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Yasora : Friendship and Love

This page is devoted to my favorite Digimon pairing of Yasora (Yamato-Sora.) Tai may have a following, but I believe that Sora would be better with Yamato. My reasons? Well... It's my opinion that Sora's smiles are often just put on to help the situation. She doesn't let on how things are really affecting her. Yamato also holds a mask in place.

I have other reasons, but those are in my fics below. Please read them and perhaps I won't be alone it my thoughts.

Last updated : 09-01-00 Birthday Surprises (Sequal to Rivals For Love) is up.

My first Digimon Fanfic, let alone a Yasora fic. Matt is searching for Sora, and finds her, and Puppetmon captures them...

Rivals For Love
Has some fixing to be done to it, but other wise, this was my second fic. And my favorite thus far. ^_^ Matt, Tai, and Sora are seperated in an attack from the other kids and Matt and Tai 'fight' for Sora's affections but there is another element involved...

Birthday Surprises
Not all Surprises are good...
It's Sora's 17th birthday, and when she is kidnapped by a forgotten enemy from the Digiworld. Only one can go in after her and Matt takes the job.....

Tommorrow I'll Be...
Sora is off on her own and discovers more about herself with a little help from a friend. unrelated to the two other stories. Songfic

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