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Chapter 3


       The next morning, Mia awoke to find the guys still sound asleep. She decided to hit the shower and freshen up a bit, since none of them had had the chance to do so during the battles with Talpa. She relished the thought of the warm water pouring over her.

        She had her own bathroom, separate from the guys’. It was directly in between her room and an empty guestroom, which Lirin would probably use once they recovered her and woke her up. Her shower lasted about half an hour. She got out, dried herself off, wrapped her wet hair in her towel, and walked back into her room to put on some fresh cloths: a pale yellow sweater and beige slacks. After she had dressed, she removed the towel from her head, and dried it. Then she proceeded to remove all the knots in her long auburn hair.

        She then went downstairs to clean up her den. They had all camped out in it last night while trying to find out how to rescue Lirin. While she was picking up the room, she turned on her computer and entered and saved the complete poem into her data in case it was needed for future reference. She shut it down and resumed cleaning.

        She looked at her watch to see what time it was. 1:52 PM. The guys would probably be up soon and would be famished, so she entered the kitchen and started cooking eggs, toast, bacon, sausage, and hashbrowns.

        Kento, of course, smelled breakfast first and was up in a heartbeat crying, "FOOD!" Still in his PJ’s he raced down towards the kitchen.

        Mia smiled at him. "Good morning, Kento. Would you set the table for me please?"

        "Sure, Mia."

        "Thanks. Breakfast will be ready soon."

        The rest of the guys came into the kitchen a few moments later, also still in PJ’s, having been woken up by Kento’s cry. They knew that if they didn’t get down right away, there wouldn’t be anything left for rest of them because Kento would eat it all.

        "Morning, guys." Mia greeted them. "Kento’s setting the table now. Breakfast is just about ready, so you all can go and sit down at the table."

        "Need any help, Mia?" Sai asked. He was usually in charge of the kitchen area.

        "Thanks, Sai, but I got it covered today."

        "Okay." He answered, and sat down at the table with the rest of the guys.

About a minute later, Mia emerged from the kitchen with two plates of breakfast in her hands. She set them down by Sai and Sage.

        "Hey!" Kento wailed in protest, but she ignored him and went back to get more plates.

        She came out with two more plates and set them in front of Ryo and Rowen.

        "Common, Mia!" Kento again protested.

        "Be patient Kento." she told him, and again went back into the kitchen. She then came out with the two more plates and set one of them, the one with the biggest helping of food, in front of Kento, who immediately began to shovel the food into his mouth. She put the other one down at the head of the table and sat down herself and began to eat with the rest of them.

        "So, Mia, did you remember anymore of that poem?" asked Ryo.

        "Yes, Ryo. And, I know how to recover her too!" she said excitedly, and the others all leaned in to listen to her. "The second verse of the poem says:


To rescue the Warrior of the Stars,

The help of one more is required.

He is the one whose armor has the most in common

With the one whose presence is desired.

Once in space,

One must only ask

The Warrior’s Cosmic Star Swords

To guide you in your task.


        I’ve determined that the person ‘who’s help is required’ is you, Rowen."

        "Me?" he asked.

        "Yes." she answered. "Of all the armors Your armor has the most in common with Lirin’s Armor of Cosmos."

        "But how can I help?"

        "The Armor of Strata has the power of levitation. We need your armor to get up to space. Once in space all you guys have to do is ask the Cosmic Star Swords to guide you to Lirin. I wish I could come with you, but unfortunately I won’t be able to breathe in space like the rest of you will be able to, because I don’t have any armor. So, I’m grounded. You shouldn’t have any trouble though."

        "Now that we know how to recover her, what are we waiting for?" Kento asked, now finished with his breakfast/lunch.

        "Right! Let’s armor up and get Lirin guys!" Ryo ordered. "Armor of Wildfire…Tao Jin!"

        "Armor of Hardrock…Tao Gi!"

        "Armor of Strata…Tao Inochi!"

        "Armor of Torrent…Tao Shin!"

        "Armor of Halo…Tao Chi!"

        "Here Ryo, you’ll need Lirin’s Cosmic Star Swords." Mia said as she handed them to him.

        They stepped outside, and then Rowen used his armor’s power of levitation, and they were all surrounded by a dark blue bubble and took off towards space. "Be careful, guys." Mia whispered.

        When they reached the edge of the earth’s atmosphere, and Rowen could take them no further, Ryo held out the Cosmic Star Swords. "Altaire, Solantria, we need for you to guide us to Lirin, the Warrior of Cosmos. The swords glowed with starlight in response to Ryo’s request, and the Rowen’s dark blue bubble turned into a white one as the Cosmic Star Swords took over.

        They swept across the endless void of space towards the stars of Lirin, Altaire, and Solantria with incredible speed. In only a few minutes, they had reached their destination, and the Cosmic Star Swords brought them to a halt. They looked around them and at the three stars in front of them. The three stars formed a triangle, with the largest stair, Lirin, at its head. Lirin, the Warrior of Cosmos, however, was no where to be seen.

        "Where is she?" asked Ryo.

        "Mia said that she would probably either be floating in between the three stars," said Rowen, pointing towards the middle of the triangle formed, "or inside of the star she was named after." pointing towards the main star. "Since she’s not in the middle of them, that means she must be inside her star."

        "Anybody got any ideas as to how we get her out of there? None of us can go into the star, or we’ll be disintegrated." Sage said.

        "Lirin said that Swords are the keys to recovering her." Ryo told them, holding the swords out towards the main star.

        Just then, they started to glow with starlight, getting brighter and brighter, and Ryo let them go. They started to float towards their respective stars, getting so bright that the Ronin’s had to look away or shield their eyes. The Swords merged with their stars and then all three stars flashed once with extraordinary brightness for a moment. When the stars’ brightness became normal again, they saw Lirin in the middle of the stars, lying on her back with her hands folded on her stomach, with one sword on each side of her, both pointing upwards.

        Lirin and the swords started to float towards them. Once Lirin was in the middle of the group the Swords went to Ryo and he grasped them. "Take us back to earth." he ordered them, and they started to rocket towards earth. Once they reached earth’s atmosphere, Rowen again took over, and the white bubble again became a dark blue one. They landed in a field on the crest of a hill near Koji mansion. As soon as they landed, the other Ronins ‘de-armored.’

        Gathered around Lirin they all looked at her. "She’s beautiful!" exclaimed Rowen. "I never really got to get a good look at her cause she had that wall of starlight fire around us to protect us in the battle with Talpa."

        "Common, we should bring her back to the house." Ryo told them.

        "I’ll carry her." said Sage said with a smile, being his usual girl-loving self, and wanting to be closer to this goddess before him.

        "Kento should probably carry her cause he’s the strongest of us and it’s a long ways to the house." Sai reasoned, although he was sure that she didn’t weigh much at all and therefore Kento didn’t really need to be the one to carry her.

        "It’d be my pleasure." said Kento, scooping Lirin up into his arms.

        They all headed back to Koji mansion.



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