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Not Quite Human
Chapter 04: An Old Friend, A New Enemy
By Dreamcatcher

Are we there yet?" Kento asked a bit impatiently. He
and his four friends have been following Donatello
through the sewers for about twenty minutes. "We're
almost there, Kento," Donatello replied as he turned
left into another sewer tunnel. The six teenage boys
soon reached a wide tunnel with a river of sewage
water running through it. "Great! Now we have to wade
through this stinky sewer sludge!" Kento complained as
he, Cye, Ryo, Sage, and Rowen covered their noses.
"No, you don't," Donatello pointed out as he picked up
a wide wooden plank that was propped up against the
wall. He laid the plank across the tunnel, creating a
makeshift bridge right across the river of sewer

"Okay, everyone across, one at a time," Donatello
instructed. "I'll go first," Rowen announced as he
stepped forward. Ryo, Sage, Cye, Kento, and Donatello
watched as Rowen slowly walked across the wooden
plank. It only took Rowen less than a minute to cross
the makeshift bridge to the other side. "Come on,
guys. This is easy," Rowen told Ryo, Sage, Cye, and
Kento. "Let's go," Ryo announced as he crossed the
wooden plank, followed by Sage, Cye, Kento, and
Donatello. Donatello dragged the wooden plank across
the river of sewer sludge and propped it against the
wall. "Which way now, Donatello?" Sage asked
curiously. "This way," Donatello replied as he pointed
at another tunnel in front of him.

"Donatello, if you don't mind me asking, how did you
and your brothers become, umm...?" Rowen asked a bit
hesitantly. "Mutants?" Donatello asked. "Yeah,
mutants," Rowen admitted. "Well, the whole thing
happened over fifteen years ago," Donatello started as
he continued leading the five teenage boys through the
sewers. "My brothers and I were originally four
ordinary pet shop turtles, but by accident, we ended
up in the sewers. We came in contact with a powerful
mutagen, which caused whatever touched it to take on
the form of whatever animal they have most recently
been in contact with. Because of that, we all started
to become human, since we have most recently been in
contact with humans. And for obvious reasons, we had
to live down here in the sewers."

"What about this Master Splinter you've been talking
about? Is he a turtle, too?" Ryo asked curiously. "No,
he's a rat," Donatello replied. "You see, Splinter
used to be human, kinda like you guys. When he first
came here to America, he was forced to live in the
sewers because he didn't have any money. Like us,
Splinter came in contact with the mutagen. And as you
probably noticed, the most common animal living down
here in the sewers are..." "Rats!" Kento shouted.
"Exactly," Donatello admitted. "No! I mean rats!"
Kento repeated, pointing behind him. Donatello, Ryo,
Sage, Cye, and Rowen turned around and saw the two
sewer rats chewing on some garbage. "Don't tell me
you're afraid of a couple of rats, Kento!" Cye
retorted as he tried to muffle his snickering.

"You better not be, Kento, because we'll soon be
meeting a rather large rat," Rowen pointed out. "I
wasn't scared, guys! I was just...startled. That's
all," Kento tried to convince his friends. "Sure you
were," Sage retorted under his breath. "COWABUNGA!" a
voice echoed loudly from somewhere in the sewers."Who
was that?" Kento asked curiously. "Sounds like
Michelangelo. Splinter told me that he was
skateboarding in the sewers," Donatello revealed.
"Sounds like he's nearby." "How can you tell,
Donatello?" Rowen asked."That echo could have come
from anywhere." "When you live in the sewers as long
as I have, you pick up on certain things," Donatello
explained as he reached a wide sewer tunnel with
several large sewer pipes connected on either side.

