4 Girls, 2 Boys, and One Embarrassed Blonde


“So how old are these girls again?” Chris asked yawning, as the bus pulled up behind the venue. He had just woke up and decided to go sit with Ben and Daniel who were at the back of the bus watching Predator for the four hundredth time.
“I dunno.” Daniel answered, paying more attention to the movie than to his band mate.
“Yeah, well the I think the lead singer, umm Morgan or something, is legal for Mr. Beautiful Creature over here!” Ben laughed nudging his friend in the side.
“Shut up Gillies, it’s not funny.” Daniel blushed, returning his attention to the film. Chris jumped on the couch on the other side of Ben and put his arms behind his head.
“You never know, Johnsy, this could be true love!” He teased.
“Come on, two against one? Not fair!” Daniel said, managing a smile over his mouth. “This tour isn’t going on for long, okay? Three shows together, that’s it!”
“Have you heard any of their stuff?” Ben turned his head to Chris.
“Umm, I dunno. Maybe Watto has the CD.” He walked down the aisle to go see the infamous manager who was sitting at the front reading a book.
Daniel turned to Ben and whispered, “Ya think we’ll have to meet them?”
Ben shrugged and scratched his head. “I dunno, maybe. If you’re lucky we might only run into them backstage or something. They don’t seem that bad from what I’ve heard. They have some good reviews.”
“Reviews?” Daniel smiled. “When did we ever listen to reviews?”
“Shut up you know what I mean!” Ben grinned pulling a pillow from beside him and smashing it over Daniel’s head.
“I could have you for abuse!” Daniel yelled blocking the forth-coming bashes.
“Yeah? You have no witnesses!” He laughed, continuing with the battery.
“I’ll pay people!” He threw all his weight against the pillow bashing and tried to overpower Ben. Just as Daniel had him on the ground with his arms holding him down, Chris walked back with the CD in hand.
“What the hell are you two doing?” He grinned as he looked down at Daniel straddling Ben on the ground. “Ya know there are people who would pay for this footage!” He laughed.
“Shut up Joannou!” Daniel grinned. “He attacked me with a pillow.”
“And he was trying to rape me!” Ben pleaded, but couldn’t hold in the laughter.
“Uh huh, how old are you two again?” He laughed sitting back on the couch and pulling out the portable cd player he carried with him. “I got the CD by the way.”
“Cool,” Daniel and Ben said, getting themselves back onto the couch, just as the credits to Predator rolled up the screen.
“Fuck, it’s over.” Daniel frowned. “Terminator, Ben?”
“Sure, why not?” He said as Daniel walked over to the cabinet and flicked through the movie boxes.

* * *

“So, ya nervous, Morgan?” Talena grinned at the pale-faced girl who sitting and looking through one of the windows at the front of their tour bus.
“No,” she breathed in, turning to her. “Not at all.”
“Uh huh, yeah right. You’ve only been waiting for this chance for years.” She teased.
“Just shut up!” She growled, looking out the window again.
“Okay, fine. Be mean. I’m leaving.” Talena laughed and headed to the back of the bus where the others were sitting.
“Good.” Morgan mumbled as she walked away. All day she had had butterflies about tonight and it was only a couple hours until sound check. Hell, it was only three shows, not like a proper tour. But still, it was silverchair. Her publicly announced favorite band. Shit I should not have said that stuff about Daniel to Kerrang, okay who knows maybe they don’t get that magazine in Australia, she thought and closed her eyes with her head leaning against the window. “I don’t regret anything I’ve said.” She said out loud, hoping it would put her mind at ease a little more. “This is just nerves,” she added in a mumble so no one at the back would hear.

* * *

“So are you going to come watch them with us, Daniel?” Ben asked while they were sitting in the dressing room a few moments before Kittie took stage.
“Um, nah. I don’t think so.” Daniel shook his head. “The CD was alright, but I’m not in the mood.”
“Your loss, mate.” Ben grinned, as him and Chris exited the room and made their way down to hall to watch from the side of the stage incognito.
“They better play Charlotte,” Ben said to Chris as they walked past the roadies to the side of the stage to watch the four girls in action.
“Yeah, that’s a good song. Holy fuck!” Chris exclaimed as he got chance to see what Kittie looked like besides on the CD jacket.
“What?” Ben said then looked at the stage and saw what he was staring at. “Um, damn…And how old are they again?”
“Talk about upstaging, ya think we should go get on our short skirts and knee high bitch boots?” Chris laughed, wide eyed at Morgan’s choice of attire.
“Nah, I don’t think we’d look half as good!” Ben added, fighting the urge to rub his hands together.
Chris took notice and whispered, “Ben, remember, they’re underage!”
Ben looked over at his friend for a moment before they both broke out laughing, glad that the music was overpowering them.

