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When Heroes Collide
Chapter 07: The Final Showdown
By Dreamcatcher

"No way! Are you guys kidding?" Kento exclaimed out of
shock. The five Ronin Warriors, the five Sailor
Scouts, Rini, Luna, and Artemis were all sitting in
the living room, discussing what had happened the
previous night to Rowen and Sailor Moon. "I wish we
were, but we're not kidding, Kento," Serena
reluctantly revealed. "Topaz claimed that he and
Amethyst now have the power necessary to take over
Crystal Tokyo," Rowen added. "But how is that even
possible?" Ryo asked. "Yeah, we did destroy all those
creatures from the Celestial Stones," Rae pointed out.
"Apparently, it wasn't the creatures they needed, but
the Celestial Stones themselves," Rowen explained.
"Those monsters were just an added bonus in their

"So, these Celestial Stones were just simply batteries
that needed charging up," Luna theorized. "Perhaps
they can be summoned again," Rowen muttered
thoughtfully. "What are you talking about, Rowen?" Cye
asked curiously. "Well, since the Celestial Stones are
still intact, and that's where the creatures
originally came from, then maybe Topaz and Amethyst
can bring them back!" Rowen announced. "That doesn't
sound good," Mina reluctantly admitted. "Our entire
future could be at risk." "Not if I have anything to
say about it!" Lita proclaimed as she held up her
clenched fist. "You sure you're up to it, Lita?" Sage
asked curiously. "Don't worry about me, Sage. My ankle
is completely healed," Lita assured him. "I can get
around just fine on my own."

"Can you back that up, Lita?" Kento asked
sarcastically. "What? You want a demonstration,
Kento?" Lita asked loudly as she stood up from the
couch. "Come on! Get up and I'll show you!" "Don't do
it, Kento. You'll regret it," Mina warned Kento as he
got up from the floor. "Yeah, right, Mina. What is she
gonna do?" Kento retorted. To Kento's surprise, Lita
quickly spun around and tripped him with a low kick,
causing him to fall flat on his back. "I tried to warn
you, Kento, but you wouldn't listen," Mina remarked as
Lita helped Kento to his feet. "Looks like Lita's
ankle is completely healed to me!" Sage admitted,
trying to muffle his snickering.

"Enough joking around, guys! We have to find a way to
stop Amethyst and Topaz before they destroy this
Crystal Tokyo!" Ryo interrupted. "You're right, Ryo.
But first, we have to find them," Rae agreed. "They
must have a temporary base around here somewhere. We
must locate it as quickly as possible," Amy suggested.
"Yeah, but we have no idea where to start looking,
Amy," Serena pointed out. "I think I have an idea,"
Rowen muttered out loud. "What are you talking about,
Rowen?" Sage asked curiously. "When Serena and I were
searching for the Celestial Stone of Air last night, I
saw something unusual up in space," Rowen revealed.
"At first, I thought it was a misshapen asteroid, but
now that I think about it, I believe that what I saw
was actually a floating castle."

"A floating castle? You sure you weren't seeing
things, Rowen?" Kento asked suspiciously. "No, he
wasn't seeing things, Kento! I saw it, too!" Serena
announced. "You did?" Rowen asked curiously as he
looked at Serena. "Yeah, I did, Rowen. I'm sorry I
didn't tell you about it before, but I thought I was
seeing things," Serena confessed. "That would actually
make sense," Amy muttered thoughtfully. "Im our past
battles against the other members of the Dark Moon
family, they have arrived to our time using massive
spaceships composed entirely of black crystals that
looked similar to castles." "Ryo, didn't you say
before that when you went to Mt. Fuji, you nearly got
blasted by purple lightning?" Rae asked curiously.

"Yeah, I was," Ryo replied. "That confirms it. This
purple lightning you speak of doesn't sound natural at
all. It could have been some sort of an aerial attack
that was meant for you, Ryo," Amy suggested. "Amethyst
and Topaz must have assumed that you somehow
discovered the location of the Celestial Stone of
Fire, although we all know that you had no prior
knowledge about it until you met up with Rae." "That
would make sense," Ryo admitted. "That purple
lightning was definitely trying to strike me down.
Last time I checked, lightning didn't have a mind of
its own!" "So, now that we know where they are, we
just need to figure out a way to get up there and stop
them before they leave for Crystal Tokyo," Sage
revealed. "Any ideas?"