"Which way now?" Kento asked as he stopped at one of
the huge sewer pipes and turned around to face
Donatello and his four friends. "This way," Donatello
replied, pointing at the tunnel that Kento was
standing at. "See you guys at the end of the tunnel!"
Kento shouted as he ran down the tunnel ahead of
everyone. "Kento, wait for us!" Cye shouted as he,
Ryo, Sage, Rowen, and Donatello ran down the tunnel
after Kento. Before they even got halfway down the
tunnel, they could see Kento collide with someone
riding on a skateboard. "Kento, are you all right?"
Cye asked as he helped Kento stand up. "Yeah, I think
so," Kento muttered out loud as he held his head in
his hand.

"Michelangelo, what about you?" Donatello asked his
younger brother, who was rubbing the top of his bald
green head. "Yeah, I'm okay. Good thing I have such a
thick shell!" Michelangelo replied. "And you got a
thick skull to match, Michelangelo!" Donatello
remarked with a quick chuckle as he helped
Michelangelo get up. "Donatello, what's going on
here?" Michelangelo asked curiously when he noticed
five human boys standing around him and Donatello. "I
thought you were only bringing one dude down here, not
five!" "There was an unexpected change of plans,"
Donatello revealed. "Is Splinter cool with this?"
Michelangelo asked. "If not, you're gonna be in so
much trouble, Donatello!"

"No need to worry, Michelangelo. I already contacted
Splinter about it," Donatello explained. "I'll head
back to the lair with you," Michelangelo announced as
he picked up his skateboard. "I'm ready for some
pizza!" "Come on, Michelangelo," Donatello replied as
he continued leading Ryo, Sage, Kento, Cye, and Rowen
further into the sewers, followed by Michelangelo.
"Hey! I remember you two dudes from the museum!"
Michelangelo announced as he walked next to Cye and
Kento. "What are your names again?" "I'm Cye, and this
is Kento," Cye replied. "You and that other Turtle
totally annihilated those Foot Soldiers yesterday!"
Kento admitted. "No problem-o, dude. Those robots are
a piece of cake! And 'that other Turtle' was my bro,
Raphael," Michelangelo pointed out.

"Okay, we're here," Donatello announced as he stopped
at a large opening. Ryo, Sage, Kento, Cye, and Rowen
looked into the opening and could see a couch, a
television set, and a coffee table in a large room
with some old rugs on the floor. "Here we are. Home,
sweet home," Donatello admitted as he took off his hat
and trench coat. "Nice place you got here," Kento
muttered out loud as he looked around the living room.
"This is about as nice as you can get down here in the
sewers," Donatello told Kento. "This is the living
room, and we also have a kitchen, our bedroom, the
practice area, and over there is my workshop, where I
keep and work on my inventions." "Let's go straight to
this workshop of yours, Donatello," Rowen requested.

"You read my mind, Rowen," Donatello admitted as he
led Rowen and his four friends into his workshop.
"Wow! This is incredible!" Rowen whispered in
astonishment as he looked around at all the tools and
gadgets in the room. "Rowen kind of reminds me of
Kento in a candy store!" Cye remarked. "Watch it,
Cye!" Kento muttered angrily. "How did you do all of
this, Donatello?" Rowen asked curiously. "I've
constructed my inventions by using scrap metal and
broken appliances I find down at the city dump,"
Donatello explained. "Very impressive," Rowen
admitted. "Thanks, Rowen," Donatello replied. "What is
this?" Rowen asked as he pointed at a small generator
that was attached to a large flat screen.

"That's my portable interdimensional portal
generator," Donatello explained. "With it, I can open
portals to other worlds that no one could have
possibly imagined have existed in the first place." "I
had no idea that there were other dimensions out
there. This is actual proof that parallel universes
indeed exist, Donatello!" Rowen exclaimed. "You could
earn the Nobel Prize for this!" "Yeah, I guess so, but
I can't exactly go up there and accept it, Rowen,"
Donatello pointed out. "Oh, that's right," Rowen
muttered out loud. "If you think that's impressive,
Rowen, just take a look at this!" Donatello announced
as he led Rowen over to his worktable.

