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Chapter 6
By LirinStar

Lirin awoke the next day to find a pair of jeans and a light beige sweater at the foot of her bed that Mia had lent her. At first she couldn’t remember where she was, but then it came back to her. She was in a spare room in Mia Koji’s mansion. She looked over to see a clock on the nightstand by the bed. It read 11:21 AM. She also noticed a note by the clock.




        In case you want to take a shower or brush your hair or something, the bathroom I use is connected to your room. Feel free to use anything you’d like. Oh, and I laid some clothes on the foot of your bed for you to change into.



        She definitely wanted to hit the shower. After being absorbed by Talpa, she just felt icky. She made the bed she had used and picked up the clothes Mia had left. Lirin noticed the door to the bathroom and walked in. Her shower lasted a good half hour (she loved taking long, HOT showers) and it took another half hour just to partially blow dry her hair. Because it was so long and thick, her hair usually took a long time to dry and style. She noticed Mia’s comb and started the long tedious process of removing the knots. She took the cloths that Mia had lent her off the counter and put them on. They fit pretty well. The pants could probably be a little longer since she was a couple inches taller than Mia, but other than that they were fine. When she had dressed, she grouped the front strands of her hair on each side of her face and put them into two thick braids (one on each side), with some shorter strands of hair curling prettily ‘round her face in front of her ears. She put the grouped the braids into a pony tail in the back of her head and looked in the mirror to admire herself. ‘With 5 hot guys downstairs, gotta make myself look good!’ she said to herself cheerfully. ‘One in particular, especially.’ Making sure everything was as she had found it she left the bathroom and headed downstairs.

        When she got downstairs she looked around to see where everyone was. She saw them all in the living room. She headed towards them, making sure not to bump into that darn table again. Sage, and Ryo were watching TV, Kento was reading an Archie comic book, Sai was reading a magazine about fish and other sea life that he subscribed to, and Rowen had his nose stuck in a lengthy book, completely oblivious to the world around him. Mia came out of the kitchen just then with a tray of tea and saw her.

        "Morning, Lirin." she greeted.

        "Good morning, Mia. Thanks for letting me use the shower. I really wanted to take one after being absorbed by Talpa." she said making a face. "And I made the bed I used last night. Thanks for letting me where these." she said motioning to the clothes she was wearing.

        "Think nothing of it. I’m glad they fit."

        "Hi there, Lirin." Kento greeted, looking up from his comic. "Are yah hungry?" he asked, hoping to get Sai or Mia to make some food.

        "Actually, I am a little hungry." she admitted.

        "What would you like for breakfast?" Sai asked in his cute English accent. "Mia or I would be happy to make you something."

        "Oh, you don’t have to do that. Mia, if you don’t mind me taking control of your kitchen, I can make myself something."

        "You can COOK?" asked Kento with extreme glee.

        "Sure can." she smiled at him. "I love to cook."

        "That’s good, cause Kento here LOVES to eat!" Sage chuckled.

        "Hey!" Kento yelled.

        "It’s okay with me if you want to use the kitchen." Mia said before Sage and Kento could start at it again.

        "Thanks! Anyone else want anything?"

        "Do you know how to make waffles or pancakes?" Kento asked.

        "Yep, both of them. Hey, Mia, do you have any fresh fruit by chance?"

        "Yeah, there should be some in the fridge."

        "Great! How about I make some waffles and pancakes for all of us?"

        "Sounds good to me." Sage replied.

        "Me too." said Rowen.

        "I could go for that." agreed Ryo.

        "And you know Kento will want some!" said Sai.

        "Waffles and Pancakes it is then!" Lirin headed into the kitchen to get started. It took her a little while to find out where everything was, but she had no trouble after that.


Time passes…


        "Man, what’s taking her so long?! I’m famished!" Kento whined.

        "Almost ready!" Lirin called from the kitchen. "Good food takes time you know!"

