• Real Name: Unknown
  • Known Aliases: None
  • Eye/Hair Color:Brown/Black
  • Age: Unknown
  • Known Relatives:Father - Deceased, Mother - Deceased
  • Known Allies: Bird, Trogg, Zombie, KGBeast and Ra's Al Ghul
  • Known Enemies: Batman, Robin, Nightwing, and Azrael
  • Birthplace: Santa Prisca Prison
  • Area of Ops: Gotham City, United States
  • Group Affiliation:None
  • Occupation: Master Criminal and Terrorist
  • Powers:None, but is extremely agile and strong and has shown many times to possess some of the same skills and abilities as Batman. Also, when he used to use the drug known as Venom he used to possess almost super-human strength.

    5555 Bane is of course the man whom broke the Batman. Not too much is known about Bane's past other then the fact that both his parents were imprisioned within Santa Prisca Prison. Bane's father died in prison just before he was born and because of the law the son of the prisioner if the father died was to complete his father's sentence. Since he was not born yet his mother was put into the prison where Bane was then born. As a child he was placed into the solitary confinement cell where he saw a bat demon which made him want to find it and break it.

    Some years later Bane was placed under experiments with the super steroid that was known as Venom. With the drug Bane became bigger as well as stronger and this allowed him to break out of jail with the help pf his friends Trogg, Zombie, and Bird after killing the warden. When Bane arrived in Gotham City he hunted down the Batman and to bring him out he broke all the in-mates out of Arkham in order to tire him out before breaking Batman. Eventually, he found out Batman was in fact Bruce Wayne and went to Wayne Manor where he found the un-masked Batman and beat the tar out of Batman and eventually took him over the knee and broke the back of Batman.

    With Batman broken he thought he could over-run the city and take all the money of the city. That was until Azrael whom was given the mantle of the bat beat the heck out of Bane allowing him to be arrested and thrown into Black Gate. In prison Bane became really out of shape until KGBeast helped him by beating him up so that he would be able to help get him in shape. Eventually, Bane became strong once again and beat the crap out of KGBeast and broke out of jail and swore to get rid of all the Venom in Gotham City.

    Recently, during the Contagion story-line he teamed up with Ra's Al Ghul who because of the fact Bane was so perfect wanted to make him the husband of Talia. After that there wasn't much from Bane until the Batman: Bane comic where he was going to destroy Gotham with a nuclear tanker and after that there wasn't much heard from Bane until just recently when he appeared in the Azrael book and caused havoc in Gotham once again. However, Azrael was able to stop him, but Bane is still around waiting for his time to return and gain his revenge.