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When Heroes Collide
Part 4 : A Day At the Beach
By Dreamcatcher

Another day has passed since the defeat of Electra. It was about one o’clock in the afternoon, and Lita was lying on the bed in the girls’ room. Her ankle was wrapped in a cloth bandage, with a cold compress lying on top of it. The door opened slowly and Lita looked up to see Amy. She was carrying a tray with a sandwich, a small bowl of soup, and a glass of orange juice. “Hey, Amy,” Lita greeted as she carefully sat up on the bed. “Here, Lita,” Amy replied as she carefully set the tray on a small foldable table next to the bed. “Cye made you some lunch.” “Tell him I said ‘thanks,’ okay?” Lita asked. “Sure, no problem,” Amy replied.

Amy removed the compress and carefully unwrapped the bandage. As she examined Lita’s ankle, she asked, “How is it?” “Well, the swelling has decreased drastically,” Amy muttered. She looked up at Lita and smiled. “Don’t worry, Lita. You should be completely healed in a couple of days.” She rewrapped Lita’s ankle with the bandage. “A couple of days?” Lita complained. “Why not now? Just give me a crutch or something. I hate lying around doing nothing!” “Well, I suppose I could ask Mia if she has a crutch lying around,” Amy muttered aloud. “I’ll be right back.” Before she left the bedroom, Lita yelled, “Wait! Also tell Rini that I’m sorry about her pocket tracer.” “That wasn’t your fault, Lita, but I’ll give her the message,” Amy assured her as she left the room.

As she climbed down the stairs, Amy called out, “Mia! Could I speak with you for a moment?” “She’s not here,” she heard Sage reply. “Mia went into town to pick up some things.” Amy entered the living room and saw Sage sitting on the couch. “How’s Lita doing?” he asked with concern in his voice. “She’s doing just fine,” Amy assured him. “Only problem is she’s been complaining a lot lately.” “Complaining? About what?” Sage asked as he got up from the couch. “Lita wants to get up and walk around,” Amy replied. “She doesn’t like to lay around and do nothing, unlike Serena. That’s part of the reason why I was looking for Mia.” “Maybe I can help you out, Amy. What do you need?” Sage asked.

“Do you know where Mia would keep a crutch? That is, if she had one,” Amy asked. Sage stood there in silent thought for a few moments. He snapped his fingers as an idea came to his head. “The basement!” Sage exclaimed. “Mia keeps a lot of junk down there, and if she has a crutch, it would be in there.” Sage walked around the staircase and opened a door on the side of the staircase. “Wait here. I’ll be right back,” he told Amy as he turned on a light switch and walked down a flight of old wooden stairs. Amy heard a series of small crashes before she heard Sage yell, “I found one!” Sage returned to the basement door and handed Amy an antique wooden crutch. “Will this work?” he asked. “Indeed, it will. Thanks, Sage,” Amy replied. She noticed that Sage had a strange expression on his face, one of depression and guilt.

“Is there something wrong, Sage?” she asked. “It’s my fault,” Sage grumbled. “What’s your fault?” Amy asked curiously. “It’s my fault that Lita got hurt.” Sage returned to the living room and sat back down on the couch, with Amy following behind. “Don’t be ridiculous, Sage. No one’s to blame for Lita’s injury, so stop blaming yourself.” “Yeah, but why did Lita lie about it?” Sage asked, catching Amy by surprise. “She lied to you?” “She told me that Electra missed her, but the truth was she didn’t miss.” Sage buried his face in his hands. “Sage, listen to me,” Amy started as she took a seat next to him. “Lita’s the toughest girl I know. The truth is, she can be a bit of a bully at times. One thing Lita doesn’t like is admitting that she needs help, or that she can’t do something on her own.” Sage lifted his head and looked at Amy.

