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The Divots


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note: anything in parantheses, after a song title, is what the status of the song is to date.

If I Only Knew
Monday Night Diss
Special Delivery
For Sarah
Dear John
*Lyrics From East Coast Wuss Punk*
Wheel of Fortune


I watch as your faith fades away
You delay day after day
You say you don't need him
Though he tugs at you within
We're dying constantly, accpt his gift quickly
To judge everyone

Practice procrastination
Hell is your dstination
So do yourself a favor
Accept his as your savior

Why do you push aside
The pure love that resides
In the one and only God
Of whom your body's bought
Let him inside you
You can't imagine what he'll do
A new life will arise
Let Jesus show you why

If I Only Knew

It's been a long time
But your memory hasn't faded away
I'll remeber you tomorrow like today
Memories of the good times and the bad make me sad
Wishing that in that wreck I wouldn't of lost my dad

So hard
To not miss you
When you care
It hurts so much

Devrived of a father while you're deprived of a son
You lost your life, your only one
If you only lived enough for me to know what i now do
Then I would of shared with you my knowledge
The knowledge of the savoir Jesus Christ


Unwilling to listen, unwilling to learn
I try to give you advice, but your head you just turn
Ignoring us all and everything we say
You've got to be cool and do it your own way

Got to be in the in crowd, do what they do
So you aren't really unique when you are like them too
Making the same mistakes over and over again
And you always will as long as you hang with them

Unwilling to change your messed up life
But you can do all through the Lord Jesus Christ
All you have to do is be willing to listen and to learn
Your life will be changed, and Christ will make you burn


Why are you gonna go on and act that way
It's another day in your own eyes
But mine, I see it as a day like no other

See I've got what I need
Not sex, drugs, and money
There is better things out there
You don't wanna hear but I'll tell you anyway

I'm secure from all the harm
Cause Jesus holds me in his arms

Monday Night Diss

I'm too quiet and I'm too slow
And I'm too shy and I just do't know
My friens all tell me to give you a call and I got the guts to pick up the phone
As I waited I could hear the hushed conversation on your end and I sensed it wasn't good
I heard you ask who it was and your mom said my name
I'm tired of playing your games, I understand
But we didn't get to talk cuz you told her to tell me that you were asleep

Why did I think that there was a slightest chance
When there was no chance at all

I feel so foolish
(I should have known better)
Better than to think tht you would like me
But that's what they all said I guess they were all wrong
Now I have inspiration for a song
Why would you like me cuz women usually don't
I should have known by the selfish words you spoke
I go my hopes up high
Now I want to cry
You liked another guy
and I often wonder why

Special Delivery


For Sarah

yesterday has come and gone
and the past is the past
hanging on to all my comforts
how i tried to make them last
but today is today and tomorrows coming real fast
everything is a.o.k 'cause todays tomorrows past

but when i ask myself just why i feel this why
there's only one thing that I can say

when I look into your eyes i see you're the one for me
when my walls come tumbling down in your arms i wanna be
when i look into my future it's your beautiful fale i see
when i need someone to hold your right here with me

(chorus) I'm in love

but when you ask me want i'm thinking
i simply reply i'm thinking nothing
but when i hold you i feel your breathing
i know it's true, that i love you

Dear John

The last time he got what he needed
she was there left alone, left along and bleeding
she believes it's love in a different way
so she's frightened to leave or get away
he leaves her all alone on the bed
blaming herselfon what she said

crying never seems to help anyway=
bleeding never seems to heal any pain

do you like the color red left on your bed?

Wheel of Fortune

It's a sunny day, but the skies are grey
is it because you went away?
i'm not a man, I understand
that eveything will be okay

I know that I must have done something
and I know things are exactly how they seem
I'm alone

since yesterday, when you went away
is there anything that i can say?


as we walk our seperate ways
i can't help but wonder how many days
will pass before you'll walk through that door
and see i'm still the old me just now
I'm alone

Stomachless (retired)

We pulled up on a clear sunny day
but we walked in, there's a change
the door was closed, there he lies
his coughing was loud and uncommon
and as we left I heard you say
please don't drink your life away

daughter forgive me in time
there's nothing left inside
so just go on with your life

now she dreams in the afternoon
even at night looking at the moon
I hope one day she'll make it through
and realize there's nothing she couldn't do

come back please dad
and I'll never ever be sad

12:43 (retired)

you don't know her as well as you think
it's all the same boring routine
you think she has it in your heart
after this it'll be broke apart
you'll realize you've made a mistake
then she'll be forgotten and replaced

did she mean anything
do you like it where you stand
you probably feel like a man
never when walking hand and hand

what happened at her house
I heard you where there for a while
you even left there with a smile
I hope you got all you needed
now I know it's the weekend

Zebra Stripes (remixed)

I know you don't approve of her
I know how you act towards her
you had your chance before
the times I waited by the door
you thought you left me all alone
because I always walked alone
I found someone better
it couldn't be nicer

well things are better now
but you're still around
keeping me from going on

Sandy (retired)

All the times in math
when you made me laugh.
The days have gone by
and I know you still try.

She's got real blonde hair
and a good personality.
You never had any candy
But your name rhymes with Manday.

Sandy, I remember all the things we did
in the class when all we did was sit.
And Sandy you made class a lot more fun
all the time when I had the blue runs.

These are the greatest thoughts.
You know they will never be bought.
Thanks for the good times.
You never could be mine.

Piercing My Heart (retired)

Have I told you lately that I love you?
Have I told you lately that I care?
Have I told you lately that I need you?
And you told me you don't really care.

Well it's nice to know all your games
when your telling me you care.
Now I know that I was lame
with the times we shared.

Your piercing my heart.
Your piercing my love.

I'm too little too late
to ever get a break
from a girl down the frain,
How will I ever contain

Forgotten Past

Growing up in government housing
people selling crack in the back of my yard at night
this one kid in the hood stole some of my toys
and most of the people didn't know wrong from right

thinking about my past, my forgotten past
hard times I had forgotten

and wonder how I'm still alive and not on drugs
most of the people around dealing drugs
and they did it in my back yard
i was lucky enough to escape untouched

I came out of my past with good morals
I know waht's right and I try to do it
but I wonder how some of my family isn't the same
is the forgotten past to blame

Garner Street

what happened to what we used to be
as I can see you don't know me
standing next to you I felt peace
but I've never been down your street

what am I too you now being away
well I pray and pray that you'll want me to stay

do you want to be what we used to be
as I can see you do remember me
now standing next to you I feel peace
but I still haven't been down your street

I'm glad we work it out
for I was having my doubts
about you for me for you to me
that's the way it'll be

are you happy with your decision
I know it took time to unwind
but please have more persistence
because you've unwinded your time

Gift of Love (shortened)

When I look in to her gorgious hazel eyes
I feel like heaven's right there by my side
She gives me peace, comfort, and happiness
and you know I'll treat her like a princess

She's filling up my mind with happy thoughts
And you know she's wearing the ring I bought

When she needs me you know I'll be there before
Anyone could get there, and put harm towards her
I hold her in my arms, and won't ever let go
cause she's the only one, I'm dreaming of, you know

I know she'll never quite understand
how important it is to hold on to her hand
Of course I thank the holy God above
with her I give the Gift of Love

The stars in the sky are shining in her eyes
Knowing that she's near me makes me want to sigh
Tell me have you ever felt this way in your whole life
In my heart is where I'll keep her inside