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Protection of Past Defense
By Lady Halcyon

"You summoned us, Tiren?" asked the girl in the front of the group.

"Yes. Please take a seat," Tiren said. Tiren was a seer. She was an old woman who had seen much in her lifetime, some good and some bad, and some downright scary. What she had just seen frightened her to her very core. It scared her so much that she decided to break the golden rule: Do not interfere with the past. You may unalterably change the present and the future.

"Why did you want us to come?" asked the girl all the way on the right.

"Katalpa has gone to the past in order to destroy the Ronin Warriors to rebuild the Dynasty of her father. I believe that she also plans to gather enough energy to revive Talpa," Tiren said. "Since you six are the only ones who can defeat her, you must go and protect the Ronins and the world."

"How are we going to get there?" asked the girl on the other end.

"A temporal portal will be opened. It will take you to the time that Katalpa is in," she replied. "Once there, the six of you will pose as exchange students. Be careful, young ones, for Katalpa is very tricky and will not stop at anything to accomplish her goal."

"We shall be careful," the first one said. "Do not worry, Tiren. We shall do our job and return safely."

"Good luck, my children," Tiren whispered as the six girls left. "You'll need it."

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