        After a few more minutes, Lirin came out with a try of various kinds of waffles and pancakes. There where blueberry, raspberry, strawberry, banana, and plane waffles and pancakes as well as different berry sauces for toppings and some whip cream. She set the try down on the table, which Mia had already set, then went back into the kitchen to get the glasses and pitchers of fresh squeezed orange juice and grapefruit juice she had made.

        The guys and Mia flocked to the table and sat down, grabbing the waffles and/or pancakes and pouring the sauces on top of them. They were all curious as to see what kind of a cook Lirin was. Kento took the first bite, and then started shoveling the rest of the food into his mouth. "WOW! These are really good!"

        "REALLY good!" Sage exclaimed.

        "Yeah, your gonna have to make breakfast from now on!" Rowen said.

        "That’s for sure!" Ryo added.

        "Would you mind giving me your recipe?" asked Sai shyly.

        "Did you fresh squeeze the juice?!" asked Mia, incredulous.

        Lirin laughed with delight at the site of the guys shoveling down the food, with Mia eating a bit more delicately. "I’m glad you all like them so much! I’d be happy to give you the recipe, Sai! And, yes Mia, the juice is fresh squeezed."

        When they were finished Lirin started to pick up the dirty dishes, but Mia stopped her by grabbing her hand when she went to pick up a plate. "Oh no you don’t! We can’t let you do the dishes after cooking such a delicious meal!" It was then that she noticed Lirin wincing painfully. "What’s wrong, Lirin?" she asked, concern showing in her eyes.

        "Mia, could you let go of my hand please?"

        Mia looked down to look at the hand she was holding. It was then that she noticed it was wrapped up in a bloody bandage and she let go of it quickly. "Oh my gosh! Lirin, what happened?!" she asked, concerned. "Stay here while I go get the first-aid kit!"

        Lirin sighed and waited for Mia to return before she told them what had happened. Mia returned a moment later with the first-aid kit. "Okay, now tell us what happened."

        Lirin repeated what she had told Rowen last night. She also told them that she and Rowen had bandaged and cleaned it up last night. Upon hearing this, Sage gave a wicked smile to Rowen who in return glared back at Sage.

        They all watched as Mia carefully undid the bloodied bandage, Lirin wincing occasionally. Because the blood of the wound had dried to the bandage some of it stuck. Parts of the scab came off when the bandage was pulled off in these spots and the cut started bleeding again. "This looks pretty deep." commented Mia.

        "It is."

        "I think your going to need stitches." Mia told her. Lirin groaned.

        "Sage, can you heal her hand?" asked Sai.

        "Probably." he answered. "Lirin, give me your hand." She gave it to him. She had heard of Halo’s power to heal, but was not sure if it was just a legend or real. Holding her hand with one of his, he touched the cut with the fingers of his other hand.

        "YEEOOW!" she yelled when he did.

        Sage received many glares but ignored them. He closed his eyes and began to concentrate. His fingers glowed with a green aura. There was a small flash of greenish light and when Sage opened his eyes he looked down to see that the gash on her hand was not there anymore.

        She smiled up at him. "Thank you."

        "Any time." he said. "You know, you could make it up to me." he added with a gleam in his eye.

        Lirin was automatically suspicious. "Oh?" she questioned carefully. "How?"

        The guys and Mia all knew where this was going. "You could let me take you out to dinner tonight." he said, putting on that smile that girls seamed to find irresistible.

        "And the ‘Flirt King’ strikes again." said Ryo dryly, knowing that no girl had ever said ‘No’ to Sage. They were all shocked when they heard Lirin’s answer.

        "My, you sure are fast. Why don’t you slow it down a bit before you hurt yourself?"

        Sage was dumbfounded. No one had ever been able to say ‘No’ to him before.

        "IT’S A MIRACLE!" exclaimed Ryo jumping in the air with joy and clicking his heals together.

        Kento grabbed Lirin’s now healed hand and began shaking it vigorously. "THANK you! You have NO idea how HAPPY you’ve made us all!"

        Lirin was confused.

        "I never thought I’d live to see this day." said Sai, who had a HUGE smile on his face.

