Chapter 10

"Sorry to interrupt..." River stifled a giggle as Chris and Amber slumped onto the couch in front of her. "But I just wanted to tell you Danny is coming over."

"Danny?" Amber asked, catching the energetic smile shared between River and Chris.

"Johnsy." Chris beamed. "How'd you convince him to leave his house?"

"Didn't." River shrugged. "He called and asked if he could come over. He wanted to see the new house or something."

"That's great." Chris smiled, leaning back and throwing his arm over Amber's shoulder. "He's doing better."

"Hopefully." River nodded, sharing a nervous glance with Chris.

"What's wrong with him?" Amber asked as Chris sighed heavily.

"I don't know. He just wanted to be alone for a while I guess." Chris shrugged. "He just didnt't want our help when the fame got to be too much, so he bought a house and we haven't seen him in a while."

"Oh." Amber nodded dumbly. "Well, then I guess its good that he's coming over."

"Yeah." Chris smiled once more. "I can't wait to see him."

"He'll be here soon, he said like ten minutes." River said, bouncing off of the couch and smoothing out her outfit.

'I'm gonna go grab a quick shower." Chris said, standing suddenly. "I'll be out in a couple of minutes."

"I'll be here." Amber nodded, nervously fiddling with the hem of her shirt. She had heard a lot about Daniel from River. They had been best friends for years, but with all the touring, Amber had never had a chance to meet him. She also knew that Chris was worried about him. The look in his eyes when he had talked about Daniel was enough to cancel out the smile. Shaking her head, Amber was startled out of her thoughts by a knock at the door. Looking around the house, she walked slowly to the door. Taking a deep breath, she readied herself for a pleasent hello.

"Hi...." Amber trailed off, throwing open the door and facing the person on the other side.

"Hi....I'm Daniel. Is Ben or Chris home?" Gasping to herself, she couldn't believe that the person in front of her was the same person they had been speaking of earlier. His eyes were sunken and his skin clung so tightly to his emaciated body that Amber could make out the bones underneath of his skin.

"Umm... yeah." She nodded dumbly, opening the door for him. Taking a step back, Amber was afraid to even brush against him for fear that she would break his fragile form.

"Johnsy!" Ben's voice boomed from down the hallway. Following Daniel inside, Amber stood nervously behind him, waiting for Ben. Walking into the room excitedly, Ben stopped dead in his tracks in front of Daniel. "Holy shit..." He deadpanned, looking his friend up and down. " are you?"

"I'm okay." He shrugged, glancing from Amber to Ben and back to Amber.

"Good." Ben said dryly. "Oh... this is Chris' girlie Amber. Amber this is Daniel." Ben introduced them unsurely. "I think...."

To Be Continued
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