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The many types of Chocobos

Through out the Final Fantasy games there came many different chocobos. Not only different in color, but also with different abilities. Below you can see them. It should be kept in mind that chocobos didn't first appear until Final Fantasy II and that all chocobos below are in the Chocobo Stallion video game.

Yellow Chocobo

The most common of all the chocobos known. It's in every Final Fantasy game. This chocobo's abilities are few.

Blue Chocobo

As far as I know, this chocobo is only in two games, Final Fantasy VII and Chocobo Stallion. It's ability in Final Fantasy VII was being able to walk on shallow water. Giving it the alas in this game of river chocobo.

White Chocobo

The rare white chocobo can be found in Final Fantasy IV. (II in US) It was hidden in the chocobo forests that scattered the area. If you could find a white chocobo, it would restore your magic points.

Black Chocobo

A black chocobo was a nice treat in the games it made its apperances in, Final Fantasy IV, Final Fantasy V, Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy Tatics. It differs greatly between the five games though. In Final Fantasy VII it could travel over mountains and water. In Final Fantasy IV, Final Fantasy V, Final Fantasy Tactics it had the ability to fly.

Red Chocobo

The red chocobo made it's appearance in Final Fantasy Tactics and Chocobo Stallion. Being considered a great chocobo to have in Final Fantasy Tactics because of it's natural ability Chocometeor.

Green Chocobo

Appearing in Final Fantasy VII just like the Blue Chocobo. The Green Chocobo had the ability to walk over mountains with ease.

Gold Chocobo

Topping off all of Final Fantasy VII's chocobos was the Gold Chocobo. Being all-terrian there was nowhere on the map that this chocobo could not walk. There were only two methods of aquiring this chocobo: Defeating the Ruby Weapon or raising one yourself.

Fat Chocobo

Mostly used for comic relief, fat chocobo was usually seen eating huge amount of food or other lazy things. It makes an apperance as a random summon of the Chocobo.
Chocobos........ Are of........ The Mind.......... Body.......... and Soul..........