Chapter 9

"Chris?" Amber sighed, cuddling closer to his warm body. After spending an hour kissing and talking, the two had settled into a comfortable silence.

"Mmm hmm?" He asked, wrapping his strong arm tightley around her small body. Smiling to himself, he marveled at how perfectly she fit into his embrace.

"What exactly does this mean?" Amber asked, propping herself up on her elbows and looking down at him.

"This?" He asked as she gestured between their bodies.

"This." She clarified, letting him brush a strand of hair behind her ear. "You know, us."

"There's an Us? Hmm." He nodded, playing the word through his mind. "I don't know what it means." He shrugged, taking on a thoughtful look. "What do you want it to mean?"

"I don't know." She said sheepishly. "I really like you. I guess I want it to mean we're a couple."

"You really like me." He smiled broadly.

"I don't usually make out with guys I don't like." She giggled, throwing her arm around his waist.

"Unless you're pissed drunk." Chris snickered, stifling his laughter as he caught her angry glare. "Sorry...I like you too." He said softly. "But think about it. Do you really want to room with your boyfriend?"

"River and Ben live together, and it seems to work for them. Amber shrugged.

"First off." Chris said, sitting up to face her. "Ben and River are like a couple of horny monkeys. Of course it works for them. Second off, I don't want us to be like Ben and River." Chris smiled. Cringing, Amber smiled down at him.

"Well, maybe that was a bad example, but we can at least give it a try."

"Yeah." Chris nodded, reaching up and pulling her body back to his. "I'd like that."

"Me too." She nodded, leaning back against him. Shutting her eyes, she lost herself in the sound of his rhythmic breathing and pounding heartbeat.


"Cut it out." River giggled, trying in vain to shield her stomach from Ben's cold hands.

"But you're warm!" Ben whined, trying once more to reach for her.

"I swear Gillies. If you touch me one more time, you'll be sleeping alone for a week." River smiled happily as Ben withdrew his grip. Sliding as far away from her as possible, Ben glared from underneath his spiky tresses.

"No fair." He tried to look stern, but ended up smiling at her impish grin.

"Life's not fair." River said, distracted by the sudden ringing of the phone. Jumping to answer it, she was quickly gripped in a tight hold underneath of Ben's arms.

"'ello?" Ben asked, grabbing the phone before she could. "Hey mate!" Ben brightened, pushing River away from him. Slinking off of the couch, River smoothed out her rumpled clothes and faced him.

"Who is it?" River mouthed as Ben ignored her.

"Sure Daniel, you can come over." He answered as River jumped excitedly.

"Daniel's coming over?" River squealed as Ben shielded his uncovered ear. "I haven't seen Daniel in forever." Covering the end of the receiver Ben laughed.

"Nobody's seen Daniel in forever! He's become some sort of fucked up hermit." He said half seriously, putting the phone back against his mouth. "All right Mate, see ya' in a few. Bye." Ben sighed, setting the phone down.

"Ooh. Amber is finally gonna get to meet Danny." River smiled as Ben shook his head.

"Lucky her." He laughed, pulling her into his lap and kissing the back of her neck. "might as well go tell her."

"Be right back." She raised her eyebrows and kissing his quickly before pulling away.

"Hurry up!" He called after her as she rushed down the hallway. Trying to get back to Ben as soon as possible, River threw open the heavy wooden door without thinking to knock.

"Holy Shit!" She cried, stopping in place as Amber sat up hurriedly.

"It's not what it looks like!" She explained as Chris sat up next to her. Glancing between a heavily blushing Chris and a fidgeting Amber, River couldn't help but laugh. River shook her head from side to side and backed towards the door. Throwing it open, she forgot her earlier plans to tell the guilty pair about Daniel and turned to exit. Turning back in time to see Amber gently smoothing out Chris' ruffled hair, she beamed widely.

"I told you so."She smiled, slamming the door behind herself and running off to tell Ben of her new found news.

To Be Continued
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