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Newbies to make a impact:

Another month another show another great year of the xtw as we have been in the backyard business for 3 years now. And it only seems to be getting better. As me being prez of the xtw i'm always happy for new superstars to come into the federation as we have seemed to have new stars coming into the federation that I feel will serve great in the xtw and could possibly go to the top in the federation.

First let's start with The Killa, a new superstar that has been good friends with Prez Silk. Now The Killa is ready to step in the ring with his new gimmick and his destructive wreslting moves with the death drop and the "no fear" This superstar in my eyes I believe will go far and I can't wait to see this supertar in the ring using his manuevers to take the hardcore champion out as he goes for hardcore gold in his first few matches. The Killa has alot of potential and could possible have what it takes to go to the world title rankings and take the world title from the current world champion Roscoe but the question is does The Killa have the right attitude to get to the top? Does he have the confidence to get to the top? All these questions will be answered as The Killa may possibly make his debut at the next upcoming ppv we know as "Breakout 2001" The prez is in the talks with the killa about makin his debut in the ppv and his debut may be way more of an impact than what the xtw bargained for.

Now onto the new superstars also coming into the federation. These two other superstars are coming from a backyard federation in Irmo south carolina and we welcome them also with open arms. They are from the REW the real extreme wrestling federation and they were main eventers in their fed and the prez feels they will serve good into the xtw. Superstar named Balls, and his buddy we know as Eric. These two superstars are brad and eric but their wrestling names are undetermined quite yet but i'll keep you updated. These superstars have much of a experience in the backyards and they will surely be able to pull their own weight around in the xtw but is that enough to make it to the world title rankings? maybe maybe not just check back cause these superstars could too make their debuts alot sooner than you think. THats all for now thanks for checking me out. And check back for my new column about the dangers and limits of backyard wrestling. Peace out.

Column wrote by:
-Prez Silk

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