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Democritus developed in detail the ideas of his master, Leucippus, that atoms are what everything is made of, and the only real forces. He believed atoms were ever-moving, and had qualities such as position, shapoe, size and impenitrability and that they moved through space (the void). He said qualities such as thought and sensations were appearances of the various shapes and combinations of atoms. Democritus believed that physical phenomena were caused by a compound of atoms. He said that atoms of water were smooth, round, and unable to "hook" together so they roll over and over each other. He said that irom atoms have jagged, rough, and uneven edges, so they can hook together to form a solid. He explained that even though all atoms are fundamentally the same that small differences make difrerent matter. He believed white things have surfaces made of smooth atoms, sour things consisted of needle-like atoms. Democritus also explained people's thoughts and senses with atoms. He said that when you see something, that a film of atoms thrown off an object enter your eye. He explains the concept of a soul by saying there were soul atoms. Democritus also believed that atoms can not be created, or perish. Democritus' theories forshadowed many future theories, such as theories about the indestructability of matter, and the conservation of energy.
