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When Heroes Collide
Part 3 : When Lightning Strikes
By Dreamcatcher

Remember, I used this ~ to indicate a dream sequence.

A day has passed since Ryo of Wildfire and Sailor Mars have defeated Flarea, the creature that emerged from the Fire Stone. Serena, Amy, Rae, Mina, and Rini were in their room, all dressed in their pajamas, waiting for Lita to join them. The day had been pretty miserable so far. Storm clouds had blocked out the sun around noontime, and it had been raining heavily ever since. Serena and Rini were sitting on the only bed in the room, while the others sat on top of sleeping bags that Mia provided for them. “This storm is becoming very severe,” Amy mentioned as she looked out the window at the dark billowing storm clouds. Suddenly, there was a brilliant flash of lightning, followed quickly by a roaring clap of thunder. Two screams were heard by all, and the three girls turned toward the bed, where the screams came from.

They tried to suppress their giggles when they saw two lumps under the bed covers, where Serena and Rini were once sitting. “Serena, don’t you think it’s about time for you to overcome this stupid fear of yours?” Rae complained. “I’m not afraid, Rae,” Serena’s muffled voice replied from the larger of the two lumps. “I’m just trying to comfort Rini, that’s all.” “Stop lying, Serena,” the smaller lump replied. “You’re afraid of thunder and lightning as much as I am!” “I am not!” “You are, too!” “Not!” “Too!” “Not!” “Too!” The other girls groaned as the arguing continued.

“Why are you two hiding under the covers?” a familiar voice asked Serena and Rini. They got out from underneath the covers to see who was talking to them. The speaker was Lita, who was standing in the doorway with Luna and Artemis at her feet. She was wearing a T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants, and she had her hair wrapped up in a towel. Another flash of lightning occurred, followed by a clap of thunder. The girls screamed again and pulled the cover over their heads. Lita laughed and closed the door, while Luna and Artemis jumped on the bed. “Come on now, Serena,” Luna pleaded. “Is that any way for the leader of the Sailor Scouts to behave?”

Luna’s speech convinced Serena to come out from underneath the covers. Lita sat down on her sleeping bag and unwrapped the towel from around her head. She pulled up her slightly wet auburn hair back into a ponytail as she asked, “So, Rae, what was it like fighting that creature? What should we expect when our turn comes around?” “Well...” she started until she was interrupted by a knock at the door. “Who is it?” Lita asked cautiously. “It’s me, Sage.” She got up and opened the door. Sage was standing at the doorway. “I was wondering if you were all right,” he asked. “We heard some screams from your room and...” “Oh, don’t worry about that,” Lita said cheerfully. “Serena and Rini were just spooked from the lightning, that’s all.”

“Well, if everyone’s okay...” Sage murmured. “Good night, everyone.” “Good night, Sage,” the six girls chorused as he closed the door. Lita sat back down as Rae continued. “Well, Flarea, the creature that emerged from the Fire Stone, was incredibly powerful. It took the combined attacks of both Ryo and me to destroy her. You’ll have to expect the same thing with any other creatures that emerge from the remaining Celestial Stones.” “Did you pick up any more of those stones on your tracer, Rini?” Artemis asked. Rini reached over to the bed stand, picked up her tracer and turned it on. “Still nothing,” she replied as she turned it off and put it back on the bed stand. “It probably only picks them up when they have a certain energy level.” “Well, I don’t know about you guys,” Serena yawned as she laid down on the bed, “but I’m ready for bed. Good night, everyone.” With that, she fell fast asleep. The other girls and the two cats giggled as they settled in and went to sleep...

Meanwhile, the Ronin Warriors were in their room across the hall. Like the girls, they were also discussing the battle between Ryo, Sailor Mars, and Flarea. “So, you’re saying that this ‘Flarea’ creature was so powerful, that it took your attack combined with Sailor Mars’ attack to defeat her?” Cye asked. “Yeah, that’s right,” Ryo answered. “That’s why it’s important for us to find the rest of those stones before it’s too late.” “You know, Ryo, it seems pretty suspicious that the Celestial Stone of Fire was inside Mt. Fuji, the very same place where you were resting after our first encounter with Talpa,” Sage mentioned thoughtfully. “Maybe the other stones are in the exact same places where the rest of us were resting.”

