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Music Page

Here are some songs that my band had played this year. I am also includeing the songs that we are playing for UIL Contest.

ャ House of the Rising Sun ャ

ャ Hey Pahcuco ャ

ャ Chaquita Express ャ

ャ Turn Turn Turn ャ

ャ English Country Settings ャ

ャ Flying Eagle ャ

ャ Vesuvius ャ

The Williams High School Concert and Symphonic band (my band) compeated at UIL Contest on April 13th 2000. We performed Flying Eagle. English Country Setting and Vesuvius. Concert band recived a rating of a III on the Stage Performance, and a VI on the Sightreading Performance. Symphonic Band recived strait I's on Stage and one I and two II's (adveraging to a II) on Sightreading. So.. over all we did very well. This is the first year in a LONG time that Symphonic band has not gotten Sweepstakes. But theres always next year!!

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