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The Submission Guidelines


Sailor Gallilean was created by myself and two friends in a Sailor Moon AU reality.  The storyline died, but many of the characters, such as Sailor Gallilean still exist today! .. The original Dera had blue hair, but since I go by Dera now, I changed her hair coloring to my own. ~_^

Welcome to Sailor Gallilean's Submission Corner!


Please read these guidelines carefully, because it makes it easier for me. ^_^


What I Will Allow

What I Will Not Allow

Kissing, as long as the descriptions stay *G* level. 

No Hentai (Lemons/Limes) or Yaoi/Yuri content!

Mild violence. 

No Excessive Violence.

As of 2002, I will be posting fics that may have bad language (By my standards).

No Excessive Cussing. I may be allowing a looser standard for language, but I don't want it abused.


Sending Me Your Stories

1. Send your fanfic to

2. In the subject place : [Fic] Story Title

3. In the e*mail fill in the following:

  1. Rating

  2. Warnings (if any)

  3. The genre of your story

  4. Brief Synapses of Fic

  5. Your pen name

4. Next, please either paste your story onto the e*mail, or

  1. Attach the story as an attachment in txt.

  2. Attach the story as a word pad document.

  3. After adding your pen name in #3, put down a web address I can go to where you have your fanfic and I will pull it off of there.


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