Chapter 3

"I can't believe you talked me into this." Amber moaned from the passenger seat of the car as River drove carefully. It had been two weeks since their decision to move in with Ben and Chris, and Amber had been kicking herself for it since then.

"It's too late to back out now, we paid for everything." River reminded as Amber slumped into her seat. She was right. All of the paper work and money had been squared away, and the house was theirs. "Yeah I know," She sighed, rubbing her head slowly, "I can't believe this... I don't even know Chris, and I'm sorry to say I know Ben. The only guy I've ever lived with is my dad. How did you talk me into this?" She cried once more.

Laughing to herself, River barely made the turn off to the house they had finally decided upon. It was a large house not far from their parent's in rural Merewether. "Am, please calm down. It's not that big of a deal." She giggled watching for the house.

"Easy for you to say, you've got a built in sex toy moving in with you. But what happens if you two have a fight or something, huh?" Amber reasoned as River shook her head from side to side.

"Then ... oh well," River stuttered, not wanting to fight with her best friend, "Besides, you have Chris for fun." River grinned widely as Amber glared at her.

"I am not that kind of girl." She said dramatically.

With a loud laugh, River slapped her arm playfully, "I've known you for damn near ten years. Please, you cannot lie to me." River assured her, finally steering the car into the driveway.

"I'm still not going to mess around with someone I've met only two weeks ago." Amber nodded fiercely.

"Give it some time." River smiled knowingly, turning the key in the ignition, and jumping out of the car.

"Do you have the key?" Amber asked, climbing out of the car herself. She had seen pictures of the house, but it looked differently up close. It was a country style house, large and gray with navy blue shutters. There was a wrap around porch and a tall white wooden door in front of the house.

Groaning, River rubbed her forehead. "Sorry, Ben has the key. He had copy's made for each of us." She shrugged, pulling boxes from the trunk of her car.

"Great we'll just wait here." She said, sliding down into the front seat of the car, and flipping on the radio. It was only a few minutes later when Chris and Ben finally pulled up to meet them.

"Hey baby." Ben smiled widely as River ran towards him. "Morning Amber." He waved as she nodded mechanically. Looking back at the car, Ben glared at Chris.

"Hey Amber." Chris mumbled, grabbing his bag from the car.

"Are we all ready?" Ben asked, pulling out the key to the house. River smiled and nodded as Ben proceeded towards the house. Without waiting for a response from the other two, he threw open the door and grinned.

"I get my own room!" Ben cried, rushing into the house with River hot on his trail.

"Are you coming?" Chris asked softly, walking towards the door.

"Yeah," She sighed, hurrying to catch up to him, "Right behind you."

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