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The Tardif Boyz??

The hitman was born in lexington county hospital on Setember 10,1989. When he was born he had a clift lip and he died a total of four different times. That is where the hitman got the scar a above his lip. At the age of 3 the hitmans mom walked out on him and left him with his brother Lil_A and his dad. The two boys were raised in a abousive childhood and that Is why both boys were introduced into the XTW as hardcore wrestlers. The hitman and Lil_A may come together in the near future to become one of the XTW most powerful tag teams ever. Their have been rumors that say that the name of the tag team will be called the Tardif Boyz because they say they take after Matt and Jeff Hardy in the WWF so they want to be like them. Aaron feels that he is the Jeff of the two because of his highflying ability and his unregard for his own health. Cameron feels that he is the Matt of the two because he is more of a mat wrestler and has reguard for his body. We expect great thing form these two if they do decide to join and become one force. Who knows they maybe even be the one's to take the titles form the Westside Killers.

Column wrote by:
-Aaron Tardif

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