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What is Love?

In the Bible, in I Corinthians 13: 4-7, you will find the true definition of what love is.

Love is called Charity in these scriptures.

"Charity suffereth long, and is kind: charity envieth not: charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up. Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil: Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth."

When you truly love someone, you wake up each day with the thought, how can I make my mate's day a little better? You put your mate's interests and needs ahead of your own always. You are always there for each other. Abandonment is never an issue for either of you because you both know you are committed to your relationship forever. A man must love and cherish his wife and take the very best care of her that he can. Put her needs ahead of your own. Show her in actions that she means everything to you.

Women need a lot of daily affection, not sex. Hug her and cuddle with her a lot, and she will be more responsive to you during sex. Hand holding, cuddling, kisses, caresses, body massages, foot massages, and touching all are turn-ons for a female. Cleanliness is absolutely necessary on a regular, daily basis. Dress neatly. Never raise your voice! Speak kindly to her. Being kind to her will work wonders for you. Tell her daily how much you love her, and how attractive you find her. Show politeness to her when she gets in the car; open the door for her. If you do these things sincerely, she will love you for them. Little things mean a lot to a woman.

Men want to be appreciated for their hard work and for giving you what they do in life. They want you to honor them and show them respect. They want you to trust them to always do the right thing. They need encouragement in life.

Men need sex more than women do as a general rule, so see to it that you have sex with him at least a couple times a week. Men, do not forget the foreplay. Foreplay is very necessary for females. Whereas, it takes about 2 minutes for a man to get turned on to having sex, it takes about 20 minutes for a woman to get interested in having sex.

Put God first in your both your lives, always. Let Him be the core of your commitment. Don't run at every little thing that goes wrong. Be committed to working it out. Talk things out with each other. A woman needs to talk 20,000 words a day to be mentally healthy while a man only needs to talk 2000 words a day. Listen to what she is saying to you by giving her your undivided attention. Make her feel that what she is saying to you is important.

It is very hard to understand the opposite sex, but John Gray's book, Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus, explains these differences well. Both men and women should read his book. We speak the same words but we hear different meanings of those words. When something is ambiguous, don't be afraid to ask questions until you are satisfied with the answers. Don't be afraid to honestly answer any questions your mate asks you either. A person who is not guilty, should not be afraid of their answers. If you are guilty of something, then the other person deserves to ask you questions until they are able to put the matter behind them, without discussing the subject again. Proper closure is needed to do this. When subjects are rehashed by women, it is because their mate has not allowed them to ask enough questions to satisfy their desire to know what happened. The main thing she needs to hear from you, is do you still love her, and will this ever happen again.

It takes a lot of hard work to make a marriage work. Please remember this, if you are thinking about looking elsewhere for a mate. Before you do, you should know this, the grass is never greener in another pasture. Stay where you are and make it work. Fertilize your own grass and make it nice and green again.

It takes two people to make a marriage work. It takes both working on it daily to keep it alive. BOTH people must be happy in the relationship. The way you find out what it takes to make the other person happy is to ask them questions. Don't just assume things. Sit down often, and communicate your needs to each other, honestly and openly, without embarrassment.

When God is at the center of your marriage, He will help you make it a success, if you both will let Him.

"Heavenly Father, please help all who read this page to know You as their own. Help them to give their hearts and lives to You and become born-again through Your Precious Son, Jesus Christ. Forgive them of their sins. Help them to walk in the Holy Spirit's guidance each day. Bless their marriage so that it is full of everything they want in life through Christ.