        "I salute you!" said Rowen, raising his hand in the air towards her in a ‘hail Hitler’ fashion. He was incredibly relieved that she had turned him down. ‘Now maybe I’ll have a chance.’ he thought.

        "What did I do?" Lirin asked, still confused.

        Mia answered her, smiling ear to ear. "So far, no girl has ever said ‘No’ to Sage. You’re the first one to do so."

        "I can’t believe it!" said Sage, still in a catastrophic state and pouting. "How could she resist me?"

        "Gee, someone has a bit of an ego." Lirin remarked quietly, but everyone heard her.

Sage pouted some more and the guys just started cracking up. He glared dangerously at them all. "You guys better knock it off or I’ll…" he said warningly.

        "HEHEHE…HAHA…HAWAHA! S-sorry Sage…but…we c-can’t…help it! HAWAHOHOHA!!" said Kento, clutching his sides and rolling all over the floor with the rest of the guys.

        Mia was trying desperately not to laugh, but then she fell down in her seat the table and started laughing loudly.

        Lirin gave Sage an ‘I’m Sorry’ look. "Sorry Sage, I didn’t know this would happen."

        He gave her a loud ‘hmmmph,’ which in turn made the guys and Mia laugh even harder.

        Lirin felt terrible for embarrassing Sage. She wanted to stop everyone from laughing so she might have a chance of him forgiving her, for she still wanted to be friends. So, she asked Mia something she knew would stop everyone from laughing. "Mia, may I use your phone to call a taxi?"

        "Why do you need to call a taxi?" she asked, wiping the tears from her eyes.

        "Why, to go back home to the ranch of course." she answered. "I’m sure you don’t want another person you have to play hostess to in your house, you’ve already got the 5 boys. And, it seems that I’m already causing trouble." That did the trick. Everyone stopped laughing immediately and looked at her.

        "You’re kidding right?" asked Rowen. He for sure didn’t want her to leave.

        "No." she answered.

        "Don’t be silly, Lirin!" said Mia. "You’re more the welcome to stay here! In fact, I WANT you to stay! It will be SO much nicer having another girl in the house! You have know idea what it’s like to be the only girl living with 5 guys. Don’t worry about causing trouble. This sort of thing happens ALL the time." Mia smiled at her.

        "Yeah, and if you go, whose gonna make pancakes and waffles?" Kento asked.

        She smiled at Kento, but she still wasn’t sure. "Are you SURE it’s okay with all of you?"

        "Most definitely!" said Ryo. "Don’t worry, Sage’ll get over it."

        "Yes, please say. I’d love to swap recipes with you." said Sai shyly.

        "Sage?" she asked, seeking the approval of one more person.

        ‘Maybe I can convince her to go out with me later.’ he said to himself. "Don’t worry, Lirin. I’m not mad at you. I’d be more than happy if you would stay with us."

        Lirin let out a sigh of relief. "All right then, I’ll stay."

        The guys all let out cheers.

        "You can have the room you slept in last night if you want it, or you can take another one." Mia told her.

        "The one I slept in last night is fine. Thank you, Mia."

        "Your very welcome! Now, how about I drive you to your ranch so you can pick up your things and officially move in?"

        "Sounds good to me."

        "Can we come?" asked Rowen.

        "I don’t know if we’ll have room in my Jeep with all of Lirin’s stuff in it." Mia answered.

        "Actually Mia, when we get to the ranch, I’ll load everything up in my SUV and drive it back. So, if they want to come, it’s okay with me. That is, if you don’t mind driving them."

        "If you’ll be able to take your SUV then there shouldn’t be a problem. Anyone who wants to come is welcome to."

        Lirin felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around to see Ryo. "Yeah?"

        "Are there lots of horses on your ranch?" he asked shyly.

        Lirin smiled. "Like horses do we?" He nodded. She laughed, "Yep, there are LOTS of horses on the ranch, and if you all want, we can do some riding while we’re there.

        More cheers were heard as the guys ran to Mia’s Jeep.

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