"You dudes bored yet?" Michelangelo asked Ryo, Sage,
Cye, and Kento. "I know I am!" "You definitely read my
mind!" Kento admitted. "What about Rowen and
Donatello? Do we leave them in here?" Cye asked. "We
might as well, Cye. I don't think we'll be able to pry
Rowen away from this room for a while," Ryo pointed
out. "They'll be okay. Once Donatello starts talking
about his inventions, it's hard to make him stop!"
Michelangelo confessed. "So, what are we supposed to
do now?" Sage asked. "Leonardo told me that you two
dudes were pretty handy with a sword," Michelangelo
revealed, pointing at Ryo and Sage. "How about we get
in a little practice, mano a turtle-o?" "I guess we
could do that, but we don't exactly carry weapons on
us," Ryo pointed out.

"No sweat, dudes! Just follow me!" Michelangelo
announced as he headed into another room, followed by
Ryo, Sage, Kento, and Cye. "So this is where you guys
practice?" Kento asked as he looked around the large
room, with a variety of weapons hanging on the wall
and mats on the floor. "Exactamundo, Kento!"
Michelangelo admitted as he approached the wall
holding the weapons. "So, which one of you dudes wants
to tangle with a Turtle?" "I'll accept your challenge,
Michelangelo," Ryo announced as he removed a pair of
swords from the wall. "What about you? Where are your
weapons?" "Right here, Ryo," Michelangelo revealed as
he pulled out the pair of nunchucks from his belt and
started whirling them around...

"Okay, tell me again, Leonardo: what's with the
asparagus and yogurt?" Raphael asked curiously. He and
Leonardo, both dressed in trench coats and matching
hats, were walking through the sewers back to the
lair. Raphael and Leonardo were each carrying two
paper bags filled with groceries. "It's for pizza, of
course," Leonardo explained. "Think healthy for a
change, Raphael!" "Yuck! And I thought Michelangelo
came up with the most bizarre pizza toppings!" Raphael
retorted as they entered the living room of their
secret lair. Suddenly, the two Turtles were surprised
by strange noises coming from the practice area. "What
was that?" Raphael asked curiously as he and Leonardo
put their bags down on the floor and took off their
trench coats and hats.

"I don't know, Raphael. We better go check it out,"
Leonardo suggested. Raphael nodded in agreement as
they slowly approached the practice area, where the
noises were coming from. As they peered into the room,
Leonardo and Raphael could see Michelangelo fighting
off a young man with long black hair, who was armed
with a pair of katanas. They didn't see Sage, Cye, and
Kento, who were leaning against the wall out of their
sight. "An intruder! How did he get past the security
system without us knowing about it?" Leonardo muttered
out loud. "Don't look at me, Leonardo! That's
Donatello's department!" Raphael retorted. "We have to
stop him!" Leonardo revealed as he withdrew his swords
from the leather sheaths attached to the back of his

"I'll back you up, Leonardo!" Raphael announced as he
removed his sais from his belt. "Wait a minute,
Raphael. That boy, he looks familiar," Leonardo
confessed as he carefully watched the human that was
fighting Michelangelo. A few seconds later, the boy
turned his head slightly toward where Leonardo and
Raphael were. "That's one of the boys I met at the
museum yesterday when I fought the Shredder!" Leonardo
realized as he put away his swords. "But why is he
fighting our brother?" Raphael asked as he cautiously
put away his sais. "I don't know, but let's find out,"
Leonardo suggested as he and Raphael entered the
practice area.

"Hey, Leonardo! Raphael!" Michelangelo greeted as he
and Ryo stopped sparring. "Hey, Michelangelo. What are
you up to?" Raphael asked curiously. "Oh, we were just
practicing," Michelangelo confessed as he tucked his
nunchucks back into his belt. "You remember these dude
from the museum, right?" "Of course, we do. But wasn't
there five of you?" Leonardo asked after noticing Cye,
Kento, and Sage leaning against the wall. "Yeah, our
friend, Rowen, is inside with Donatello," Sage
replied. "How cute! The nerds are hanging out
together!" Raphael remarked. "Hey, don't you call our
friend a nerd!" Kento shouted. "If anyone's gonna get
away with calling Rowen a nerd, it's gonna be me!"
"Oh, boy!" Cye muttered out loud as he shook his head
in disapproval.