“That would explain why she lied about her ankle,” he murmured, “and also why she refused to let me help her.” Sage smiled a bit. “Thanks for the talk, Amy. That helped out a lot.” “No problem, Sage,” Amy said as she got up. “I’ll bring this up to Lita,” she explained, indicating the crutch, “and I’ll be right back down, if you wish to talk some more.” Amy headed back to the staircase and started to walk up the stairs. She stopped for a few moments to look out of the window. “What a beautiful day!” she told herself. “Perhaps I’ll get one of my books and read outside later.” She was about to continue up the stairs when something caught her eye. Cye was sitting against a large oak tree. In his hand was a sketchpad, and he was busy working on a drawing. Amy watched him for a few more moments before she continued walking upstairs...

Meanwhile, Cye was busy working on a drawing in his sketchpad. He was so into his work that he didn’t notice Amy approaching him, carrying a thick, heavy book in her arms. “Mind if I sit here?” Amy asked. Startled at first, Cye quickly closed his sketchpad and replied a bit nervously, “S-sure, Amy.” She sat down in the cool shade of the massive oak. She placed the book in her lap and opened it up. “What are you reading?” Cye asked. “ ‘Theories on Quantum Physics,’ ” Amy replied without looking up from the book. “Quantum Physics?” Cye thought. Amy continued reading her book, so Cye carefully reopened his sketchpad and continued working on his drawing. A few minutes of silence followed.

“If you don’t mind me asking, what are you working on?” Amy asked. “Just some sketches,” Cye answered quickly. “Could I see them?” she asked. Cye hesitated for a moment. “Umm...sure,” he finally agreed reluctantly. Cye handed the sketchpad to Amy. She opened it up and the first drawing was of Sailor Moon. “Wow! This is extraordinary work,” Amy exclaimed. Cye blushed a bit from the comment. She turned the page, and the next drawing was of Sailor Mars. As Amy flipped the page over to a drawing of Sailor Jupiter, she murmured, “Amazing!” She looked up at Cye and smiled. “You’re really skilled at this, Cye. When did you learn to draw like this?” “It just comes naturally to me,” Cye admitted while Amy was admiring the sketch of Sailor Venus.

Amy turned the page once again to reveal a drawing of herself as Sailor Mercury. “I’m curious. Why did you create these drawings of us?” she asked. “Well, I know that you don’t plan on staying here for long,” Cye explained. “You and the rest of the Sailor Scouts will be returning home after you’re finished completing your mission, right?” Amy nodded her head yes. “I decided to create a bit of a memento, because I don’t want to forget you girls. I hope there are no objections to this.” “I don’t think anyone would mind,” Amy admitted as she handed the sketchpad back to Cye. “Some of them will actually be flattered that you chose to do this.”

Cye turned red in the face. “Why are you blushing, Cye?” Amy asked. “There’s no need to be embarrassed.” As the redness faded from his face, Cye decided to change the subject. “So, how’s Lita doing?” he asked. “A lot better now,” Amy admitted. “By the way, she wanted me to thank you for making her lunch.” “It’s no big deal,” Cye replied. “I was more than happy to do it.” “Hey, guys!” they heard Serena yell. Cye and Amy stood up as Serena approached them, followed by Ryo, Rae, Rowen, and Rini on White Blaze, with her Luna Sphere hovering after her. “Hi, Serena,” Amy greeted her. “Where have you been all morning?” “Ryo took us to this old temple out in the woods,” Rini explained as she got off of White Blaze. “It was really nice.”

“Where’s Kento?” Cye asked. “He went with Mia to pick up some groceries,” Rowen explained. “That figures,” Cye muttered. “Rini, Lita wanted me to tell you something,” Amy announced. “What?” Rini asked. “She wanted to apologize for what happened to your pocket tracer.” Rini stood there silent for a moment, and then she smiled. “Lita shouldn’t worry about that. I can always make another one.” “You made that tracer, Rini?” Ryo asked. “Yup, I did,” Rini admitted proudly. “How did you manage to create this tracer?” Rowen asked. “Just watch,” Rini announced as the Luna Sphere landed in her hands. “LUNA SPHERE...KITTY MAGIC!” she cried out as she threw the Luna Sphere into the air. Instantly, a new tracer, identical to the first one, landed in her hand.

