Hey, since I don't know HTML I have to do this NEWS page in the Angelfire Basic, so it's a little weird, but oh well, it works!
the News
- 6/13/02: Well, I'm almost done compleatly redoing this website. I promise that it will be regularly updated this year, including pictures. Anyway, next year's show has been announced, it is
- 6/24/02: Waiting for three things, 1st, for mrum major Jesse to give me the list of members of the drumline so i can contact all you guys, 2nd, for our music and (hopefully) the summer rehersal, and 3rd, I'm waiting for myself to get up off my lazy butt and e-mail Jim about drumline rehersals, so be patient everyone.
- 8/26/02: Got back from badn camp yesterday, and I must say that this line shows the most promise of all the different lineups that I've worked with for the past four years. Jsut remember to kep practicing guys, and get ready for our first rehersal.