
call, anyway." "All right, Rowen. We'll see you
later," Ryo replied as he and Sage left the hotel

As soon as Rowen finished tying his shoelaces, he
carefully approached the door and opened it a crack.
He could see Ryo and Sage boarding the elevator. Rowen
closed the door, headed to a bed stand between the two
beds, and pulled out the drawer. Lying inside of the
drawer was the electronic device shaped like a turtle
shell that Rowen found at the museum yesterday. "This
gadget must be a communication device of some sort,"
Rowen muttered thoughtfully to himself as he looked
over the turtle shell in his hand. "The Turtles
probably use this to keep in contact with each other.
Perhaps if I can find the correct frequency, I can use
this to contact Donatello." Rowen opened up the turtle
shell and started pressing the buttons inside to
adjust the radio frequency...

"Hi-ya!" Leonardo shouted as he swung his swords down
at Raphael, who succeeded in blocking his brother's
attack with his sais. "You're gonna have to be quicker
than that, Leonardo!" Raphael retorted as he pushed
Leonardo away from him with a kick to the stomach.
Michelangelo was leaning against the sewer wall,
watching Leonardo and Raphael sparring with each
other. "About time you got up, Donatello!"
Michelangelo remarked as Donatello entered the
practice room. "Come on, let's practice!" "I can't
practice now, Michelangelo," Donatello muttered
drowsily as he stretched his arms out and let out a
long yawn. "I have to go to the museum."

"The museum? Now? What for, dude?" Michelangelo asked
curiously. "I lost my Turtle Com," Donatello
reluctantly admitted. "You lost your Turtle Com?"
Leonardo repeated as he and Raphael stopped sparring.
"That's not good, Donatello. What if someone finds it
and uses it to track us down, like Shredder and
Krang?" "I know, Leonardo, I know. I'm going to
retrace my steps and see if I can find it before
someone else does," Donatello revealed as he went back
into the bedroom to get his disguise. Suddenly, there
was a beeping sound coming from Leonardo's Turtle Com.

"Maybe it's April. Shredder and his mutants must have
struck again," Leonardo muttered thoughtfully as he
took out his Turtle Com and turned it on. "This is
Leonardo. What's up, April?" To Leonardo's surprise,
instead of the familiar face of April O'Neil appearing
on the Turtle Com's min-screen, a boy's face with blue
hair and blue eyes appeared instead. "Huh? Who are
you?" Leonardo asked out of shock. "Hi, umm...this is
Rowen Hashiba," the boy hesitantly replied. "Hey, I
remember you! You were one of those boys that was at
the museum yesterday!" Leonardo recalled.

"Yeah, that was me and my friends," Rowen confessed.
"How did you tap into our frequency?" Leonardo asked
curiously. "I found this device shaped like a turtle
shell in the museum," Rowen replied. "I figured that
one of you Turtles must have dropped it." "Yeah, the
Turtle Com you're using belongs to Donatello,"
Leonardo revealed. "Could I possibly speak with
Donatello?" Rowen asked. "Sure, Rowen. Hold on,"
Leonardo instructed Rowen as he walked into the
bedroom. "Hey, Donatello!" "Leonardo, have you seen my
trench coat?" Donatello asked as he looked through a
small closet filled with an assortment of clothes.

"There's no need for that, Donatello. Your Turtle Com
has been found," Leonardo told him. "That's a relief!
Who found it, Leonardo? Was it April?" Donatello asked
curiously as he turned around to face his brother.
"See for yourself," Leonardo announced as he handed
his Turtle Com over to Donatello. Donatello looked at
the Turtle Com and gasped when he saw Rowen's face on
the mini-screen. "Morning, Donatello. How are you
doing?" Rowen asked. "I'm fine. Listen, Rowen, about
what happened yesterday...I just want to say I'm
sorry," Donatello apologized. "Sorry for what?" Rowen
asked curiously.

"For not telling you the truth about me when I had the
chance," Donatello revealed. "I didn't want you to
find out the way you did." "Does that mean you don't
want to be friends anymore?" Rowen asked curiously.
"No, of course not!" Donatello replied. "Wait a
minute! Are you saying that you still want to be
friends with me after everything that has happened?"
"Of course I do, Donatello. As far as I see it, this
secret of yours has no effect on our friendship,"
Rowen revealed. "That's good. About my Turtle
there any way I can meet you today so I can get it
back?" Donatello asked curiously. "It's not that I
don't trust you with it, Rowen. I just don't want it
falling into the wrong hands."

