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Sittin The Bench:

One of the XTW’S newest stars TruSoldier under went surgery on June 3, 2001. The surgery was preformed to reattach a tendon in his hand. TruSoldier had to have 3 stitches and a soft cast the night before his surgery because he split his knuckle. The way TruSoldier split his knuckle was Lil_A, Hitman, and TruSoldier was laying tile in a bathroom and Hitman decided that it would be cool if they went and punched the tile to see who would break there piece. Well Hitman went first and broke his with no problem. Next was Lil_A he also broke his with no problem. Last Trusoldier punched his tile the tile broke but when Lil_A looked at Trusoldiers knuckle he saw that he had split his knuckle.

Lil_A and hitman went to the hospital with Trusoldier. They watched him get his stitches and stayed with him the whole time. They left Trusoldier later that night and have checked on him ever since.THE XTW WRESTLERS WOULD LIKE TO WISH TRUSOLDIER A QUICK AND GREAT RECOVERY

Column wrote by:
-Aaron Tardif

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