“You could be right about that, Sage,” Rowen agreed. “We’ll look into that tomorrow,” Ryo interrupted, “but now, let’s get some sleep.” Rowen got up and turned off the lights. Everyone feel fast asleep, except for Sage, who was just lying there, staring at the ceiling in deep thought. After a few hours passed by, he slowly got up and carefully made his way to the door. “I’m sorry, Ryo,” he thought to himself as he slowly opened the door, “ but if we wait till tomorrow, it might be too late.” Sage walked out the door and carefully closed it behind him. The hallway was pitch black, so he flipped on a light switch. With the lights on, he noticed that the girls’ bedroom door was open a crack. Sage slowly crept to the crack and peeked inside. Everyone in the room was asleep, so he carefully closed the door and continued making his way downstairs...

Unbeknownst to Sage, Lita did wake up from the hallway light. She was about to get up when she heard someone sneaking up to the door. To play it safe, Lita lied back down and closed her eyes, but kept one eye slightly open. Through her slightly opened eye, she saw Sage come up to their door. He looked around at the girls, and slowly closed the door. After hearing his footsteps on the stairs, Lita opened her eyes and got up. She looked at the digital alarm clock on the bed stand, which showed that the time was 1:03 AM. “Now, where would Sage be going at one o’clock in the morning?” she thought to herself as she put on a pair of sneakers.

When Lita finished tying her shoes, she heard the front door open and close. She looked out the window and barely saw Sage, in his green and white sub-armor, running through the darkness and the pouring rain toward the woods. “I better follow him,” Lita muttered to herself as she rummaged through her backpack. She pulled out her transformation wand, a poncho, and an oversized flashlight. “I’m going to need these,” she said as she zipped up her backpack and put on her poncho. Lita quietly made her way to the door and was about to leave the room when she stopped. She looked at the bed stand, where Rini’s tracer was. She picked it up and turned it on. “Still nothing,” she muttered, “but I’ll take it with me just in case.” With that, Lita put the tracer in her pocket, along with her transformation wand, picked up her flashlight, and left the room.

Lita carefully made her way downstairs toward the front door. She unlocked the door and opened it slowly, being careful not to wake up anyone. She stepped outside and carefully closed the door behind her, not realizing that she didn’t shut the door all the way. “Aww, man!” Lita murmured as she pulled up the hood of her poncho. “It’s still raining cats and dogs!” She turned on her flashlight and ran into the direction she saw Sage run off in. After a few minutes, she stopped to catch her breath. Lita was in a small clearing and Sage was nowhere in sight. She also noticed that it was getting lighter outside, so she turned off her flashlight.

Suddenly, Lita noticed a faint green glow coming from her pocket. She pulled out the tracer and looked at the screen, which showed a solid white blip and a flashing green blip not far from it. “That has to be the Celestial Stone of Spirit!” Lita cried out. “Rini must have been right about the tracer. Otherwise, we would have picked up the signal sooner.” She took one final look around and left, following the directions from the tracer. “No time to look for Sage now!” she thought to herself. “I’ve got to find that Spirit Stone before it’s too late!”

In the meantime, Sage was standing in front of the opening of a cave. “The Cave of the Pinnacles,” he thought to himself. “I can sense it. The Spirit Stone is in there and I’m going in after it.” He was about to enter the cave when a noise caused him to turn around. He heard a twig snap coming from the woods. Not knowing who or what made the noise, Sage decided not to take any chances. He went behind a bush near the entrance of the cave and crouched down, preparing himself to spring on the figure emerging from the woods if it turned out to be an enemy. He saw a figure emerge from the woods, but he couldn’t tell who or what it was because of a hood covering the stranger’s head...

Meanwhile, Lita looked up from the tracer. She was in another small clearing. There were a few scattered bushes and a cave right in front of her. “According to this tracer,” she whispered to herself, “the Spirit Stone is inside that cave.” She put the tracer in her pocket and walked to the entrance of the cave. She was about to go inside when she felt a hand grab her shoulder. Lita responded by grabbing the attacker’s arm and flipping him over her head onto the ground. She grabbed his shoulder and was about to punch him in the face when she recognized the attacker.

“SAGE!” Lita yelled as she removed the hood to reveal her face. It was indeed Sage, who looked up at her in disbelief. “I can’t believe it!” he thought to himself. “Lita flipped me over like a rag doll!” “What was the big idea, Sage?” Lita asked angrily, which snapped him back to reality. “I’m sorry, Lita,” he explained as he stood up, “but I didn’t recognize you with that hood covering your head. Now, what are you doing here?” “Probably the same reason why you’re here: I’m looking for the Spirit Stone,” she answered. “How were you able to locate it?” “I used this tracer,” Lita explained as she pulled the pocket tracer out of her pocket to show Sage. “It’s been programmed to track down the five Celestial Stones. This is how Rae found the Fire Stone at Mt. Fuji.” “I knew it!” Sage muttered half-aloud. “You knew what?” Lita asked. “I’ll explain later,” he replied. “Right now, let’s find that stone!” With that, he grabbed Lita’s arm and led her into the cave...