Ryo, Cye, and Rowen were astonished beyond words as Rini started to type furiously on the pocket tracer. A few moments later, she announced, “Done!” Rini gasped slightly when she looked at the screen. “What’s wrong, Rini?” Cye asked. “The tracer picked up another Celestial Stone,” Rini muttered as she handed the tracer to Amy. As she looked over the small computer screen, Amy noticed the flashing light blue blip and the solid white blip. “This blue dot is the Celestial Stone of Water. Right, Rini?” The little girl nodded her head in approval. Amy pressed a button and a map instantly appeared on the screen, with the two blips still visible.

“According to this map,” Amy explained, “the Water Stone is located in a small bay approximately 250 miles southwest of Toyama.” Cye looked over Amy’s shoulder at the map. “Looks like that Water Stone is right outside Onaruto,” he muttered. Amy looked at him. “You’re familiar with this area?” she asked. Cye nodded his head yes. “We should get going, right away.” Amy headed back to the house. “Why are you going in the house, Amy?” Serena asked. “I have to get my transformation wand, in case we run into any trouble.” With that, Amy ran into the house. A few minutes later, she left the house, with her transformation wand in her hand. “Let’s go, Cye,” Amy announced as she and Cye headed down the driveway toward the main road...

A couple of hours later, Amy and Cye were standing on the bridge overlooking the Great Whirlpools of Naruto. Amy was looking at the scanner while Cye gazed down at the whirlpools underneath them. “According to this, the Water Stone should be right below us,” Amy muttered out loud. She looked up at Cye, who, to her surprise, was standing on the other side of the guardrail. “Cye! What are you doing?” she exclaimed.

“Remember how you asked me earlier if I was familiar with this area?” Cye asked. Amy slowly nodded her head. “Well, during the battle with Talpa and the Evil Dynasty, I’ve ended up in the whirlpools quite a few times,” he explained. “You mean you’ve actually been inside the whirlpools?” Amy asked as she looked over the guardrail at the raging swirls of water. “How could you possibly survive such an ordeal, Cye?”

“Because I was wearing this,” Cye replied. Amy looked up at Cye and realized that he was wearing his sub-armor. “I should be back in a few minutes,” he explained. “If you wish, you can wait for me on the beach over there.” Cye pointed at the stretch of sand along the bank of Onaruto Bay. “All right,” Amy agreed. “Be careful, Cye.” She stepped away from the guardrail and started to head off of the bridge. Amy turned around for a minute and watched Cye as he dove off of the bridge into the cold water below...

Unbeknownst to both Cye and Amy, Topaz had been watching them ever since they arrived in Onaruto. “Amethyst!” he called out, without even looking up from his crystal. A few moments later, Amethyst entered the room. “What us it, Topaz?” she asked wearily. “Sailor Mercury and Cye of Torrent have apparently discovered the location of the Celestial Stone of Water,” Topaz reported. “We can’t afford to lose another one,” Amethyst muttered out loud. “What’s the progress on the Celestial Stone of Water?” she asked.

Topaz looked up from his crystal at a metal black box attached to the wall. There were five bars, each lit up. The first bar was completely red, the second one was completely green, and the third was nearly completely light blue. The remaining two bars were partially filled with orange and dark blue light. “Unfortunately, it’s not fully charged yet, Amethyst,” he replied. “If that’s so, then create a diversion, brother,” Amethyst remarked crudely as she left the room.

“Yes, your majesty,” Topaz muttered mockingly under his breath. He looked at the crystal, which showed Amy standing on the beach. “This will be perfect,” he told himself. Topaz lifted a leather pouch, opened it, and pulled out a small handful of black sand. He sprinkled the sand over his crystal ball. “This will take care of Sailor Mercury and Cye of Torrent, for now,” Topaz muttered. He chuckled evilly as he watched the image of Amy...