* * *

Morgan played the last chord of Charlotte and proceeded to do some guitar battery before coming offstage with the others. The first show had gone down well. As she wiped the sweat off her forehead and followed Mercedes offstage, she noticed two familiar, yet flushed faces clapping at the side of the stage. “Who the fuck are they?” She mumbled, until she walked up to them and got a closer look.
“Nice show,” Ben smiled. “I’m B-“
“Ben Gillies!” She said automatically without thinking about it. “Shit, sorry.” She scrunched up her face in “I know I messed that up” expression.
“Yeah,” he laughed. “So I’m thinking you know Chris too.” He did a hand motion to the boy on his left.
“Yup,” she grinned. “It’s great to be doing these shows with you guys.” She said, knowing that she was probably the millionth person in a supporting band to have said that to them.
“Well, you are a good band, too bad Daniel missed it.” Ben said, almost on purpose.
“Oh, uh, right.” She said, still trying to keep the same nervous smile on her face, so they wouldn’t see her disappointment. “Is he alright?” She said before stopping herself.
“Fine,” Chris stepped in. “He just didn’t feel like making an appearance tonight, pre-show nerves and all that.” He smiled, giving a quick glare at Ben who was still grinning.
“Oh, okay, well that’s cool. What are you guys doing after the show?”
“Uhh,” Ben gave Chris a secret worried look before turning back to Morgan. “Dunno yet, it’s one of those we’ll see after the show things.” He gave her his best smile and shoved his hands in his pockets.
“Cool, well you know where our bus is. We’ll be watching the show though, if you didn’t already know we’re big fans of the band.”
Ben was trying his hardest not to add “And Daniel!” But fought the urge and just replied, “Yeah we’ve read a couple of your articles.”
Shit, shit, shit, thought Morgan, okay articles do not have to include Kerrang, it could be any magazine. “Cool,” she breathed in. “We’re looking forward to the show.”
“Good, we’ll talk to you later then, gotta get ready and wake up Daniel,” Ben laughed.
“Yeah, our boy is quite the sleeper.” Chris added, laughing along with his dark-haired friend.
“So I’ve heard,” Morgan smiled. “Maybe we’ll meet him later.”
“Um,” Ben blushed. “Maybe.” He looked to Chris for help.
Chris saw the plea and answered with, “Well, we’ll talk to you later. Tell the others they did great. Bye.” And dragged his colleague back down the hall.

* * *

“God, you sure missed a show Daniel!” Ben yelled as he walked back into the dressing room, where Daniel was laying on the fold out bed they had requested inside the room.
“Whatever,” he mumbled, facing the wall.
“How you can fucking sleep half an hour before we go onstage I will never know,” Ben mumbled sitting on the chair opposite him.
“Yeah, Dan, these chicks were really good.” Chris added, shutting the door properly and going over the chair near to Ben. “And we talked to your girlfriend as well!” He laughed.
“Yeah, phoa, short skirt, Johnsy, knee high boots, all black, damn!” He teased.
“Just shut the fuck up!” Daniel mumbled louder, still not raising his head.
“She seemed pretty nice, though.” Chris, always the peacemaker, said in a more serious tone. “I’d talk to her again.”
“Yeah, well you’d have to Chris if you wanted to sleep with her!” He laughed as Chris rolled his eyes at him. “Plus we need to hook him up with our single man! Mr. Lover Boy, Daniel Johns! Heartthrob extraordinaire!” Now both of them were laughing, and Daniel turned around to face them, a smile penetrating his face.
“Okay, okay, just shut up,” he grinned. “I still dunno if I want to meet this chick, alright?”
“Ya know, Dan,” Chris began, putting on his most serious face, “she did say if there was one person she’d go to advice for, it would be you.”
Dan shot him a confused look and then looked at Ben, “Where the hell does he get this shit?” He laughed.
“It’s called ME-DI-A!” Ben grinned, expecting an onslaught of some sorts of objects from Daniel’s side of the room.
“Great!” Daniel said sarcastically, and sat up properly. “How long we got?”
“About twenty minutes.” Chris announced, looking at his watch.

* * *

“Hello?” Mercedes tapped a daydreaming Morgan on the shoulder.
“Uh, what?” She replied, blinking a couple times. Mercedes, Talena, and Fallon laughed at their confused lead singer.
“Ya okay there, Morgan?” Fallon teased.
“Um, yeah. Shut up,” she frowned her eyebrows, grinning a little.
They were all sitting in the dressing room waiting until silverchair were going to go onstage.
“I think we played pretty good,” Talena said, matter a factly.
“Yeah, Ben and Chris thought so too.” Morgan smiled.
“Whoa, you talked to them?” Mercedes asked, wide eyed.
“Uh huh,” she replied, mocking her wide-eyed expression.
“What about Daniel?” Fallon joined in.
Morgan shrugged and turned away “Don’t know. He didn’t watch us.”
“It’s probably a good thing he wasn’t there,” grinned Talena.
“Why’s that?” Morgan frowned, facing her.
“Because your vocal chords would probably stop working!” Mercedes finished.
“Fuck you,” Morgan laughed, realizing that they did have a point. She had no idea what she would say to him when or ‘if’ they met. It was pure luck she didn’t fuck up when she ran into Ben and Chris. Meeting Daniel would be a different matter. She put her hand to her head as she thought of the Kerrang article. “Okay, I’m hoping I didn’t seem ‘too’ obsessed,” she mumbled, eyes closed, as her mother walked through the dressing room door.
“I think they’re coming on now,” her mom said grinning.
“You’re going to watch them too?” Mercedes spoke up.
“Yeah,” she smiled. “Gotta see what this ‘beautiful creature’ that Morgan’s been talking about, looks like!” She laughed along with everyone in the room while Morgan threw her head in her hands.
“Great!” She moaned.

* * *

After a sixteen song set, the band left the stage the side opposite Kittie were watching them to their disappointment. In a weird way Morgan was relieved that she didn’t have make introductions tonight, right away. She did, however, want to talk to Ben and Chris again to crack the ice a little before smashing it with a hammer. The four of them went back to their tour bus, after signing autographs for people who were waiting outside of the venue.
“That rocked,” Mercedes said, sitting down with the others at the back of the bus.
“Yeah,” agreed Talena. “Too bad they left on the other side of the stage.”
“Oh well, we still have two more shows with them,” grinned Fallon, who also seemed quite eager to meet the trio. “And we know that hell will freeze over if Morgan doesn’t meet Daniel.” She laughed.
Morgan rolled her eyes at Fallon’s comment, “Well, maybe tomorrow, I’m too tired to do anything tonight.” She yawned getting up and heading for her bunk, closing the blue curtain to get what privacy she could acquire.

To Be Continued
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