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How foolishly women give away their power
To some man they love who then turns quite sour;
And we let our love cause us to give way too much,
Our life co-dependent becomes an old crutch.
We give, and give, and give even more,
Yet still he runs right out the door.
You see, he is incapable of being there emotionally for you.
So now it's time for you to leave him too.
Find another man who will appreciate you,
Stay away from needy men who need fixing too.
Before you fall in love again and go through the same motions,
Make sure this new man is in touch with his emotions.
For if he has no idea how to meet your needs,
You can bet in time that your soul will bleed.
It's true you can't see emotional pain,
But it can totally depress you and mentally drain
You of all zest for life and happiness,
And only cause you a lot of distress.

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