"Bonnie, I would like you to meet Jenny Thornton and Tom Locke. Acquiantances from the past." I turned in his arms to look in the surprisingly deep green eyes of the woman he loved.
"Hi, I'm Bonnie.... Is something wrong?" I felt Julian's fingers trail along my navel before locking on eachother and holding me back against him. I fought a desire to laugh as I took in the looks on their faces. Priceless. Absolutely priceless. Tom was looking at me as if I were completly insane. Jenny though, Jenny was looking giving me a glare that said basically, "How dare you? He is my property."
I smiled sweetly at her and placed my hands over his interlocked ones. The combination of the silk of his white shirt and warmth of his arms beneath the thin material felt good against my bare skin and I thanked him silently for keeping his arms there. He could probably tell I was still uncomfortable about the amount of flesh the outfit had put on display.
"Do you know what exactly he is?" Tom was still having a hard time accepting all this I could tell.
"A shadowman. So?" I, on the other hand, was having a great time with this.
"He's evil!" Jenny spoke for the first time sounding completly aghast. As I turned to her, I felt my lip curl slightly in disgust at what she was wearing. She was odviously a pretty girl, but the high-necked ruffled blouse and long baggy skirt obliterated basically everything about her body. I loved the colour of her hair, a gold that looked incredibly soft, but again, she had worn it in a too-severe style pulled away from her face that really didn't look good with her face type.
"Why are you dressed like that? You're such a pretty girl, you could do so much better." Julian let out a tiny snort at this and buried his face in my hair. Immediatly after I said this though, I felt a deep regret at having done so. I mean, I knew Tom picked out what she wore, and didn't Julian basically do the same thing to me for this meeting? Apologizing at this point wouldn't work with the image I was trying to project for Julian though.
Jenny had visibly stiffened and lifted her chin. She seemed to want to show me how much greater her height was than mine, I only came to her shoulder, but it was like this with everyone. I smiled at her in amusement. I felt like Julian, wild, beautiful, and able to do whatever I wanted.