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Keeps on growin...

To all our fans out there the XTW has came along way. So far, we are about to get a real ring so we are going to be the shit now. We have a trampoline now. And that is going to be used for the practice ring and for the new superstars that join and that don’t know how wrestle, so we can train them easier. When we get the new ring built I think that the XTW will be headed for the pros at least some of us. We have confidence and we have the talent in the XTW to go to the top in the federation. When we get the new ring built I think that many more people are going to join the XTW, and that we will be great. There is one thing though to all that think BYW is crazy it can only be crazy if u make it that way. Backyard wrestling is only crazy as you make it out to be. We do all of our stuff good we don’t do that stuff like jumping off of houses.We do all of our stuff very carefully. I think that the XTW will get a lot more members cause it will be tha real stuff then when we get our ring built. I think that the XTW fed is going to be the most known and most popular backyard wrestling federation in south carolina. As far as we know we were the first ones to come up with this whole concept of backyard wrestling in S.C. after we started our fed and passed out flyers and putting things on light poles and broad casting that there was the XTW. Then we started to hear of others coming on and making feds. I think we are going to be tha best in the state.

Column wrote by:
-Bubba Flowers

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