Meanwhile, Amy was indeed standing on the beach, waiting for Cye to emerge from the whirlpools with the Water Stone. She was too busy staring out at the water that she didn’t notice the grains of sparkling black sand raining from the sky. The grains landed on the beach and six small mounds rose out of the sand. The mounds slowly took on humanoid shapes, but Amy never noticed this. “What could be taking Cye so long?” she asked herself.

Suddenly, Amy heard a strange noise behind her. She turned around and gasped when she saw the sand creatures heading towards her. “This must be Amethyst and Topaz’s doing,” Amy muttered thoughtfully as she brought out her transformation wand. “Mercury Star—Ahh!” One of the sand creatures had knocked the wand out of Amy’s hand before she could finish. The wand flew in the air for a few moments and landed on the beach a couple of yards away. Amy ran toward her wand, but she was blocked off by two of the sand creatures. “Where are you, Cye? I need your help,” Amy thought as the six creatures surrounded her...

Meanwhile, Cye was swimming deeper into the dark, cold waters of Onaruto Bay. He stopped for a few moments as he watched an orca whale swim past him. Just then, Cye spotted a small dot of light blue light shimmering from the bottom of one of the whirlpools. “Could that be it?” he asked himself as he continued his descent. As Cye entered the whirlpool, his suspicions were confirmed. Resting on the muddy bottom of the bay was indeed a large light blue orb, which was still glowing with a mysterious light blue light.

“That’s it! The Water Stone!” Cye thought triumphantly. He landed on the bottom and picked up the glass orb. He noticed that the light was continually glowing brightly, then fading away, then glowing again in a steady pattern. “Why would it be doing this?” Cye asked himself as he carefully looked over the orb in his hands. All of a sudden, Cye felt a sharp pain in his head, causing him to drop the Water Stone. As the orb slowly rolled away, Cye dropped to his knees from the head-splitting pain.

It only lasted for a few seconds, but it felt like minutes for Cye before the excrutiating pain finally stopped. He remembered that the last time he had a headache like this, one of his friends was in danger. “Oh, no! Amy! She must be in trouble,” Cye thought. He quickly looked around for the Water Stone, but it was nowhere in sight. “I’ll have to worry ‘bout that later,” he told himself as he headed back to the surface as fast as he could...

Meanwhile, back on the beach, Amy was fighting off the sand creatures as best as she could. “When the opportunity arrives, I should thank Rae for those self-defense lessons,” she reminded herself as she ducked out of the way of one creature’s swinging arm. Unfortunately, Amy wasn’t able to avoid the second one. She got knocked down on the sandy beach. As she struggled to sit up, Amy gasped when she saw one of the sand creatures ready to attack her.

To Amy’s surprise, Cye appeared out of nowhere and kicked the creature to the ground. “Are you all right, Amy?” he asked as he helped her up. “I’m fine,” Amy managed to get out. “If you were in trouble, why didn’t you transform to Sailor Mercury?” Cye asked. “I tried to, but one of those creatures knocked the wand out of my hand,” Amy explained. Cye looked around the beach and saw Amy’s transformation wand stuck in the sand a couple of yards. “Don’t worry, Amy. I’ll get it.”

Without hesitating, Cye ran as fast as he could toward the wand. Two of the sand creatures tried to block his way, but Cye ran straight through them, splitting both of them in half. “Got it,” he muttered triumphantly as he pulled the wand out of the sand. When Cye turned around, he was shocked to see that the two sand creatures that he split in half have multiplied into four sand creatures. “Swell! Now there’s eight of ‘em,” he muttered nervously as the eight creatures approached him.