Meanwhile, back at Mia’s house, Ryo woke up and noticed that Sage was missing from the room. He silently walked out of the room into the hallway. He quietly walked down the stairs and heard a noise from the kitchen. As Ryo opened the kitchen door, he whispered, “Sage, is that you?” “Sage isn’t in here,” he heard a female voice reply. Ryo looked down and saw Luna and Artemis looking up at him. “Hey, have you two seen Sage down here at all?” “No, we haven’t,” Artemis responded. “You’re the first one we’ve seen down here.” “Are you sure he’s not upstairs?” Luna asked with concern in her voice. Ryo shook his head no. “We better split up and look for him.” Ryo and Artemis nodded in agreement as the trio split up to look for Sage.

A few minutes later, Luna shouted, “Ryo! Artemis! Come here quickly!” They ran over to Luna, who was at the front door. “Look, the door has been left open,” she pointed out. As Artemis approached the door, he shivered from the cold air near the door. “Brrrr! This door has been open for a few hours, at least,” he observed. “Which means,” Ryo muttered, “that he must have left in the middle of the night.” “But, why would Sage leave the house in the middle of the night?” Luna asked Ryo. “He probably went to look for the Spirit Stone.” “But, how would he know where to look for it?” Artemis asked. “I’ll explain later,” Ryo replied. “Right now, we should wake up the others and let them know what’s going on.” “Right,” the two cats agreed as they followed Ryo upstairs.

Luna and Artemis ran into the girls’ room and screamed, “GIRLS! TIME TO WAKE UP!” Serena and Rini screamed from the unexpected wake-up call, while the other girls yawned and got up. “Luna, Artemis, what’s going on?” Amy asked the two cats in a drowsy voice. “We have a bit of a crisis on our hands,” Luna told the girls. “Sage is missing. He left the house in the middle of the night. Ryo thinks that he might have went looking for the Spirit Stone.” “But, how would he know where the Spirit Stone is?” Mina asked. “We’re not exactly sure,” Artemis admitted, “but Ryo said he would explain later. Now, let’s get going!”

“Hey, where’s Lita?” Rae asked, looking at her empty sleeping bag. “She’s gone!” “So is my pocket tracer!” Rini exclaimed, looking at the bed stand. “Lita must be with Sage, so we better hurry,” Luna said. The girls nodded as they began to change. The two cats left the room to give the girls some privacy. Just then, Ryo stepped out of the bedroom across from them. He had already changed into a red sweater, jeans, and a pair of sneakers. “The guys are awake; they’re just getting changed,” he told the cats as he shut the bedroom door. “Same thing with the girls,” Artemis replied. “Ryo,” Luna started, “we have a bigger problem now.”

“What ‘bigger problem?’ ” they heard Cye ask. Ryo turned around to see Cye, Kento and Rowen standing behind him, fully dressed. “The problem is that Lita is also missing,” Luna explained. “I believe that she’s with Sage. Do you have any idea where Sage would look for the Spirit Stone?” The guys hesitated for a second before Rowen answered, “He probably went to look for it in the Cave of the Pinnacles.” “Then, that’s where we’ll go first,” Luna replied as the bedroom door opened. The girls were all dressed and ready to go. The eight heroes made their way downstairs, followed closely by Luna, Artemis, and Rini.

Downstairs, the group ran into Mia, who was wearing a bathrobe over her pajamas. “Good morning, guys,” she greeted. “What’s going on?” “No time to explain, Mia,” Ryo told her. “We have to go find Sage and Lita!” He whistled for White Blaze, and the massive white tiger came to his side. They left the house, leaving Mia alone with Rini, Luna, and Artemis. “Would you like some breakfast?” Mia asked the little girl. She turned around and replied pleasantly, “Yes, please.” “What would you like for breakfast?” “Pancakes, please.” “All right, then, pancakes it is!” Mia walked into the kitchen, followed by Rini and the two cats...

Meanwhile, Ryo had White Blaze sniffing around for Sage’s scent, while the others watched. “That’s it, boy,” Ryo encouraged the tiger as he walked around in circles, trying to pick up the scent of the missing Ronin Warrior from the muddy ground. A couple of moments later, White Blaze stopped and looked up toward the woods. He let out a roar as he ran into the woods. “Quickly, this way!” Ryo said as he and the others ran after the tiger, who was a few strides ahead of them...