"I understand, Donatello," Rowen replied. "My friends
and I are going to Central Park later today. You can
meet me there to pick up their Turtle Com." "That
works for me," Donatello admitted. "Where should I
meet you?" Rowen asked. "Don't worry, Rowen. I'll find
you. Donatello out," Donatello replied before turning
off the Turtle Com. "So, you're going to meet up with
Rowen at Central Park?" Leonardo asked. "Yeah,
Leonardo. Now I really need my trench coat. Where is
it?" Donatello muttered to himself as he continued
digging through the closet. "Looking for this,
Donatello?" Raphael asked. Donatello turned around and
saw that Raphael was holding his trench coat. "Thanks,
Raphael," Donatello admitted as he took the trench
coat from Raphael...

"This park is huge!" Kento remarked as he looked
around at the several trees scattered around Central
Park. "Yeah, it sure is. I bet White Blaze would love
it here," Ryo admitted. "Hate to burst your bubble,
Ryo, but I think there's a law in this country stating
that you can't have wild animals for pets," Rowen
pointed out. "So, what should we do, Cye?" Ryo asked
curiously. "Well, we can walk around the park a bit,
or we can visit the Central Park Zoo," Cye suggested
as they continued walking down the path. "There's also
a bird sanctuary in here and maybe we can make a quick
visit to the Metropolitan Museum of Art before we
leave." "Sounds like a plan, Cye," Kento admitted.
"I'm gonna have to pass, guys," Sage reluctantly
admitted. "I have to go down to the public library."

"What for, Sage?" Ryo asked curiously. "The people at
Ellis Island suggested that maybe I can find records
of Hamato Yoshi's immigration there," Sage reminded
his friends. "I had no idea that Ellis Island stopped
receiving immigrants in 1943." "Good luck with that,
Sage," Rowen replied. "I'll be back in about an hour
or two. Where should I meet you?" Sage asked. "We'll
wait for you at the Central Park Zoo," Cye suggested.
"See you later, Sage." "Later, guys!" Sage shouted as
he headed in the opposite direction. As Ryo, Cye,
Kento, and Rowen continued walking through the park,
they walked past a large decorative fountain. Rowen
looked up and recognized a short figure on the other
side of the fountain wearing a trench coat and hat.

"Excuse me for a minute, guys. I need to use the
restroom," Rowen muttered out loud as he started to
walk away from his friends. "Do you want us to wait
for you, Rowen?" Ryo asked. "There's no need for that.
I'll catch up with you," Rowen told them. "Okay,
Rowen. We'll see you in a few minutes," Cye replied as
he, Ryo, and Kento continued heading to the Central
Park Zoo. "They don't know, do they?" Donatello asked
as he approached Rowen. "No, they don't," Rowen
admitted. "I figured the less they know, the better.
Well, anyway, here's your Turtle Com, Donatello."
Rowen took the Turtle Com out of his pocket and handed
it to Donatello. "Thanks a lot, Rowen," Donatello
replied as he put the Turtle Com in his trench coat

The two friends stood there for a few moments of
awkward silence. "You should get going, Rowen,"
Donatello reluctantly admitted. "Your friends are
waiting for you." "Yeah, I'd better," Rowen agreed as
he started to walk away. He stopped himself and turned
around to face Donatello. "Umm, Donatello, do you mind
if I ask you something?" "Sure, what is it?" Donatello
asked curiously. "Do you think that I could possibly
come to your lair?" Rowen asked. "Umm...I don't know
about that," Donatello replied. "I'd have to ask
Splinter about it." "Well, if it's okay with him, I'd
like to check it out," Rowen admitted. "You mentioned
in your letters to me that you're an inventor. I would
like to check out some of your inventions, if you
don't mind."

"Sure, definitely," Donatello agreed. "It'd be great
to have another scientific mind look over my
inventions. Matter of fact, the Turtle Com happens to
be my very first invention." "Very clever, I'll have
to admit," Rowen admitted. "Thanks, Rowen," Donatello
replied. "Anyway, I'll go talk to Master Splinter and
see if it's okay with him for you to come down to the
lair. How long will you be staying in Central Park?"
"Until four o'clock, I'll wager," Rowen revealed.
"It'll just take about an hour or so to get the
answer. I'll be back soon, Rowen," Donatello announced
as he headed to a sewer cover a few yards away from
the fountain. "See you later, Donatello," Rowen
replied as he ran off to join his friends at the
Central Park Zoo...