“Amy, catch!” Cye shouted as he threw the transformation wand over the creatures’ heads. Amy had to stoop down a bit, but she managed to catch the wand before it hit the sand. She noticed that the creatures were slowly heading towards her. Amy had to act fast. “Mercury Star Power!” she yelled, holding the wand in the air. Almost instantly, Amy was transformed into Sailor Mercury. “MERCURY ICE BUBBLES BLAST!” she shouted. A thick fog quickly blanketed the beach, freezing the sand creatures into ice sculptures. Cye was astonished as the frozen sand creatures suddenly crumbled into piles of slush and wet sand.

“That was incredible!” Cye exclaimed. “Thanks,” Sailor Mercury replied. “I’ve been meaning to ask you, how did you know I was in trouble, Cye?” she asked. “Intuition,” Cye stated simply. “Anyway, did you get the Water Stone?” Sailor Mercury asked. “Well, I had it, but I dropped it and it rolled away,” he reluctantly admitted. “Sorry.” “It’s okay, Cye. You tried your best,” Sailor Mercury assured him. “But now, ‘cause of me, that creature’s gonna pop out of there any minute now...” Cye started to explain.

Before he could finish, there was a sudden explosion out in the bay. Cye and Sailor Mercury gasped as a massive spray of water flew up in the air. “This could be it,” Cye muttered. “Armor of Torrent! DAO SHIN!” He was instantly transformed into his full armor. “Don’t think that armor of yours will save you and your friends,” a female voice shouted from the column of water. Cye and Sailor Mercury looked out at the bay. From the spray of water emerged a creature from the Dark Moon. Her long, wet, stringy light blue hair hung around her pale face like fine seaweed. Her wet, sleeveless light blue dress clung to her body. Her ice blue eyes stared coldly at the Ronin Warrior and Sailor Scout standing on the beach. A small evil smile appeared on her face.

“That must be her!” Sailor Mercury exclaimed. “It’s the creature from the Water Stone!” “Watch your tongue, girl,” the creature replied coldly, her icy stare fixed on Sailor Mercury. She raised her arm above her head and a menacing fifteen-foot-tall wave rose right in front of Cye and Sailor Mercury. “The name is Seadra,” the creature remarked as she quickly brought her arm down. Sailor Mercury and Cye gasped as the towering tidal wave began to bear down on them.

“Sailor Mercury, hold your breath,” Cye shouted. “What for?” Sailor Mercury asked. “Just do it!” Cye muttered loudly between clenched teeth. Sailor Mercury quickly drew in a deep breath. As the wall of water crashed down on the two heroes, Seadra looked on with a small smirk on her face. “No one could have survived that, not even a Ronin Warrior and Sailor Scout,” she told herself. Seadra was about to leave Onaruto Bay when she turned around and gasped. “Impossible!” she exclaimed. Standing on the beach was Cye and Sailor Mercury, who were surrounded by a protective shield of light blue light.

“Got a plan, Sailor Mercury?” Cye asked. “This shield isn’t gonna last for much longer.” “Remember, Ryo and Sailor Mars defeated Flarea by combining their attacks, and Sage and Sailor Jupiter defeated Electra in the same fashion,” Sailor Mercury reminded him. “By combining our attacks, we should be successful in defeating Seadra.” “Right, what you said,” Cye agreed. “Ready?” he asked as he readied his trident. Sailor Mercury nodded her head. “SUPER WAVE SMASHER!” “MERCURY ICE BUBBLES BLAST!”

The combined attacks struck Seadra simultaneously, causing her to plummet into the cold ocean water below. “Looks like we got her,” Cye remarked. “Yeah, looks like it,” Sailor Mercury muttered uncertainly, her eyes concentrating on the very spot where Seadra fell. “Is there something wrong?” Cye asked. “I just have an uneasy feeling about this, Cye,” Sailor Mercury explained. The two heroes suddenly heard a noise. They looked out toward the bay and gasped. Sailor Mercury’s suspicions were confirmed when Seadra flew straight out of the water in the blink of an eye.