The group of ten heroes sat in complete silence for a
few minutes, along with Rini, Luna, and Artemis,
pondering over how to get on the spaceship. "I have an
idea," Amy announced. "What is it, Amy?" Cye asked
curiously. "We can use Sailor Planet Power to teleport
all ten of us onto that spaceship," Amy explained.
"Are you sure this is such a good idea, Amy?" Artemis
asked. "Artemis is right," Luna pointed out. "The five
of you have never attempted to teleport anyone other
than yourselves when you used Sailor Planet Power
before. Who knows what will happen if you try to
teleport five extra passengers?" "We know, Luna, but
we don't have a lot of choices," Rae explained. "That
might be our only chance at stopping Amethyst and
Topaz once and for all."

"Sounds like a plan, guys. You can definitely count me
in!" Lita announced. "Same here," Mina added. "Hey,
don't forget about me!" Serena exclaimed. "I don't
know about this. If using this Sailor Planet Power of
yours is going to be dangerous, we shouldn't risk it,"
Ryo muttered out loud. "Well, unless you have another
idea, Ryo, that's our only option," Rae pointed out.
"We could use the powers of the Ronin armors to go up
into space, just like what we did last night, Serena,"
Rowen suggested. "That could work..." Serena muttered
thoughtfully. "But then again, once we get to the
spaceship, how do we get inside?" "I guess I haven't
given that part much thought," Rowen reluctantly

"Do you happen to know the location of the spaceship
you saw last night?" Amy asked curiously. "Not
exactly," Rowen confessed. "Even if we did know,
Amethyst and Topaz had plenty of time to relocate."
"That's why we have to use Sailor Planet Power, guys,"
Rae explained. "We'll be able to teleport right inside
of the spaceship, no matter where it is, and it'd be
much quicker than all of us traveling around space in
those orbs, having no idea where to look." "Let's go
for it, Ryo!" Kento shouted. "Yeah, let's do it," Ryo
agreed. "I'm coming, too!" The five Ronin Warriors and
five Sailor Scouts turned around and stared at Rini,
stunned that she would even suggest that. "No way,
Rini! You're staying here where it's safe!" Serena

"But, Serena, I can help!" Rini protested. "Sorry,
Rini, but you can't come with us," Serena told Rini
sternly. "I don't know about you guys, but in a way,
Rini kinda reminds me of Yuli," Ryo whispered just
loud enough for Sage, Cye, Kento, and Rowen to hear.
"Rini, listen to us. We all promised Sailor Pluto that
we wouldn't let anything happen to you," Lita
announced. "You know as well as we do that the Dark
Moon family has tried to capture you before, Rini, and
bringing you with us on their own spaceship would give
Amethyst and Topaz the opportunity to succeed where
their brothers and sister have failed," Amy added.
"You understand why you can't come with us, right,
Rini?" Mina asked curiously.

The little pink-haired girl stood there for a few
moments without even saying a word. "Yeah, I guess,"
Rini reluctantly admitted. "Don't worry, Rini. We'll
stay here with you and Mia," Luna announced as Artemis
nodded his head in approval. "And White Blaze will
stay here to protect all of you, just in case Amethyst
and Topaz try something while we're gone," Ryo added
as he got up, opened the front door, and let out a
sharp whistle. "White Blaze!" The white tiger let out
a small roar as he entered the house. "I feel safer
already!" Rini admitted with a slight giggle as White
Blaze sat down next to her. "We should get going now.
We don't have any time to waste," Ryo announced.
"Right," Rae agreed as the ten heroes all stood up and
headed for the front door...

"This should work. No one will see us out here," Ryo
revealed. The ten heroes were standing in a clearing
deep in the forest behind Mia's house. The Ronin
Warriors were all in their sub-armor, whereas the
girls haven't transformed into their Sailor Scout
uniforms yet. "This is an excellent location you have
selected, Ryo," Amy admitted as she looked around at
the surrounding trees. "In such a vaguely populated
area, no one will witness what we're about to do."
"That's good. It'd be kinda hard to explain to anyone
that you girls are from the future," Sage remarked.
"Come on, girls! Let's do it!" Serena announced.
"Right!" Rae, Amy, Lita, and Mina agreed
simultaneously as they took out their transformation

