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By Amidala

Standard disclaimers apply. Don't sue unless you wish to recieve a
pair of smelly socks, cos that's all I have. Thank you.

Vampires. Witches. The Supernatural.

Why does everyone assume that none of it exists?
Because they don't want to believe it does. They want to sit at home
in their nice little bubbles of ignorence, watching TV and drinking a

They're all out there, those vampires and witches, that magic. You
know that nice old man who runs the tailor ship? He's older than you
think, and quite blood thristy, when he hasn't fed for a while. Yeah,
he's a vampire. Got a problem with that?
And that young girl who sings in the Gospel Choir. She's one of the
most powerful witches in her Covent. What's my point? Don't have one.
Just a friendly reminder from your local Supernatural Society to watch
your back, of you'll end up fish food.

Oh, you didn't know? I'm a vampire, too. Yep, one of those blood-
sucking bastards who are the great menace to society. There are rules
about that, you know. I can't just go around feeding on and killing
*anybody*, annoying as that can be. Those who are fed upon and killed
are those who
A) Deserve it, or
B) Offer it.

There are more of the former, not surprisingly. Why do you think I do
my line of work?
And we can't go around turning random people into our kind, either.
They are either born a vampire, or ask to be turned.
Yes, there are those who want to be turned.
I did.

So who do I feed on? The dark beasts of the night. Those who rape,
kill, hurt others ... for pleasure. Feel any safer?
Thought so.

I'm actaully still very young. Only 199; 200 in three days. Yeah, we
have birthdays. Bet you didn't think we did. We have jobs, too. I'm
a florist ... part time, anyway.
My night job is *so* much more fun. No one has to know why, least of
all the people I work with, (though I'm sure you've figured it out).
They don't know I'm a vampire. They don't know why our targets have no
blood spilled around them, but are dead anyway. They don't
particularly care, either.

"Aa," I grab my katana, "Let's go."

It's just a little less blood to have on their hands.


Please don't kill me! ::ducks under desk:: This is my first attempt at
any sort of WK fandom ... I'd been watching vampire movies so this just
sorta came to mind. Just *look* at Aya-kun ... he's pale enough to be
a vampire, and he wears long sleeves and jeans to the beach -_-;;

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