“Foolish ones! I cannot be defeated so easily!” Seadra shouted infuriately. She lifted up both her arms and a massive thirty-foot-tall wave rose out of the water, heading straight for Cye and Sailor Mercury. “Run!” Cye shouted. He and Sailor Mercury jumped out of the way in opposite directions, narrowly avoiding Seadra’s attack. Sailor Mercury landed face-first in the sand. As she slowly stood up, she heard Cye yell, “Sailor Mercury! Look out!” She turned around and gasped as another menacing wave prepared to crash right on top of her.

“I have to think of something fast!” Sailor Mercury thought to herself. An idea quickly came to her, just as the wave was about to bear down on her. “SHINE AQUA ILLUSION!” Sailor Mercury shouted. Cye was astonished beyond words as the Sailor Scout’s attack instantly froze the entire tidal wave into a sheet of solid ice. “Incredible!” he muttered to himself. As Cye joined Sailor Mercury, he asked, “How come you didn’t use that attack before? It’s obviously much more powerful then that ‘Mercury Ice Bubbles’ attack you used earlier.”

“Guess I should have thought of that earlier, huh?” Sailor Mercury admitted. “Better late than never,” Cye remarked. The two heroes looked up and saw Seadra heading towards them. “Ready to give it another shot, Sailor Mercury?” Cye asked as he once again readied his trident. “I’m ready,” Sailor Mercury replied. “Just hold on till she gets closer.” They stood by, poised to attack, as Seadra steadily approached them. “Steady,” Sailor Mercury warned Cye. “Now! SHINE AQUA ILLUSION!” she shouted. “SUPER WAVE SMASHER!” Cye shouted.

This time around, the two combined attacks struck Seadra head-on. She let out a shrill scream as her body turned into solid ice. Cye and Sailor Mercury watched as Seadra’s frozen body plummeted like a rock into the bay. The two heroes held their breath, uncertain of whether or not they have succeeded. Sailor Mercury touched her earring, causing her visor to appear. She slowly turned her head back and forth, carefully scanning the bay for any sign of Seadra.

“What’s the verdict?” Cye asked as Sailor Mercury touched her earring again, causing the visor to disappear. “As far as I can tell, Seadra is no longer in Onaruto Bay,” Sailor Mercury explained. “Therefore, we can safely conclude that the proper combination of our attacks have led to her demise.” “So, to put it simply, Seadra’s gone?” Cye asked. “Yes, Cye. She’s gone,” Sailor Mercury confirmed. “Hey, Cye! Amy!” a familiar voice shouted.

The two turned around and saw Kento, in his orange and white sub-armor, running towards them. As he stopped to catch his breath, Kento remarked, “Looks like I missed the party!” “What are you doing here, Kento?” Cye asked. “Mia and I were going across the bridge and we saw what was going on down here,” Kento explained. “I was gonna help you out, but it looks like you two took care of everything by yourselves.”

“You bet we did,” Cye remarked as the three of them walked down the beach toward the red jeep. “Did you have any doubts in us?” “Me? No way!” Kento exclaimed, grabbing his friend in a fake choker hold. “Why would I doubt my best friend? Huh! Huh!” “Come on, Kento! Knock it off!” Cye shouted as he managed to scramble out of Kento’s grip. Sailor Mercury laughed over Cye and Kento’s antics as they continued down the beach.

Unknown to the three heroes, there was something unusual happening out in Onaruto Bay. A small patch of water in between the whirlpools was bubbling. Suddenly, a small spurt of water spitted out the Water Stone into the air. The stone was caught by Topaz, who was waiting for it to come out. He looked over at Kento, Cye, and Sailor Mercury walking on the beach in the distance and a small evil smile spread on his face. “Enjoy your victory while you can,” he muttered. “You have no idea what’s in store for you.” Topaz chuckled sinisterly as he vanished, bringing the Water Stone with him...


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