"Moon Crystal Power!" Serena shouted as she held up
her locket. "Mars Star Power!" "Mercury Star Power!"
"Jupiter Star Power!" "Venus Star Power!" "Scout
Power!" Rae, Amy, Lita, and Mina shouted
simultaneously. The Ronin Warriors stood back and
watched as the five Sailor Scouts went through their
transformations. "So, how is this Sailor Planet Power
supposed to work?" Kento asked curiously as the five
girls finished transforming. "Well, by concentrating
on the exact location and focusing all of our powers,
we will be able to teleport onto the spaceship and
stop Amethyst and Topaz before they can return to
Crystal Tokyo," Sailor Mercury explained. "All right.
What do you need us to do?" Sage asked.

"Just stand together, and we'll take care of the
rest," Sailor Jupiter announced. "Okay," Ryo replied
as he, Sage, Cye, Kento, and Rowen grouped together as
close as they could. After the Ronin Warriors banded
together, the five Sailor Scouts circled around the
Ronin Warriors. "You ready, Scouts?" Sailor Moon asked
as she looked around at her four friends. "Any time,
Sailor Moon!" Sailor Mars shouted. "Just give the
word!" Sailor Venus added. "All right! Let's do this!"
Sailor Moon announced as she, Sailor Mercury, Sailor
Mars, Sailor Jupiter, and Sailor Venus quickly joined

"Mercury Star Power!" Sailor Mercury shouted. "Mars
Star Power!" Sailor Mars shouted. "Jupiter Star
Power!" Sailor Jupiter shouted. "Venus Star Power!"
Sailor Venus shouted. "Moon Crystal Power!" Sailor
Moon shouted. "SAILOR PLANET POWER!" the five Sailor
Scouts shouted simultaneously. "Look at that! They're
all glowing!" Rowen exclaimed loudly. Ryo, Sage, Cye,
and Kento looked up and gasped out of surprise when
they saw that the Sailor Scouts were indeed radiating
a glow of colorful light from their bodies. Suddenly,
the Ronin Warriors found themselves and the Sailor
Scouts encased in a column of white light. As soon as
the column of white light appeared, it disappeared
just as quickly, taking the ten heroes along with

"This is strange. I'm picking up a very powerful
energy reading from Earth, Amethyst," Topaz reported
to his sister. "Whatever it is, it's definitely not
from this time." "I'll bet that meddlesome Sailor Moon
and her pesky Sailor Scout friends are up to
something," Amethyst muttered thoughtfully. "Like us,
they're from a future time and place as well." "That
is possible, Amethyst. According to my readings, the
energy came from outside the city of Toyama in Japan,
where the Ronin Warriors are located," Topaz revealed.
"Can you find out what's causing this strange energy
reading, Topaz?" Amethyst asked.

"Of course, Amethyst. Just give me a moment," Topaz
replied as he closed his eyes and focused his energy
on the crystal ball in front of him. A few moments
later, an image of the Sailor Scouts and Ronin
Warriors appeared in the crystal ball. The five Sailor
Scouts were standing around the Ronin Warriors in a
circle, with their hands joined together. "SAILOR
PLANET POWER!" the Sailor Scouts shouted
simultaneously. "They're using Sailor Planet Power. I
remember hearing about this. It allows the Scouts to
either create a powerful shield to protect themselves
or to teleport anyplace they choose," Amethyst

"If that's true, Amethyst, then they all must be on
their way up here," Topaz realized. "This could be our
chance to rid ourselves of the Sailor Scouts and Ronin
Warriors once and for all!" "Was Small Lady with them,
Topaz?" Amethyst asked as she watched the ten heroes
disappear in a bright column of white light. "No, she
wasn't. The Scouts probably left Small Lady in the
care of the Ronin Warriors' ally, the one they call
Mia," Topaz replied. "Then I suggest you go down there
and get her, Topaz!" Amethyst muttered sternly. "With
Small Lady in our possession, along with the Jewel of
Life, our conquest of Crystal Tokyo is inevitable."

