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Visuals...Trinity's History.

Demeter...mother of Trinity
and Zues...father of Trinity.

Trinity...being taken
to the Underworld, by Hades...

Trinity...after many moons
finally gives herself to Hades...

Trinity...finally accepting...
knowing she is the combination
of good and evil....decides that
with these qualities...
she could be quite a woman...

The Underworld...ruled by
Hades himself...

The guards of the Underworld...

Hades presents himself
in many different forms...

Hades, once again....
on a rampage.

Hades' followers...
among thousands...

The seas of the underworld...

Demeters land...
in which Trinity was stolen
from by Hades...

her.....well.....evil side,
due to Hades' teachings...