So, you've decided to become a Player to our game. Good for you!! We love new people..... Right now, we are just getting started, so there's not a whole lot of people floating around. You should probably bookmark this page so that you just have easier access to it. Here goes....
1. No one has any right to flame any other person on the list, through the list. If you have complaints about this, email Jaded and she will deal with it accordingly. By accordingly I mean, is that that person will either get a warning, or if in extreme cases, be kicked off the list.
2. I DO NOT TOLERATE RUDENESS TOWARDS OTHER PEOPLE! Do not be rude to me, Findabhiar, or Jaded and Lily. Being rude to other people is also a no no. Watch it, Lily is the monitor of the mailing list, and she knows all. Fin also monitors and takes care of the website in general.
3. There are no taboo subjects. I don't care about naughty words or whatever as long as you don't go overboard. I swear myself, but every sentence gets to be a little much.
4. Considering this is an LJS mailing list, if you are going to put a spoiler for a book or whatever of her's, or any movie or whatever, please put about 15-20 lines of spoiler space and label which spoiler it is. This is just common courtest for those who have not read, or seen whatever you're discussing.
5. This mailing list and site are not designed for people under fourteen years of age. You can certainly join if you fall into that category, but just be warned that we, the Devil's Own, have a high tolerance for just about everything. This however does not include racism, sexism, or any other discrimination. Plus, I don't like whining. Be mature people!!
6. As for what names you can choose, go to the Players list and check out what names are taken. My name, Findabhiar Aery, Jaded Kestrel, and Lily Raven Ash are also off-limits even though we are not listed there. All names are fair game, and I don't care about variations, as long as it isn't something like, "Well, this girl spelt jezebel that way, so I'm going to spell it jezebal." If I have to go searching for what changes you've made, it's a no no. I try to do the least work possible.
7. Fan fics and stuff can be sent to the list that you want me to post, but try to break it up into smaller parts for email cause it takes a really long time to load for some people. I, Findabhiar, do not really care about content in Fan Fics because they are a person's creativity, but please make sure you rate them accordingly. To find out more about that, browse through the Fan Fiction section of the site that I have so thoughtfully put up for everyone's enjoyment.
8. I know other clubs have rules about this, but you can advertise any LJS sites you like on the mailing list. Even your own site if you wish. I love hearing about the new sites, or updates or anything. Just be warned that I will be emailing you about it asking permission, or emailing the webmasters, to put it up in our Links section on the Play Ground.
That's it, thanks so much for reading this people, and when you join, it will take about 2 days for me to sub you, so don't panic. One of the Devil's Own will email you a greeting and whatever telling specifics. If you do not want me to post your real name or whatever, say so in the comments section of the form.
Copyright Findabhiar Aery June 20, 2000. Some graphics found here belong come from the Forgotten Night World Realms, Maya's Graphics Shop. You will find their banner and link on the LJS links page. All other graphics belong to Findabhiar Aery and all rights reserved!! We are making no money off this site, and all books are copyrighted to L.J. Smith.