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Help For People with Autism

Organizations such as the Autism Society of America Foundation (ASAF) and the Autism Society of America keep up to date information on new discoveries and help provide care and support for those having to live with autism and helping someone who lives with autism. The Autism Research Institute also is helpful, they were the first to bring auditory integration training (AIT) to the U.S. In British Columbia Canada, the Autism Society of British Columbia (formerly Pacific Association for Autistic Citizens) provides support to families with parent training, parent support groups, a parent support network, crisis support and referral, life style services planning, integrated summer programs, a volunteer buddy program, newsletters, a resource library, information, and also training videos. For more information regarding the Autism Society of British Columbia write :
1584 Rand Avenue
Vancouver, BC V6P 3G2
Or call (604) 261-888, or FAX (604) 261-7898