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Features of the syllabus

First Hand Investigations





Spectral Lines of elements

Classification of common Igneous Sedimentary and metamorphic rocks

Presence of Dissolved O2 in water at different temperatures

Features of plutonic igneous rocks, and explosive volcanic rocks

Density of Core mantle and crust materials

Identification of parent rock types and analysis of soil in a local field study

Varying salt concentrations on plant growth

Behaviour of a mixture of liquids of different densities

Dominant types of plants and animals in the area studied

effects of abrasion , changes of volume of water on freezing, dissolving substances

Fermentation of sugar by yeast

Human impacts on the local biotic and abiotic environment

Chemical test to identify CO2

Conditions under which iron reacts with O2

Precipitation of Carbonate

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Information from secondary sources





Spectral signatures of stars

Local geology and soils

Distribution of atmosphere, hydrosphere,lithosphere and biosphere

Determine the age of rocks and crystals based on radiometric means

Comparison of a Cultural explanation with a scientific explanation

Dominant local plants and animals

Distribution of the total water budget of the earth

Significance of precambrian rocks found in the pilbara

Comparison of the earliest atmosphere with today

Changes in local vegetation cover, plant and animal diversity,and abundance and water flow and quality in the local environment ove the past 50 years

effect of common pollutants on the growth of algae in ponds

Changing nature of ideas and models proposed about the movement of continents

Synthesis of amino acids by spark discharge

scientific basis of the issues chosen in the local environment document

Summarise the landscape features that may identify past aquatic environments

solve problems about areas of sea floor spreading (use maps)

Comparison of Ancient Archaeobacteria with present day archaeobacteria

Government rgulations based on ecologically sustainable development

interpretation of maps and diagrams of the distribution of past and present aquatic environments

Use of magnetism in minerals as an indicator of crustal movement.

Composition of oceans before and after the evolution of photosynthesis

consequences of land clearing in a catchment

Impact on one or more ecosystems of a change in climate.

Main features of igneous rocks associated with effusive volcanism

Forms in which carbon is locked up in the atmosphere

Case study on the impact of an artificial structure an surface processes

Waste water management such as reed beds and salinity.

Identify the major world plates

Relationship between changing CO2 and changes in climate

Two endangered species and the reasons why they have become endangered

Outline one environmental problem theat has arisen from the use of groundwater in the past

Model a reconstruction of Gondwana from present day continents and discuss its relationship with pangea

Variation of climate since the cretaceous

Significant places of environmental importance in the local area

Plot the occurrence of explosive volcanic activity and relate it to crustal movements

Issues associated with allowing public access to refugia

Develop a timeline that traces the movements and main events in the formatin of the Australian continent

Identify and describe a biosphere reserve and identify the aims

Back to Home page 14. prediction of volcanoes

15. tectonic activity

16.Velocity Vectors on Plates


18.plates ABCs

19. plate positions and movements


21.Planetary Geology

22.Quakes Home page

23. satisfactory website, European perspective

24. Volcano Index

25. SLR TECTO 26. UNSW EES Resource site

is another excellent attempt at bringing content and resources together for the new syllabus. (You may want to avoid duplication of the resources of this site as it is heavily used by teachers currently)

27. EarthEd: Earth Science Education Resources

An excellent meta collection of sites and links related to earth science education.

28. Athro

has many prepared lessons on geology and biology.

29. Centre for Improved Engineering and Science Education

has many projects that are useful in this area.

30. Earth Science Australia

is an excellent site with many on-line tutorials and reference material on all aspects of geology.

31. Earth Science Educational Resource Centre

has many workshops on earth science topics.

Software 32. Earth Browser

updates weather patterns around the world on a 3-D globe. It requires an active internet connection from which it receives up to date weather information. Excellent for getting forecasts as well!

33. Eye of the Storm Screensaver

is another active weather plotter.

34. Earth Science Freeware

is an excellent Australian site with many freeware geological programs. Thoroughly recommended.

35. OzSoil version 3

is an excellent CD-ROM on the nature of Australian soils from the university of New England. ($107.80)