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Protection of Past Defense


New Characters

      Kieren Hiroke is the tallest at 6'1". She has long dark blue hair that she wears in a braid. She has golden eyes and pale silver skin. Kieren has a thin scar that extends from mid cheek to her left temple, which ends in a lock of pure white hair. She's the youngest at 16. She is the bearer of the armor of Heaven.

      Kieren is the calmest of the six. She is also the one with the most explosive temper. She doesn't like it when her friends are in danger; then she goes berserk. Physically, she is the strongest and most agile. Kieren is also the most mystical of the group. She is a fully trained priestess, and has been known to act on the visions she gets.

      Hikari Hiroke is 5'11''. She has shoulder length dark brown hair that is slightly curly, which she usually wears in a ponytail. She has reddish eyes and tan skin. She's 18. She is the bearer of the armor of Wildfire.
      Hikari is the moody one. She also has the most violent and volatile temper. She takes failure personally. She is very protective of her younger sister; Hikari will go into a blind rage if she is hurt or in danger.

      Alissandra Yamato is 5'9". She has short dark hair, which is worn with small dragonfly clips. She has icy blue eyes and white skin. She's 17. She is the bearer of the armor of Torrent.
      Ali is the quietest. She is also the most gentle and kindest of the future Ronins. She is also the most trusting, and will not betray anyone. Often she won't speak up unless she has something useful to contribute.

      Kira Hiroko is 5'8". She has short blue hair. She has dark blue eyes and tan skin. She's 18. She is the bearer of the armor of Strata.
      Kira is the most intellectual of the group. She is the one who comes up with plans of action. Kira is the most logical. She will try and figure out what's going on before acting.

      Terena Toriyama is 5'7". She has dark brown hair in pigtails. She has dark brown eyes and dark skin. She's 17. She is the bearer of the armor of Hardrock.

      Rena is the most stubborn of the six. She is also the most argumentative; the louder she gets, the more concerned she is. Rena hides her feelings, trying to be tough, like her brother, Gavin, whom she idolizes. 

      Eren Amato is 5'10". She has shoulder length blonde hair, which she pulls back in two French braids. She has green eyes and tan skin. She's 17. She is the bearer of the armor of Halo.

      Eren is the serious one. While she may enjoy flirting, she is quick to focus on the task at hand. She is quick to act, although sometimes she causes more trouble that way.

Original Characters and Their Current Age
Ryo, Rowen-18
Cye, Sage, Kento-17

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