"Cool it, Kento! Don't forget, we're guests here," Ryo
reminded Kento as he put the katanas back on the wall.
"Yeah, yeah," Kento mumbled under his breath. "Sorry,
but we didn't introduce ourselves. I'm Leonardo and
this is Raphael," Leonardo introduced. "Nice to meet
you. I'm Ryo, and this is Kento, Cye, and Sage," Ryo
introduced. "Leonardo, Raphael, you're back,"
Donatello announced as he entered the practice area,
followed by Rowen. "Rowen, these are my two other
brothers that I told you about earlier: Leonardo and
Raphael." "Pleasure to meet you both," Rowen replied.
"Same here, Rowen," Leonardo replied.

"What's going on, my students?" Splinter asked as he
walked into the practice area with his walking stick
in hand. "Greetings, Master Splinter," Leonardo
greeted as he bowed respectively to Splinter. "Master,
I would like you to meet my pen pal, Rowen Hashiba,"
Donatello announced. "It's a pleasure to meet you,
Splinter," Rowen replied as he bowed to Splinter out
of respect. "A pleasure to meet you as well, Rowen,"
Splinter admitted. "Donatello has spoken very highly
of you." “That voice, it sounds familiar,” Sage
thought. “And that looks just like the one
I've seen Hamato Yoshi wear. That kimono was only
given to the shidoshi of the Foot Clan, and there
can't be two identical kimonos out there. Is it
possible that this old rat is actually my father's
long-lost friend?”

"And who are these young men?" Splinter asked
curiously as he turned towards Ryo, Sage, Cye, and
Kento. "These are my friends, Splinter. They came with
me to New York," Rowen explained. "This is Ryo Sanada,
Cye Mouri, Kento Rei Fuan, and Sage Date." "Sage Date,
hmm...that name sounds familiar," Splinter muttered
thoughtfully. "There may be a reason for that,
Splinter. I know this is possibly a stab in the dark,
but were you at one time a man named Hamato Yoshi?"
Sage asked curiously. Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello,
and Michelangelo all gasped loudly when they heard
Sage say Splinter's real name. "Yes, I was Hamato
Yoshi before I became what you now see before you,"
Splinter admitted.
"Hold on. How do you know about Splinter's human
form?" Leonardo asked curiously. "Hamato Yoshi is a
friend of my father's. My dad asked me if I could try
to find Yoshi while I was vacationing in New York
City," Sage explained as he reached into his jacket
and took out a worn black and white photograph. "He
wanted me to show you this." A small smile spread
across Splinter's face when he recognized the
photograph. "Yes, I remember my old friend, Seiji
Date," Splinter admitted as Sage handed him the
photograph so he could look at it. "This picture was
taken over fifteen years ago. It's been so long since
I've seen Seiji. How is my old friend?"

"He's doing just fine, Yoshi. He's been very concerned
about you, though. You never wrote to him or contacted
him at all after you left Japan," Sage revealed.
"Times were difficult when I first arrived here in
America. I was penniless and forced to live down here
in this maze of underground tunnels," Splinter
explained. He looked up at Sage before he continued.
"You were only two years of age when I last saw you.
You have grown into quite and exceptional young man
these past fifteen years, Sage." "Thank you, Yoshi,"
Sage replied as he bowed his head slightly. "It seems
that we have quite a bit of catching up to do, Sage,"
Splinter confessed. "Perhaps you and your friends can
stay for dinner."