"But what about the Sailor Scouts and Ronin Warriors,
Amethyst?" Topaz asked curiously. "As we speak, they
are on their way up here. They could arrive on our
ship any minute now." "I know that, Topaz!" Amethyst
muttered angrily through clenched teeth. "Don't worry
about them. I'll take care of our uninvited guests
until you come back with Small Lady. Now go down there
and get her, Topaz." "Right away, Amethyst. Consider
it done," Topaz replied as he got up and left the dark

"Rini, are you okay?" Mia asked curiously. "You barely
touched your food." "I guess I'm not very hungry,
Mia," Rini replied solemnly as she pushed away the
plate with a partially eaten sandwich on it. Mia and
Rini were sitting at the kitchen table, with Rini's
Luna Ball hovering next to her. Luna and Artemis were
sitting on the floor next to Rini. "What's wrong,
Rini?" Artemis asked. "I'm worried about Serena...and
the other girls," Rini muttered out loud. Upon hearing
this, Luna jumped up on top of a chair and onto the
table. "There's no need to worry, Rini. The Sailor
Scouts will defeat Amethyst and Topaz," Luna

"And don't forget, Rini, the Ronin Warriors are with
your friends," Mia added. "Together, they'll put an
end to this evil." "Yeah, you're right," Rini
whispered as she got out of her chair. "I'm going to
go outside and play for a while." "Okay, Rini. Be
careful," Mia instructed as Rini left the house
through the kitchen door, followed by her floating
Luna Ball. "Luna, why would those Dark Moon people be
after such an innocent little girl?" Mia asked. "That
innocent little girl plays a very important role in
thirtieth century Crystal Tokyo, Mia," Luna explained.
"What kind of role?" Mia asked curiously. "I'm afraid
we can't tell you that, Mia. Revealing too much of
what will happen in the future might drastically alter
it," Artemis replied.

"I understand, Artemis," Mia admitted. Suddenly, Mia
and the two guardian cats heard Rini scream from
outside. "Rini!" Luna and Artemis shouted as they ran
for the kitchen door, followed by Mia. When Mia opened
the door, she and the two cats gasped loudly out of
shock. Rini was lying on her back, looking up at a man
with bright red-orange hair, who Mia recognized.
"That's the same man that attacked me!" Mia realized.
"How very astute of you," Topaz retorted. "Somebody
help me!" Rini shouted as Topaz reached for her.
"We're coming, Rini!" Artemis shouted as he and Luna
ran towards Topaz.

"Oh, no! A pair of cats! They're probably going to
scratch my eyes out!" Topaz gasped mockingly with a
sarcastic laugh. As the cats jumped on Topaz, Mia
called out, "White Blaze! Come quick!" "How pathetic!"
Topaz retorted as he knocked both Luna and Artemis off
of him with his arm. "Luna! Artemis! No!" Rini cried
out as she watched the two cats hit the ground while
clutching her Luna Ball tightly in her arms. "Now, for
you, Small Lady!" Topaz announced as he reached for
Rini once again. Before he could grab Rini, Topaz was
startled to hear a loud roar coming from behind him.
He started to turn around, but was knocked to the
ground as a large white tiger jumped on his back.
"Yay, White Blaze!" Rini cheered happily as she stood

"Come on, Rini! We better leave now!" Mia shouted as
she grabbed Rini's hand and started to run back
towards the kitchen door. "Wait, Mia! We gotta get
Luna and Artemis first!" Rini shouted as she broke
free from Mia's hold and ran back to where the injured
cats were still lying. "Rini, go now! Leave us!" Luna
muttered out loud as she slowly lifted her head. "No,
Luna! I can't leave you two here!" Rini protested.
"You have to, Rini! If Topaz gets you, all hope for
the future will be lost!" Artemis barely got out.
Before Rini could say anything, a roar from White
Blaze caused her to look up. Topaz had managed to turn
around on his back, but Ryo's white tiger still had
him pinned to the ground.

"Get off of me, you stupid beast!" Topaz shouted as
the black crescent moon on his forehead started to
glow with an eerie light. Suddenly, a beam of black
energy shot out from the black crescent moon on
Topaz's forehead and struck White Blaze hard in the
stomach, knocking the huge white tiger out cold.
"White Blaze!" Rini cried out. "You should know by
now, Small Lady: Nothing can protect you from the Dark
Moon family!" Topaz boasted as he reached for Rini
once again. Rini let out a high-pitched scream when
Topaz grabbed her arm. Instantly, a golden crescent
moon appeared on Rini's forehead and released a bright
flash of yellow light.

