Chapter 1

"No..." Nineteen year old Amber Valentine trailed off as she glanced at the picture her best friend was holding up.

"What's wrong with this one?" River Hetfield asked as she looked at the house in the picture.

"Riv, there's two of us, what are we gonna need that big of a house for?" She asked, frustration heavy in her voice. "Besides, how are we supposed to pay for that??? With your waitressing and my secretary's pay check, there's no way we could afford that." Amber reasoned, brushing back her dark brown curls.

"There's no way we can afford any of these." River stressed, blinking tiredly as she watched her friend's eyes blink slowly.

"This is absolute bull shit, what the hell are we gonna do?" Amber cried as River slammed the book closed.

"Well," River thought out-loud, tugging tiredly at her blonde pony tail, "We have two choices. We can stay living with our parents." She said slowly, continuing as Amber shook her head fiercely. "Or, we could find some other roommates."

"All right, who do we know that's looking for a new place?" Amber asked, kicking her feet up onto the pillow in front of her.

"Ben." River smiled wickedly as Amber glared at her.

"No." She said firmly, crossing her arms to emphasize her point.

"Oh come on!" River cried. "Look, he could afford it. He's looking for an apartment, and he would be a great room mate."

"You mean bed mate." Amber laughed as River giggled.

"What?" She asked "Jealous."

"Of you? Please." She mocked disgust as River hurled a pillow in her direction. "Anyway." She stressed. "There is no way I am living with Gillies."

"Why the hell not? I would." River grinned from ear to ear.

"You don't count, he's your boyfriend." Amber frowned. "One, he snores. Two, he's messy. Three, he's loud. Four, No way in hell am I going to live in the same house as that freak." Amber laughed, counting off the reasons on her fingers.

"He is not a freak!... Okay so he is, but that's why I like him." River giggled. "Please Amber, think of the alternative."

"I would rather have that than live with Ben." She said firmly as River blinked her doe eyes slowly.

"Well, then, if Ben isn't moving in with us ... neither is his friend Chris." River smirked.

"Who the hell is Chris?" Amber asked, side tracked from her tirade.

"His hottie friend." She said plainly as Amber arched her eye brow slowly.

"Well,..." Amber said slowly. "I mean... It wouldn't hurt to meet him, before we make any decisions." Amber sighed as River grinned happily.

"Great." She smiled, "I'll call them right away."

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