"Certainly, Yoshi. That is, if it's okay with you
guys," Sage replied as he looked over at Ryo, Cye,
Kento, and Rowen. "Well, I certainly have no problem
with that," Rowen admitted. "Same here," Ryo added as
Cye and Kento both nodded their heads in agreement.
"It is settled, then," Splinter admitted. "All right!
I'll just toss some extra pizzas in the oven, dudes!"
Michelangelo announced as he made a beeline for the
kitchen. "And in case Michelangelo's taste in pizza
isn't to your liking, I could prepare some sushi,"
Splinter revealed. "Thank you, Hamato Yoshi...or do
you prefer Splinter instead?" Sage asked curiously.
"Splinter will suffice, Sage," Splinter admitted...

"Let's see..." Shredder muttered thoughtfully. He was
in a large room inside of the Techno-Drome, going
through a small pile of antique oriental scrolls on a
table. "Ah-ha! I've found it!" Shredder announced as
he picked up another scroll, unrolled it, and spread
it out on top of the table. "Everything about the
legend of the nine armors is right here. And if the
legend is true...then those five boys should possess
the five Ronin armors! I must tell Krang about this."
Shredder quickly rolled up the scroll, tucked it under
his arm, and left the room. He eventually entered the
main control room that contained the trans-dimensional
portal. "What is it now, Shredder?" Krang demanded,
who was standing in the main control room.

"I have something to show you, Krang," Shredder
announced as he held out the scroll so Krang could
read it. "What is this nonsense? How do you expect to
get any energy from some legendary armor that doesn't
even exist?" Krang asked. "The armor does exist,
Krang, and those five boys from the museum have it,"
Shredder revealed. "How can you be so sure, Shredder?"
Krang asked curiously. "First of all, the boys'
fighting technique was that of the samurai," Shredder
explained. "The fighting style of the samurai is even
older than ninjitsu, but it's hardly practiced
anymore. Therefore, it would be unlikely that five
teenage boys would know this technique." "Is that all
you have? That doesn't prove anything, Shredder!"
Krang shouted angrily.

"Just be patient, Krang. There's more," Shredder
explained. "According to the legend, the five Ronin
armors can merge together to form an even more
incredible armor known as the armor of Inferno,
capable of mass destruction. With such a powerful
armor at our command, Krang, nothing can stop us from
getting the power we need for the Techno-Drome and
taking over the world, not even those blasted
pizza-loving shellbacks!" "Hmm...that is an
interesting proposition, Shredder, but do you have any
proof that this armor even exists?" Krang asked.

"I will be able to prove it soon, Krang. According to
my research, the first man to ever wear the armor of
Inferno was a samurai by the name of Hariel," Shredder
explained. "I managed to trace down a descendent of
Hariel in Japan named Ryo Sanada. He happens to be one
of the five boys I encountered in the museum
yesterday. And it wouldn't surprise me one bit if Ryo
and his four friends possess the five Ronin armors
that can create the armor of Inferno." "And how do you
plan on getting this armor from them, Shredder?" Krang
inquired. "Simple, Krang. I planted a tracking device
on one of the boys yesterday in the museum," Shredder
explained. "I'll corner them with an army of my Foot
Soldiers and force them to give their armor to me."

“If this armor is as powerful as you claim it is,
Shredder, then these boys won't be giving that up
without a fight," Krang pointed out. "I know, Krang.
Do you have any weapons that I can use to steal the
armor?" Shredder asked. "Perhaps," Krang muttered out
loud as he approached a metal chest, opened it, and
removed a large laser gun from the chest. "This
special laser blaster can create a powerful
electromagnetic force field around anyone or anything
you fire at. The force field is impenetrable. Nothing
can break through it," Krang boasted as he handed the
weapon to Shredder.

"Excellent. Those armors will soon be ours, Krang. I
promise you that," Shredder admitted as he held the
laser blaster in his steel-clawed hands. "You better
not fail me again, Shredder," Krang warned Shredder.
"I won't fail this time, Krang," Shredder tried to
convince Krang. He approached the large monitor and
pressed a button, activating the intercom. "Bebop!
Rocksteady! Come to the control room immediately, and
bring thirty Foot Soldiers with you! We're going to
the surface!" Shredder shouted into the intercom.
"Right away, Master Shredder!" Rocksteady replied
through the intercom...


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