"Ahh! My eyes!" Topaz shouted as he shielded his eyes
with his arm, letting go of Rini in the process. "How
did you...How did you do that, Rini?" Mia asked out of
shock. "I'll explain later, Mia. We gotta go now!"
Rini announced as she turned around. Mia gasped when
she saw Topaz creeping up from behind the little girl.
"Rini, look out!" Mia shouted. Rini started to turn
her head, but it was too late. The pink pigtailed girl
fell to the ground from Topaz's blow. "No, Rini!" Mia
shouted as she helplessly watched Topaz scoop up the
unconscious girl in his arms. "Small Lady is coming
back to Crystal Tokyo with us, and there's nothing you
or your friends can do about it!" Topaz boasted with a
sinister laugh.

Suddenly, Topaz heard a low roar from behind him. He
turned around and saw White Blaze getting up. "You
won't be able to save her, beast, so you might as well
give up!" Topaz muttered out loud. "Please hurry,
White Blaze!" Mia pleaded as White Blaze leapt towards
Topaz. Before the white tiger could reach him, Topaz
teleported away, taking Rini along with him. "Oh, no!"
Mia gasped. She heard some slight moans and looked
down at Luna and Artemis, who were struggling to stand
up. "Luna! Artemis! Topaz took Rini! I'm so sorry."
"It's okay, Mia. Don't blame yourself," Artemis
whispered. "Don't worry, Mia. The Sailor Scouts and
Ronin Warriors will find Rini and save her from
Amethyst and Topaz," Luna reassured Mia...

In the meantime, while Topaz was heading down to Earth
to capture Rini, the Sailor Scouts and Ronin Warriors
had just arrived on board of the spaceship, engulfed
in a bright white light. "Whoa! What a trip!" Kento
confessed as the white light faded away. "That Sailor
Planet Power was incredible!" Cye admitted. "And it
did its job. Look over there," Rowen announced,
pointing at a large window next to them. "We're on
board of the Dark Moon ship, just as the Sailor Scouts
promised us." "Oh, no! Guys, we got a problem!" Ryo
revealed. Rowen, Sage, Cye, and Kento turned around
and gasped loudly at the sight around them. All five
Sailor Scouts had collapsed in a circle around them.

"I guess Luna was right. Using their powers to
teleport the five of us with them had drained all of
them of their energy," Rowen theorized as he, Ryo,
Sage, Cye, and Kento knelt down next to the five
girls. "Sailor Moon, can you hear me?" Rowen asked as
he gently lifted Sailor Moon's head. "Come on, Sailor
Mars! Wake up!" Ryo pleaded as he held Sailor Mars up
in a sitting position. "Get up, Sailor Jupiter! Don't
tell me you suffered through a sprained ankle for
this?" Sage asked a bit sarcastically. "Come on,
Sailor Venus! You're stronger than this!" Kento
shouted. "Sailor Mercury, please wake up," Cye

"Suddenly, Rowen was a bit startled to hear a small
moan coming from Sailor Moon. "Sailor Moon? Are you
all right?" Rowen asked as Sailor Moon slowly opened
her eyes. "Yeah, I think so," Sailor Moon mumbled
weakly as she held up her head, while Rowen got her up
in a sitting position. "What about the other Scouts?"
"They're just fine, Sailor Moon. They passed out, too,
but they're starting to come around," Ryo explained as
the four Sailor Scouts slowly came to. "Did anyone get
the license off the truck that hit us?" Sailor Jupiter
muttered out loud. Sage chuckled a bit as he helped
Sailor Jupiter stand up. "I can't believe it! We made
it, Scouts!" Sailor Mercury admitted proudly as she
pointed at the window showing the planet Earth below

"We sure did. But what do we do now?" Sailor Mars
asked. "We find Amethyst and Topaz before they leave
for Crystal Tokyo," Ryo replied. "Yeah, and we'll send
them both back into the slimy hole they crawled out
of!" Kento boasted. "I'd like to see you try, Kento of
Hardrock!" a familiar voice retorted. "It's Amethyst!"
Sailor Venus gasped. "Yeah, but where is she?" Cye
asked as he looked around. "There she is!" Ryo
announced as he pointed at Amethyst standing right in
front of him and Sailor Mars. "Then why do I see her
over here?" Sailor Jupiter asked as she pointed at a
second Amethyst standing in front of her and Sage.
"There's five of them!" Rowen realized when he noticed
three other images of Amethyst: one in front of him
and Sailor Moon, a second image by Cye and Sailor
Mercury, and a third image by Kento and Sailor Venus.
"It's just a hologram. All five of them are
holograms," Sailor Mercury realized. "Then where's the
real Amethyst, Sailor Mercury?" Cye asked. "That's
something you'll never find out!" Amethyst announced,
her voice echoing from all five holograms. "You're all
fools for coming up here. You cannot stop us now!"
"Listen up, Amethyst! We've been up against worst odds
than you!" Sage shouted. "Yeah! You and your brother
are going down for good!" Kento added boastfully.

