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Submit Your Own Reviews


Just complete this form. Click on Submit when ready to send to the Devil's Own. Remember, this is not to put down something, it is just a review, and/or constructive critism. If you put down something, we will not put your review up on the site.


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What is this a review for?

An L.J. Smith book
Other Books
A Movie
A Fan Fiction

Author (if it's a Fanfiction):

Name of the book/movie/fanfic:


What do you rate it as?

1 Wild Power (We are in big trouble)
2 Wild Powers (We're doing okay, could be better)
3 Wild Powers (Pretty Darn Good)
4 Wild Powers (Great!! Got this thing covered!)


Your Review:



(c)Findabhiar Aery November 04, 2000 all rights reserved. All mentions of books or designs are copyrighted to L.J. Smith, we are making no money off this site, we are just fans.