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Primary Level (Pre-Grammar Stage)

Goals for the primary level

Some helpful websites

Sound Start Publishing Home Page
Montessori Essays


The Grammar Stage of the Trivium does not begin until the student reaches readiness around the age of nine (9). Until then the focus of his education needs to be on the skills necessary to tackle the learning during the grammar stage. The tools of learning aquired between the ages of 9 and 18 are those we will use over and over again in our lives. They are HOW we learn any subject matter. Before we can begin learning to use these tools, we must first have a rudimentary knowledge of our mother tongue and be able to work with our number system. Therefore, the goals for the 5 to 9 year old student are learning to decipher the written word (read) through a thorough understanding of the mechanics of phonics, gaining fluency and becoming an "automatic" reader, learning to spell basic English words and form sentences, and an understanding of the four basic arithmetic functions (adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing). Memorizing the facts should be emphasized after a basic understanding of the principles involved has been aquired. Drill with these facts can continue into the grammar stage.

Some Recommended Reading

Mummies Made in Egypt
Tut's Mummy Lost and Found
Bill and Pete Go Down the Nile

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