While the remaining Ronin Warriors and Sailor Scouts searched the woods, Lita and Sage were still exploring the Cave of the Pinnacles. Lita took off her poncho and left it at the cave’s entrance. Sage held the flashlight steady while Lita looked at the tracer. “We’re not far from the Spirit Stone,” she told Sage as they slowly headed forward. “According to this, the Spirit Stone should be right about—WHOA!!” she screamed as she fell straight down. Sage reacted quickly by grabbing her arm, but in the process, Lita dropped the tracer. She watched as it bounced off the sides of the deep crevasse and disappeared from view. “That could have been me,” she thought to herself as she felt a tug on her arm as Sage was pulling her up. As soon as Lita was back on solid ground, Sage asked, “Are you okay, Lita?” “Yeah, I’m fine,” she answered as she looked down the gaping ravine. Lita looked up at him and said, “Thank you, Sage, for saving my life.”

Sage was about to respond, but he saw something at the bottom of the ravine. “What’s wrong?” Lita asked. “There’s something down there,” he replied. She looked down and saw what Sage was looking at, a strange green glow coming from the bottom of the crevasse! “The Spirit Stone!” they cried out simultaneously. “We got to get down there,” Sage explained as he stood up. “But, how can we get down there without getting killed?” Lita asked him as she got up as well. “I have an idea. Armor of Halo! DAO CHI!” Lita was astonished as she watched Sage transform into the full armor.

“I ought to do the same,” Lita replied as she pulled her wand out of her pocket. “Jupiter Star Power!” After she finished with her transformation, Sailor Jupiter asked Sage, “Okay, so what’s your idea?” “Just hold on to me,” Sage said. Sailor Jupiter looked at him and realized what his “idea” was. “We’re gonna jump!?! Are you crazy!” “Only one way to find out,” he responded. With that, Sage grabbed Sailor Jupiter and jumped into the crevasse. Terrified, Sailor Jupiter closed her eyes as they descended further down the dark abyss. For some strange reason, she felt that they were slowing down, so she opened her eyes.

Sailor Jupiter couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Somehow, a massive sphere of green light was surrounding the two of them, and was slowing down their descent. When they finally reached the bottom of the ravine, the green light faded away. Bewildered, Sailor Jupiter asked, “What the heck was that?” “Well,” Sage started, “it’s like a shield that can be extended out through my armor.” “You mean that strange light came from your armor?” Sailor Jupiter asked him. Before he could answer, they both noticed a green glow coming from a nearby tunnel. They both went into the tunnel and followed it to the very end. The tunnel emptied into a tremendous underground cavern, with the ceiling and floor covered with towering stalactites and protruding stalagmites.

“Look, over there!” Sailor Jupiter cried. Sage looked in the direction she was pointing and saw it: a large green orb resting on top of a massive stalagmite in the center of the cavern, which was glowing with a mysterious green light. “Stay here,” Sage instructed Sailor Jupiter as he made his way to the stone pillar. When he reached the pillar, Sage started to climb up cautiously toward the glowing Spirit Stone. After a couple of minutes, he finally made it to the top. He reached for the glowing Spirit Stone when, suddenly, he felt the pillar shaking underneath his body. He tried to hold on, but the tremors intensified and he lost his grip.

Sailor Jupiter watched in shock when the massive pillar that Sage was on started to shake violently. “Oh, no,” she told herself, “he’s gonna fall!” The whole cavern was also starting to shake as Sailor Jupiter made her way toward Sage as quickly as she could. “Are you all right, Sage?” she asked as she helped Sage up. “I’m fine,” he assured her, “but we better get out of her quick! This place is gonna collapse!” They both ran toward the tunnel they originally came through. Suddenly, Sage noticed some massive stalactites near the entrance starting to break loose. “Sailor Jupiter! Get out of the way!” he shouted. By the time Sailor Jupiter stopped, she was right underneath the stalactites.

Sage had to act quickly before the jagged rocks crushed Sailor Jupiter. He ran as fast as he could, grabbed her by the arm, and pulled her out of the way just in time. The stalactites gave way and crashed to the ground, spraying debris and dust everywhere. When the cloud of dust disappeared, Sage and Sailor Jupiter got up and looked at the tunnel, which was now blocked off by the fallen rock. “No!” Sage exclaimed angrily. He punched a nearby stalagmite out of frustration, leaving a noticeable hole in the rock. “Don’t worry, Sage,” Sailor Jupiter assured him, placing a hand on his shoulder. “We’ll find another way out, I’m sure of it.” Sage turned around and looked at his current partner. “You’re probably right,” he agreed. “There has to be another way out of here.”