"Pretty confident, aren't you?" Amethyst asked
sarcastically. "It seems that you were confident
enough to leave Small Lady back on Earth unprotected."
"No way! You have Rini?" Sailor Moon asked a bit
worriedly. "Did you seriously think that a mortal girl
and a pet tiger could stop us from taking her?"
Amethyst remarked sinisterly with a quick laugh.
"Don't worry, Sailor Moon. We'll get Rini back from
those Dark Moon creeps," Rowen assured Sailor Moon.
The five holograms of Amethyst all chuckled evilly.
"I'm afraid you'll never get the chance!" Suddenly, a
trap door opened up underneath Rowen and Sailor Moon.
The two heroes screamed as they plummeted down a long
dark tunnel, with the trap door closing up behind

"Sailor Moon!" Sailor Mars shouted. "Rowen!" Ryo
shouted. "Don't worry so much about your friends.
You'll soon be meeting their fate!" Amethyst
announced. Instantly, four more trap doors opened up
underneath the remaining Ronin Warriors and Sailor
Scouts. Ryo and Sailor Mars were the first to fall
down the pitch-black tunnel, followed by Cye and
Sailor Mercury, Sage and Sailor Jupiter, and Kento and
Sailor Venus. Unknown to the Ronin Warriors and Sailor
Scouts, Amethyst was watching all of the events unfold
in the control room on the large monitor. "Those fools
have no idea what's in store for them, but they shall
soon see," Amethyst muttered to herself with a
sinister chuckle. At that very moment, Topaz
teleported into the control room, carrying an
unconscious Rini.

"Amethyst, I'm back, and I have brought Small Lady
with me," Topaz announced. Amethyst turned around and
a small smirk formed on her face when she saw the
little pink-pigtailed girl in her brother's arms.
"Excellent job, Topaz. Put her in there," Amethyst
instructed, pointing at a large metal cage in the back
of the room. "At once, Amethyst," Topaz agreed as he
turned around and approached the cage. After placing
Rini inside and locking the door, Topaz rejoined his
sister, who had just pressed a button on the control
panel. The main screen instantly divided into five
smaller screens. "So, how goes our little infestation
problem?" Topaz asked. "The little pests are about to
be separated," Amethyst retorted with a sinister

"AHH!" Sailor Moon screamed loudly as she continued
falling down the seemingly never-ending tunnel. The
tunnel was so dark that she couldn't even see Rowen
anymore. All of a sudden, Sailor Moon dropped in a
small room. "Oh..." Sailor Moon groaned out of pain as
she rubbed the side of her thigh, which got bruised
from the fall. "Oh, no! There's no way out!" Sailor
Moon whimpered nervously as she looked around at the
four stone gray walls surrounding her. She looked at
the hole she fell from in the ceiling. "It's too high
to reach. Rowen, are you up there?" Sailor Moon
shouted, her voice echoing off the walls in the room.

Sailor Moon stayed completely quiet, hoping to hear a
response from someone. A few seconds later, she heard
a faint yell coming from the tunnel, which was getting
closer by the second. Suddenly, a figure in sub-armor
fell from the opening in the ceiling and hit the
floor, nearly landing on top of Sailor Moon. "Hey, are
you okay?" Sailor Moon asked curiously as she
approached the figure. She gasped slightly when she
recognized the Ronin Warrior. "Ryo? How did you end up
here?" "I wish I knew, Sailor Moon," Ryo muttered out
loud as he slowly stood up. "Where are the others?"

