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ISAIAH 54:5-17

Isaiah 54:5-17

I was reading my Bible in the wee hours of the morning due to insomnia, when Isaiah 54 seemed to be talking straight to me. It is amazing what the Holy Spirit can reveal to one in the wee morning hours when all is quiet and peaceful. I want to share with you the interpretation that God gave to me from this beautiful chapter.

It was written by God to his beloved Israel but I believe that we who are divorced or widowed today can also use these same verses as God's promises to us. Claim these promises, dear friend, as your own and let God be your husband, too.

May you read and read again this beautiful chapter and let it bless you as it has blessed me so often.

This is what I feel God gave me as the interpretation of Isaiah 54:5-17.

"For your Creator (God) is your husband. The Lord has called you as a woman forsaken and your spirit has been depressed. You married when you were young and your husband cast you aside. It seemed that for awhile that even God had forsaken you, but with great mercies will I take care of you. I will not be angry with you or criticize you. My kindness and my peace shall never leave you, saith the Lord your Redeemer. You will live in a beautiful home. Your children will have peace and be taught by the Lord. I will establish you in righteousness. You need not fear any terrors or oppressions for they will not come near you or your family. Any one who tries to cause you problems will be dealt with by the Lord. Any implement they use against you will fail. Any words spoken against you will be tossed aside. This is your heritage of the Lord for being my righteous servant."

Oh, praise the Lord!

Doesn't that just make you feel wonderful?

In the absence of a natural husband, let God be your husband and take care of all your needs. Trust in God and He will take care of you.

The very center verse in the Bible is Psalms 118:8 which says, "It is better to put your trust in God than in man."

Don't you think it is more than a coincidence that this Scripture is at the very center of the Bible? I do. Let God be the center of your life. Put your trust in Him and He will see to it that all your needs are met in this life and in the life to come for Eternity.

Dear Father, God:
I pray that You will bless everyone who reads this page and let each one understand just how real You are for them right now in their time of need and always. Wrap Your Comforting Arms around us and let us feel the Love of God, for this is what we all need so very much to feel. Your Love is so satisfying and It fills our cup to joyous overflowing with a happiness that only You can give. Help us all to remember that You never leave us nor forsake us. Perform a miracle in each one's life as to what their needs might be at this time for You know all our needs and Your Scripture says that You will meet all our need according to Your riches in glory by Christ Jesus. You own the cattle on a thousand hills, so I know I am not asking something amiss. And I know it is Your will for us to prosper greatly and to help our fellow man. I thank You for answering this prayer, and I ask this in the name of Your Precious Son, and my Savior, Jesus Christ, who died that we might have Eternal Life.