"Man, I'm starving! Is there any place where we can
get something to eat?" Kento complained. "Calm down,
Kento. There's a hot dog stand right there," Cye
announced, pointing at a hot dog stand ahead of them.
"All right!" Kento shouted as he, Cye, Ryo, Sage, and
Rowen got in line. "Any luck finding information on
that friend of your father's, Sage?" Ryo asked
curiously. "Unfortunately, I didn't find much on
Hamato Yoshi," Sage revealed. "I did find records for
when he arrived in New York City, but there's no
mention of any current home address for him." "What
kind of hot dogs do you guys want?" Kento asked, who
was next in line. "Just get us whatever you're
getting, only in normal-sized proportions!" Cye joked
sarcastically. "Ha, ha! Very funny!" Kento retorted
under his breath.

While Kento was ordering the food, Ryo, Cye, Sage, and
Rowen sat down on some nearby benches. "So you have no
idea where Hamato Yoshi lives now?" Ryo asked
curiously. "Not a clue. For all I know, he could be
living in another state altogether!" Sage reluctantly
revealed. "Here you go, guys!" Kento announced as he
joined his four friends, carrying two cardboard boxes.
"What did you order for us, Kento?" Rowen asked
curiously. "The same thing I got: chili dogs with
cheese!" Kento replied as he handed Ryo, Sage, Cye,
and Rowen each a long hot dog topped with chili and
cheese. "Kento, I said normal-sized proportions!" Cye
remarked. "These hot dogs are huge!" "They are
normal-sized proportions, Cye! These are foot-long hot
dogs!" Kento explained.

"Knowing Kento, he could probably finish one of these
in one bite!" Sage retorted. "Knock it off, Sage!"
Kento muttered angrily under his breath, while Ryo,
Cye, and Rowen laughed out loud. Rowen caught
something in the corner of his eye and turned around.
He gasped slightly when he saw Donatello standing next
to the hot dog stand. "Rowen, what's wrong?" Ryo
asked. "Umm...nothing," Rowen muttered out loud as he
looked back at his friends. "You look like you've seen
a ghost!" Cye remarked before taking a bite out of his
chili dog. "Don't worry about it. It was nothing,"
Rowen reassured his friends.

"I still can't believe everything that happened to us
yesterday," Ryo muttered out loud. "We end up fighting
off a man with a metal mask, a couple of ugly mutants,
and a bunch of ninja robots, and to top it all off, we
meet up with this city's local vigilantes: the Teenage
Mutant Ninja Turtles." "Well, opinions vary when it
comes to the Turtles, Ryo," Cye revealed. "While some
people see them as heroes, others say that they're no
better than the criminals they fight." "I think those
people who see the Turtles as threats are just
misjudging them because they happen to be mutants,"
Rowen muttered out loud before taking another bite of
his chili dog. "Perhaps you're right about that,
Rowen," Cye agreed.

"You know, I recognized those uniforms that the robot
ninjas wore," Sage announced. "It was the uniform of
the Foot Clan." "The Foot Clan? Isn't that the
criminal gang that used to terrorize everyone back in
Japan?" Kento asked. "The Foot Clan wasn't always a
criminal gang, Kento. It used to be an honorable clan
that taught the ancient art of ninjitsu to its
students. As a matter of fact, my father's friend,
Hamato Yoshi, was the shidoshi, or teacher of the
ancient arts, for the Foot school," Sage revealed.
"That is, he was until he was framed for attempting to
assassinate the school's sensei." "How can you be so
sure that Hamato Yoshi was framed for this?" Ryo asked
curiously. "Maybe he did plan on killing the sensei,
but he got caught before he had the chance."
"My father and Hamato Yoshi were the best of friends,
Ryo. My father knows deep down that Hamato Yoshi would
never do anything like this," Sage explained. "I
remember meeting Hamato Yoshi myself when I was a
young boy. He didn't seem like the type of person that
would be capable of murder. Anyway, there's another
reason why my father suspects that Yoshi was framed."
"And what's that?" Rowen asked. "Hamato Yoshi told my
father on several occasions about a man who was a
threat to his leadership in the Foot Clan. He name was
Oroku Saki, and ironically, when Yoshi was banished
from the Foot Clan, Saki took over as the shidoshi.
After that, the Foot Clan changed from a honorable
clan of the ancient arts to an army of crime."

