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Toddler Tips

Toddler time is fun time! The primary goal during the years from 2 to 4 should be language development. Children of this age are also developing physically at a rapid pace. This page contains some ideas for "educating" your toddler at home and preparing her for a lifetime of learning.

Specific Recommendations for 2 to 4 year olds

Read aloud Bible stories from Catholic Children's Bible
Bible Stories for Little Children

Recite basic prayers orally every day.
The Lord's Prayer (Our Father...)
The Angelic Salutation (Hail Mary...)
Glory Be...
Blessing before meals
Blessing after meals
Angel of God...

Your child will join you as you recite these prayers and if they are recited daily he will memorize them easily.
Repetitio mater studiorum! (Repetition the mother of learning!)

Read aloud and recite favorite nursery rhymes often.
Sing favorite songs and hymns together. Also listen to *great music.
Tapes of hymns and the Mass, classical music, as well as patriotic and folk songs, are recommended.
See Our Lady of Victory School for a nice cd/tape of Catholic and patriotic songs.

Count orally and recite counting rhymes frequently. Counting songs, the alphabet, and a host of great learning songs can be found on the "Sounds Like Fun" tape from Discovery Toys.



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