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The XTW is a small federation with big expectations and huge talent. Much of that talent comes from the 5'11 175 lbs monster from straight outta south carolina, he is the undefeatable xtw world champion we know as Roscoe. His name is not intimidating nor is his face but once you have been in the ring with this superb superstar you will think differently. Roscoe is one main eveter you don't want to mess with. Although his reputation as being the XTW's biggest heel makes him a rule breaker and a non favorite athlete he still stays on top of his game. Roscoe has broken the record for holding a title for the longest period of time in the XTW. From short arm clothesline, to modified rings of saturn, to the coletrain this man can win multiple ways with his strength and ability to make a finisher out of any move. Roscoe is currently working on putting himself over as a larger heel for he feels that he isn't getting his point across. Although he is the biggest heel in the federation with the largest ego he still achieves to be better at his game as he strives everyday to improve in both in ring skills and on the mic skills. Roscoe has went through guys from The Outlaw, to The Above Average Jason Han, to ex world champion ICE. This man is unpredictable and his gimmick and long title reign and dedication to the federation has just begun. Though his constant working in the XTW seems to be paying off he still feels there are some things he needs to brush up on.

The biggest question is flying around backstage is who can take out Roscoe and claim the title? Who can put Roscoe out for the 1..2..3? Just what man can put Roscoe to the mat long enough to steal his belt? Nobody states, The Shocker in a recent interview with Prez Silk. The Shocker says, "Nobody can take him out. As long as he keeps his focus in the ring and keeps a constant steady work on his skills i believe nobody can take this man out. He got where he is today by struggling and fighting and now that he is at the top of his game he isn't about to let just anybody steal his pride and joy from him." Interesting comments from the Shocker, and he may be right. Roscoe must stay on the top of his game to keep that belt or else somebody will step up into the main event status and steal his belt. Even rumors have been flying backstage saying such as that new superstars coming into the federation such as superstar: Angel, and Superfly will be getting some attention and get into the main event status. These men have had some dark matches in the XTW and have proved their skills to the XTW wrestlers and backstage workers. Expect these men to make a debut soon into the XTW maybe even at Breakout 2001 ppv. But Roscoe states, "Don't count on them two getting ahold of my title anytime soon. You don't just all the sudden come into the XTW and get yourself a world title shot. You have to start at the bottom of the ladder just like every other superstar in the XTW." As Roscoe is correct, these men will stop at the bottom of the ladder but whether or not how long they will stay at the bottom is undetermined. Well that's all today for the headlines with Roscoe. Thank for reading and check back for more headlines.

Column wrote by:
-Brent Boulware

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