"Hold on a minute, Sage. Are you saying that the man
in the metal mask we fought yesterday was Oroku Saki?"
Ryo asked. "It could have only been two men: Oroku
Saki or Hamato Yoshi. There's no way it could have
been Yoshi, so it had to be Saki," Sage explained.
"Besides, that man calling himself the Shredder, his
fighting style was that of the Foot Clan. I've seen
Hamato Yoshi demonstrate the Foot technique before, so
I'd recognize it when I see it." "Guys, don't look
now, but I think someone's spying on us," Cye
whispered just loud enough for his friends to
overhear. "Where is he, Cye?" Ryo whispered. "He's
next to the hot dog stand, the one wearing the trench
coat," Cye whispered.

“Trench coat? Oh, no! They're talking about
Donatello!” Rowen thought to himself. "What do you
suppose that guys wants?" Sage asked aloud. "Why don't
we go ask him?" Kento asked as he stood up, followed
by Ryo, Cye, Sage, and a hesitant Rowen. The five boys
started to walk over to the figure in the trench coat.
Realizing that he has been spotted, the figure quickly
walked away from the hot dog stand and headed behind
the bathroom. "Hey, buddy! Where do you think you're
going?" Kento shouted as he and his friends ran after
the retreating figure. "No, guys! Wait!" Rowen shouted
as he ran after his friends. "Look! There he goes!"
Cye shouted when he and his friends spotted the figure
lifting up a metal grate leading down into the sewers.

"I don't think so, pal!" Kento shouted as he jumped on
top of the grate, preventing the figure from escaping
into the sewers. "Kento, stop!" Rowen protested. "He's
not who you think he is!" "Rowen, do you know this
guy?" Ryo asked curiously. Rowen hesitated for a
moment, not knowing if Donatello wanted his identity
to be revealed. "It's okay, Rowen," Donatello replied,
catching Ryo, Sage, Cye, and Kento by surprise.
"You're Donatello, one of those Ninja Turtles!" Cye
gasped loudly. "Yeah, that's me," Donatello replied,
lifting the brim of his hat so the others could see
his face. "What are you doing here?" Kento asked

"I told him to come here, Kento." Ryo, Sage, Cye, and
Kento turned around and looked at Rowen in surprise.
"What's going on, Rowen?" Ryo asked curiously.
"Yesterday, at the museum, I found something that
belonged to Donatello. I told him to meet me here
today so I could give it back to him," Rowen
explained. "Rowen, why didn't you just tell us?" Sage
asked curiously. "Well, after the way you guys reacted
when you first found out about Donatello's true
identity, I figured that you would be against it,"
Rowen reluctantly revealed. "Don't worry about it,
Rowen. It's no big deal," Cye replied. "Besides, this
gives us a chance to thank the Ninja Turtles for their
help yesterday...or at least one of them," Ryo pointed

"I'll pass that on to my brothers," Donatello replied.
"Donatello, do you think that maybe they can come with
us?" Rowen asked curiously. "Come with you where?"
Kento asked suspiciously. "To the Turtles' lair,"
Rowen explained. "That would give you the chance to
thank the other Turtles face-to-face." "I don't know
if I can do that, Rowen," Donatello revealed. "I only
got permission to bring you. I wasn't expecting your
friends to come along with us." "Why not ask on your
Turtle Com?" Rowen suggested. "Besides, Rowen's not
going anywhere with you without us!" Kento announced.
"Kento! You know better than to talk to one of my
friends like that!" Rowen shouted a bit angrily. "I'm
sorry, Rowen," Kento apologized.

"Look, I'll see what I can do," Donatello announced as
he took out his Turtle Com and turned it on. "Master
Splinter, come in." "What is it, Donatello?" Splinter
asked. "Master, would it be all right with you if
Rowen's four friends come with me as well?" Donatello
asked a bit hesitantly. "Of course, they may come with
you, Donatello. Just as long as they promise not to
reveal the location of our lair to anyone," Splinter
replied. "Thank you, Master Splinter. Where are the
others?" Donatello asked. "Leonardo and Raphael are in
the city getting groceries, and Michelangelo is
skateboarding in the sewers somewhere," Splinter
revealed. "All, we're on our way, Master Splinter.
Donatello out."

"Well, what did that guy Splinter say?" Kento asked a
bit impatiently as Donatello put away his Turtle Com.
"It's okay by him, but you all have to swear you'll
never tell anyone where our lair is," Donatello told
the five teenage boys. "You have our word, Donatello.
We won't tell a soul about your lair," Rowen promised
as Ryo, Sage, Cye, and Kento nodded their heads in
agreement. "All right, guys. We should getting going
now before anyone sees us," Donatello whispered out
loud as he once again lifted the metal grate leading
down into the sewers below...


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