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When Heroes Collide :
Author's Note

Note to all readers: I created a time lapse between the Ronin Warriors and the Sailor Scouts. The Sailor Scouts first emerged about ten years after the Ronin Warriors defeated Talpa and the Evil Dynasty.

To those who know little or nothing about the Sailor Scouts: A quick history lesson.

Real Name: Serena, a.k.a. Princess Serena of the Moon Kingdom. Although she’s the leader of the Scouts, Sailor Moon’s a bit of a whiner, is always late for school & important Sailor Scout meetings, & is never exactly in a rush to do battle.

Real Name: Amy. She’s the brains behind the Sailor Scouts.

Real Name: Rae. Although she constantly complains about Sailor Moon’s whining & leadership skills, & constantly gets into arguments with Serena, Rae thinks deep down that Sailor Moon is a good leader & friend.

Real Name: Lita. She’s a bit of a tomboy, lives to fight, & falls in love with any guy who looks like her old boyfriend, Freddie.

Real Name: Mina. Like Serena, she can be late for things (not as often as Serena). I don’t have much on Mina.

SEASONS: There’s not much focus on the seasons with Queen Beryl or the two aliens, Ann and Alan. The main focus is on the more recent season released in the U.S. (I’m not referring to the Japanese version, just so you know.) This season involves a little girl mentioned in my fanfic named Rini. It’s revealed that she’s from the future, (the 30th century, to be exact) & she’s not alone. Members of the Dark Moon family, who were trying to take over Crystal Tokyo (That’s what 30th century Tokyo is called), go after Rini & the Sailor Scouts as well. First, there’s Rubeus, then Emerald, Sapphire, & Prince Diamond. Diamond has an obsession with the queen of Crystal Tokyo: Neo-Queen Serenity. (That’s Serena in the future.) When the Scouts traveled to the future with Rini, along with Tuxedo Mask (his real name’s Darien, & he & Serena are very close), Sailor Moon & Tuxedo Mask found out from King Endymion (Darien’s future self) that Rini is their daughter. The Scouts defeated the Dark Family once and for all, and returned to their own time…or so it seems.

That’s where my story comes in. It turns out that there are 2 other members of the Dark Moon family, Topaz and Amethyst. They’re the youngest of the Dark Moon family, and they’re seeking revenge for the deaths of their three brothers and sister. The remaining Dark Moon family members discovered that the Ronin Warriors had an impact on the Sailor Scouts’ present and 30th century Crystal Tokyo. By destroying the Ronin Warriors, the future of the Sailor Scouts and Crystal Tokyo would be drastically altered. Despite the potential risks, Topaz and Amethyst go to the past to Toyama, Japan...Sorry, but if you wanna know more, read the story! And if anyone has questions regarding the Sailor Scouts, or if you’re confused about anything, email me.

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