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Positive Thoughts Can Change Your Life

Life can be great or it can be a real bind
Depending upon what you are thinking in your mind.
Your thoughts can make you,
Or they can break you.
Success or failure you will find!

Rule your thoughts and change your world.
Shine forth like a glistening pearl!
Just change your negative thoughts to positive ones,
And your brand new life will have just begun.

As a person thinks so does he become.
It's up to you for your battle to be won.
Change your thoughts, begin a new life
Free of old problems and strife.

Try to think positive thoughts each day!
Be the best you can in every way!
For as you think in your mind
You actually will become in time.

Perfect health, perfect wealth, and true happiness
Lies right inside, your mind is your success.
Change your own thoughts and you change your life.
Success or failure is your own choice in your own mind.

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