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Input,Processing, & Output


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Table of Contents

Input,Processing, & Output

Input Devices

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

PPT Slide


PPT Slide

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

The processor

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

PPT Slide


Display Screens

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

The Processing Cycle

Computer Processing


Output Devices

Auxiliary Storage Devices

Author: Mark S. Platts