Chapter Four: The most unlikely of meetings!!!

Lanie could hardly believe her eyes. It was not possible that Silverchair was sitting across from her! It just wasn't possible. But... this was their home town and they were taking time off. How had this managed to slip her mind when she had planned the trip? How had she forgotten that she was going to be on the same continent as Silverchair? Now here she was too stunned to take advantage of this opportunity.

Suddenly, she got a grip on herself. This was a once in a lifetime chance and she was not about to lose it. Lanie had always thought that if she only had the chance to meet Daniel Johns, he would realize that she was the one for him. She didn't know why she felt this way but she couldn't resist the temptation. She had to know if her premonition was correct.

Lanie quickly went through a list of possibilites in her mind. She could ask for directions to somewhere. No, that would be too lame. She could accidently spill something on him. No, that would WAY 2 embarassing! She could ask where the nearest vegetarian restaurant was. YES! That would be perfect. Not only would she get to talk to Daniel but it was the perfect subject. She was, after all, a vegan like Daniel. Daniel would certainly pay more attention to her if she said something he was interested in. All she had to do now was conjour up enuf nerve to go through with it. Here goes nothing, she thought.

Lanie turned towards the table beside her and felt her heart pounding like a hammer. She felt as though it would beat through her chest. A feeling of enchantment swept over her as the words flowed flawlessly from her mouth.

"Excuse me, I'm not from around here. I'm here on vacation. I was wondering if you could tell me where the nearest vegetarian restaurant is?" I did it! I actually did it! Oh My GOD! How did I ever do it? Lanie was beside herself.

"Actually, this restaurant is the nearest vegetarian restaurant around here," replied Daniel with a hint of laughter.

Oh my God! I'm such an idiot. I'm such a fucking idiot! What was I thinking! What do I say now? Lanie was panicing. "Really. Well, this is probably the stupidest thing I've ever done." Lanie was slowly gaining control of herself.

"Don't worry. You're not from around here so you have an excuse," Daniel said with a sexy smile.

"My name is Ben. This is Chris and this is Daniel. What's yours?" Asked Ben with a jolly grin.

"Lanie." Stay cool. Don't Freak. Just stay cool, Lanie thought to herself.

"You look kind of lonely sitting all by yourself so why don't you pull your chair over here. We'll be good mates," suggested Chris.

This isn't true! This isn't happening. It can't be happening! OH MY GOD! Lanie pulled up her chair directly across from Daniel. This was the best moment of her life! Her nervousness was gone now. All she could feel was excitement.

A waiter came to take the orders and Lanie was surprised when Ben told her he was treating her to dinner since she was kind enough to sit with them. It was just getting better by the minute for Lanie. Little did she know, Daniel felt the same way.

Dinner came and they ate while talking about surfing, music, animals ( Lanie made a point of expressing her passion for animal rights and Daniel noticed), and everthing else under the sun.

Lanie couldn't help but glance at Daniel all through her evening and she couldn't help but notice that he was doing the same. Things were going better than planned.

Finally dinner was over and Lanie knew she would have to say good-bye, but something inside her was telling her that this was not the end of the night for her.,p> "Well, Lanie you have been a delight. But there's something I always say to Daniel and I feel I need to say it to you as well. PUT SOME MORE PORK ON YOUR FORK!" Ben roared. Everyone laughed at this remark. Even Lanie and Daniel.

"Very funny Ben. You're fucked up. Don't you agree Lanie?" Asked Daniel with another one of those sexy and seducing smiles.

Lanie was getting weak at the knees. If she didn't leave now she soon wouldn't be able to. "Of course," replied Lanie with a sexy smile of her own.

As Lanie glanced to the door she saw Zeus coming in, "I'm sorry Miss Lanie but the van will not be ready until tomorrow. We have to stay here for the night. Okay?"

"Hey, that's perfect. Chris is having a huge party tonight at his house so you can come and crash there. No one leaves Chris' parties till the next morning. Right Chris?" asked Ben with a smirk.

"Right. Yeah, you can crash at my house. I'm sure everyone else is anyway. I'm sure Danny boy won't mind," said Chris with a wink.

Daniel blushed a little and Lanie knew at that instant that God had answered her prayers. She wasn't just imagining those glances from Daniel. Ben and Chris had noticed them too. She wasn't crazy after all.

"Are you sure you don't mind? I don't want to intrude," Lanie asked knowing what the answer would be.

"Nah!" Replied Chris.

Ben paid for the food and they worked out a plan. Lanie would go to Chris' house from the restaurant with Daniel since he was the only one there with a car (mercedes). Ben and Chris were walking. Zeus would call Lanie tomorrow when he was ready and Daniel would drop her off.

This can't be happening, Lanie thought as she walked out of the restaurant and into Daniel's mercedes. They sped off to Chris' house and of course arrived before Chris and Ben since they were walking.

Daniel had the key to Chris' house and as he and Lanie walked in, Lanie knew this was one night she would never forget.

"I think you're going to have a very good time tonight. I have to warn you though, there are usually drinks involved at Chris' parties," Daniel said with a sly grin.

"I think i can handle it."

Daniel and Lanie walked outside to the backyard and put there feet in the pool. It would be another 20 minutes before Chris and Ben got here so Daniel and Lanie struck up a very interesting conversation. Lanie found Daniel so easy to talk to. Daniel felt the same way about Lanie.

Twenty minutes later Chris and Ben came walzing into the house. A short time later the people arrived and the party began. It was going to be a FUN night.

People were crammed into every corner of the house. Lanie stayed close to Daniel since he said it would be best if she did. According to him, some guys were pretty dangerous and he didn't want her getting hurt. Lanie thought that was so sweet. She still couldn't believe what was happening.

"Do you want to go outside for a minute? It's pretty hot in here," asked Daniel.

"Sure," Lanie shouted over the music. They made there way to the door and stepped outside where a rush of cool air swept over them like a wave.

Some drunk guy was lumbering towards Lanie. She didn't see him but he was falling straight towards her. Daniel reached for her and grabbed her waist. He pulled her away just in time. Lanie looked up and saw she was staring directly into his crystal blue eyes. Daniel's arms tightened around her waist and Lanie felt lost in those blue eyes. Daniel kissed her so tenderly and Lanie knew this was where she belonged for the rest of her life.

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