"I don't know, Ryo," Sailor Moon reluctantly admitted.
"I haven't seen anyone else since Rowen and I fell
through that trap door, besides you, that is." "Those
Dark Moon guys are up to something, Sailor Moon," Ryo
revealed. "They separated us for a reason." "Yeah, but
what?" Sailor Moon asked. "I'm sure we'll soon find
out, Sailor Moon. But, for now, let's try to find a
way out of here," Ryo suggested as he approached one
of the walls and started to rap his knuckles against
it. "What are you doing?" Sailor Moon asked curiously.
"Checking for a secret passage. How about you try
checking that wall?" Ryo suggested, pointing to the
wall to his left. "All right, Ryo," Sailor Moon agreed
as she approached the wall and started to rap her fist
against it...

"Just a little higher, Cye," Sailor Jupiter
instructed. She was stuck in a room, much like the one
that Ryo and Sailor Moon were trapped in, with Cye.
Sailor Jupiter was standing on top of Cye's shoulders,
trying to reach for the opening in the ceiling that
they fell out of. "You got it, Sailor Jupiter," Cye
muttered through clenched teeth as he grabbed Sailor
Jupiter by her feet and slowly lifted her higher
towards the dark hole in the ceiling. "Almost
there..." Sailor Jupiter muttered out loud through
clenched teeth as she stretched her arm out as far as
she could in an attempt to reach the edge of the

As Cye stepped forward, he didn't notice the small
puddle in front of him. "Ahh!" Cye shouted as he
slipped in the puddle and fell backwards. Realizing
that Cye was falling, Sailor Jupiter made a desperate
leap towards the opening, but missed by an inch. "I
got you, Sailor Jupiter!" Cye shouted as he quickly
got up to catch Sailor Jupiter. Unfortunately for him,
Cye ended up on his back again with Sailor Jupiter
landing right on top of him. "Sorry about that, Cye,"
Sailor Jupiter apologized as she got off of Cye.
"Thanks for breaking my fall, though." "No problem,"
Cye groaned a bit as he stood up with help from Sailor
Jupiter. "You feel like trying again, Cye?" Sailor
Jupiter asked. "I almost made it that time." "Sure,
Sailor Jupiter. We got nothing else to lose," Cye

"Look at them, Topaz! They're like rats trapped in a
maze!" Amethyst snickered sinisterly as she and Topaz
watched the five screens, each one containing a Ronin
Warrior and Sailor Scout. One screen showed Ryo and
Sailor Moon tapping against the walls, trying to find
a way out. Another screen revealed Cye lifting Sailor
Jupiter up towards the opening in the ceiling. In the
third screen, Sage was against the wall, using his
hands to lift Sailor Venus to the tunnel opening. In
the fourth screen, Kento was repeatedly punching and
kicking one of the walls, while Sailor Mars stood by
and watched in disbelief. In the last screen, Rowen
and Sailor Mercury were carefully examining the walls
for any concealed doors.

Amethyst and Topaz were so concentrated on the
surveillance monitors, they didn't notice that Rini
was now wide awake. “Oh, no! My friends are in
trouble!” Rini thought to herself. She gasped slightly
when she saw Topaz starting to turn his head around.
Rini quickly laid back down in the cage and closed her
eyes, pretending to be unconscious. Topaz looked over
at the cage and found Rini still lying on the floor
unconscious. Satisfied that she was still out cold,
Topaz returned his attention back to the surveillance
monitors. Rini decided to keep one eye slightly open,
so she could still see what was going on. "So, what
now, Amethyst? Do we put them out of their misery now,
or let them suffer a little more?" Topaz asked

"I think it's time to let in the exterminators!"
Amethyst announced as she snapped her fingers.
Instantly, the door behind Amethyst and Topaz slid
open and five small balls of different colored light
floated into the room. The two remaining members of
the Dark Moon family turned around as the balls of
light transformed into five figures. Rini almost
gasped out loud, but quickly covered her mouth. "It's
those creatures from the Celestial Stones! But the
Sailor Scouts and Ronin Warriors destroyed them!" "Is
it time, Lady Amethyst and Lord Topaz?" Flarea asked
curiously as the other four exchanged small smirks.

"Indeed, it is, Flarea. You know what to do," Amethyst
replied. "Of course," Flarea admitted as she and the
others nodded in agreement. "Good. Now go!" Amethyst
commanded. The five creatures nodded their heads
before they once again transformed into balls of light
and disappeared from the room without a trace. "Now,
the real fun begins!" Amethyst remarked sinisterly.
She and her brother snickered evilly as they watched
the surveillance monitors in anticipation...


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