Before they could start searching for another exit, a voice echoed, “You two aren’t going anywhere!” Sage and Sailor Jupiter were on their guard. “Why don’t you show yourself, you Dark Moon trash?” Sailor Jupiter yelled boldly. “ ‘Why don’t you show yourself, you Dark Moon trash?’ ” No response followed Sailor Jupiter’s question. “What’s wrong? Are you afraid to face us?” Sage shouted. “ ‘What’s wrong? Are you afraid to face us?’ ” There was still no response. “Come on, let’s get out of here,” Sage whispered as he and Sailor Jupiter carefully made their way through the twisting maze of looming stalagmites.

“Didn’t you hear me? I told you, you’re not going anywhere!” the voice replied angrily. The massive pillar, where the Spirit Stone once rested, shook violently. Sage and Sailor Jupiter immediately dropped to the ground and covered their heads. They heard a powerful explosion, followed by silence. “Is it over?” Sailor Jupiter asked as they stood up. “I don’t think so! Look!” Sage exclaimed, pointing at the stone pillar in the center of the cavern. The once massive stalagmite was reduced to half its original size, due to the explosion. Standing on top was a creature from the Dark Moon. She had glowing green eyes that sparkled with electricity, and all of her long neon green hair stood on end, as though she had been electrocuted. She wore a sleeveless green dress with a jaggedly torn skirt and dark green high-heeled boots.

“Who are you?” Sage yelled to the creature, who was staring at them coldly. “I am Electra, servant to the Dark Moon Kingdom,” she stated menacingly. Her green eyes focused on Sage for a moment, and then they shifted toward Sailor Jupiter. Electra raised her hand and a massive ball of electricity formed. With all her might, she threw the ball of electricity straight at the two heroes. “Duck!” Sailor Jupiter yelled. She and Sage jumped out of the way in opposite directions, narrowly avoiding Electra’s attack. The enraged creature levitated off of the pillar and slowly floated around the cavern. “Looks like we’re playing my favorite game: ‘Seek and Destroy!’ ” Electra chuckled evilly as she searched the cavern for the Ronin Warrior of Light.

She stopped in mid-air, hovering over a small cluster of stalagmites. She spotted Sage quickly moving from one stalagmite to the next one. Electra snickered a bit as another ball of electricity formed in her hand. “Game over for you, Ronin Warrior!” She was about to attack when suddenly, she heard “JUPITER THUNDERCLOUD ZAP!” Electra turned around, but was flung into the roof by Sailor Jupiter’s attack. “Sage, are you all right?” she asked him, who was getting up from behind the stalagmite. “I’m fine,” Sage muttered. He looked up at the gaping hole in the ceiling and said, “Looks like you took care of her, Sailor Jupiter.” “That’s what you think!” Electra cried out as she flew straight out of the hole, with anger burning in her eyes.

“No way!” Sailor Jupiter exclaimed. “You’ll pay for that, Sailor brat!” she yelled furiously as a long bolt of lightning formed in her hand. Using it like a whip, Electra swung it at Sailor Jupiter. The electric whip struck the ground, causing a cloud of dust to surround the Sailor Scout. When the dust cloud settled, Sage saw Sailor Jupiter down on her knees. “Are you all right?” he asked as he ran to her side. “Don’t worry. She missed me,” she assured Sage. When he wasn’t looking, Sailor Jupiter carefully examined her ankle, which was already starting to swell up. “You’ll pay for that, Electra!” she heard Sage yell, which caused her to look up. “That’s a bold claim, Ronin,” Electra muttered as her electric whip morphed into a sword. “Let’s see if you can carry that out!”

As Electra flew straight at him, Sage held his own sword up to block the upcoming blow. He succeeded, but the force of Electra’s impact rammed him against the cavern wall. As the fight raged on, Sailor Jupiter tried to stand up on her own. She winced in pain when she put some weight on her sore ankle. She leaned on a stalagmite for support as she took in a deep breath. “No time for this,” Sailor Jupiter muttered to herself. “Sage is gonna need my help.” “THUNDER BOLT CUT!” she heard Sage yell, causing her to look up. Electra was trying to push back the massive bolt of lighting, which was steadily pushing her toward the roof of the cavern.

Suddenly, Electra broke through Sage’s attack. She snickered evilly as the sword of lightning reappeared in her hand. “Face it, Ronin,” she stated coldly. “You don’t have the power to defeat me.” Sailor Jupiter suddenly recalled what Rae mentioned last night: “It took the combined attacks of both Ryo and me to destroy her. You’ll have to expect the same thing with any other creatures that emerge from the remaining Celestial Stones.” “That’s it!” she exclaimed. “Sage! We have to attack her together!” Sailor Jupiter yelled. Sage remembered what Ryo said the other night and realized that was the solution. “Get ready, Sailor Jupiter,” he warned as he held his sword above his head. “Now! THUNDER BOLT CUT!” “JUPITER THUNDERCLOUD ZAP!”

The massive bolt of lightning from Sage’s sword and the huge ball of lightning from Sailor Jupiter’s hand skyrocketed straight for Electra. The two attacks both met their target and Electra let out a long eerie scream as the cavern filled with a bright light. Sage and Sailor Jupiter both shielded their eyes. When the light vanished, Sage opened his eyes and cautiously looked around. “She’s definitely gone for good,” he murmured. Looking around the cavern, his violet-gray eyes spotted a small opening with a pale gray light. “Another way out! Let’s go, Sailor Jupiter!” Sage looked at the Sailor Scout, who was down on her knees again. He ran to her side and asked, “Is there something wrong?”

“No, I’m just fine,” Sailor Jupiter lied. Sage’s glance moved from Sailor Jupiter’s face down to her ankle. The swelling had increased, and it was starting to turn black and blue. “What happened to your ankle?” he asked calmly. “Remember when Electra struck at me with that lightning whip and I told you it missed me?” she reminded Sage. He slowly nodded yes. “Well, I lied.” “Why?” Sage asked. “Well, you needed help fighting Electra, and it worked, didn’t it?” Sage knew she was trying to cover up her true intentions, but didn’t say anything as he helped her up. “Come on, let’s get out of here,” he whispered as he helped Sailor Jupiter to the faintly lit opening. Unknown to the both of them, Topaz was watching them from behind the once massive stalagmite. In his hand was the Spirit Stone. He snickered softly as he teleported out of the cavern...

In the meantime, White Blaze led the remaining Ronin Warriors and Sailor Scouts straight though the woods. They soon reached a clearing, where the mouth of an enormous cave loomed. “That’s it! The Cave of the Pinnacles,” Ryo announced. “Good job, White Blaze,” he congratulated his pet tiger as he patted him on the head. Serena curiously approached the mouth of the cave. “Wow! It’s really dark in there!” she exclaimed, her voice echoing off the cavern’s walls. As her eyes adjusted to the darkness of the cave, Serena noticed two figures slowly approaching. She screamed loudly, ran away from the cave’s entrance, and cowered behind Amy.

“Serena, what’s wrong?” Rowen asked while Kento was trying to hold in his laughter. “I-I-I saw something,” Serena stuttered. “Serena! Is that you?” a familiar voice echoed from the cave. “Lita?” Serena yelled as she walked out from behind Amy. “Who were you expecting, meatball head? Dracula?” Rae asked sarcastically. “I told you not to call me that, Rae!” Serena yelled. “Stop arguing, you two,” Amy interrupted. Just then, Sage and Sailor Jupiter left the cave and joined their friends. “Hey, guys,” Sage greeted Ryo, Cye, Kento, and Rowen. “Hey, Sage,” Ryo replied. “What happened in there?” “Well, we found the Spirit Stone, this creature came out of the stone, and we destroyed it together,” Sage summed up.

Mina looked at Sailor Jupiter and gasped when she saw her ankle. “Lita, what happened?” she asked, pointing at her swollen ankle. “Oh, that? It’s just a scratch, Mina,” Sailor Jupiter told her. “Nothing to worry about.” Suddenly, a shock of pain caused her to yell out loud. “Lita!” the four girls cried. “Maybe I should carry you back to Mia’s,” Sage suggested. “No way! As long as I got one good foot, I’m gonna…” Another burst of pain from her ankle caused her to slump down to her knees. “Lita! Let me help you! Walking will only make your injury worse than it already is,” Sage told her sternly. “Fine,” she reluctantly agreed. Sage gently scooped up Sailor Jupiter in his arms, being carefully not to touch her ankle. “Come on, everyone. Let’s head back to Mia’s,” he announced as he entered the woods, followed by their eight friends...

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