Chapter One

It's been two weeks, I arrived in Australia for studies, dear diary!!!! I'm kinda bored, believe me! Yeah!!!! I went to all possible shopping malls Julia could take me around, you know how much she enjoys spending money!!!! I went to her friends houses too and they're pretty fun and I've been actually to the best beaches of Gold Coast! Her unit is just the greatest! But I felt that I needed to do something by myself. That's my objective when I decided to come to Brisbane to study!!!! I wanted, more than everything, be free!!!! No more mom and dad pissing me off, neither my sister to ask me if I could lend her some stuff. I'd be on my own!!! Cool, I decided to take a walk by myself in this huge and crazy city! Off course I had the most embarrassing situations!!!!! But hey, that's life!

The crazy thing was that I missed my cd collection at home, in Brazil. I just could bring along a few, so yep, that's it! I had to go to a record store to buy some others!!! Everybody who knows me, knows that I spend all the money I have (and the money i don't either!) on cds!

Ok, I got to this very cool place! There were cds all over the place! Heaps of them and by a cheap price! I could not believe it! T-shirt, vhs, posters... Gosh, did I reach paradise? Anyway, I started to pick some cool cds from bands I loved (silverchair off course) and also bands I've never heard of and I decided to spend the whole afternoon listening to these things! The line to listen to them was huge! Gosh, what will I do till then? I'll take a walk around the store, off course! Oh no, an acoustic guitar!!!! I gotta go play it!!!! It was so shinny and beautiful!!!! "Can I play it a little??"

"Sure you can!!!!" said the salesperson.

Then, I sat on the floor and started playing something really calm. It was great! The guys who were around there just started to sit around me and we were there, playing, singing and having fun!!!!

Then, I started to play something kinda Jewel (I love her music!) and a guy approached me: "Hey, it's cool to hear you play!"

"Thanx a lot!!!!" I replied, but I didn't even see the guy who said that.

My fingers started to ache and I saw that the line to use the stereo had become small. I dropped the guitar and I got there to listen to a weird band.

The guy next to me said, "Hey, good taste! I love this band also!"

"Really? Sorry, but I've never heard of it before. I'm just listening to this cd cause I thought the cover was cute. Hahaha," And he smiled back. Then, I looked at his eyes again and I thought, Oh my gosh, isn't he Chris Joannou from the chair???? Nope, it can't be true! What is he doing here and talking to me? He barely speak normally, (you all know that fake excuse that his vocal cords don't allow him to, but anyway!).

What a awkward situation! I'm his fan and I didn't even recognized him. I think I'll just hide these cds of the chair right behind my hands! I'll just pretend he's not famous and stuff. "Hey, what are u listening to??"

"Can you believe I don't know either!!! Hahaha. But hey, were you the girl who was playing the acoustic guitar?"

"Oh my god, did you hear? I'm so ashamed. Sorry, I just couldn't contain myself. I love playing and I forgot my guitar at home, so when I saw it, I went right straight to play it. Sorry, you must have laughed about me, huh?"

"Nope, not at all, I thought you did a pretty good job! I don't like that mellow stuff, but I think you did it right!"

"Thanks a lot! Are you sure you're not just saying this to make me feel better? Hahaha."

"Nope. I'm being honest! By the way, my friends are coming over here and I think they would love to hear your voice, specially Ben! He's really into Britney Spears things. Hahaha."

"Oh really? Sorry, I'm not really into Britney. She's pretty, I know, but that voice, I'm much more into Sarah McLachlan's and Jewel's."

"Oh, sorry!"

"No problem."

The time was passing by and I couldn't believe I was talking to Chris. "Hey, as you didn't ask, I'll introduce myself anyway! My name is Lais. You can speak it as Lie-is!"

"Different name, huh?"

"Yeah, I'm from Brazil and this is kinda a latin name."

"Cool. I noticed you had this weird accent..."

Well, it started to play Korn inside the store, and I don't like their sound very much! So, as I'm very discrete, I said out loud, "What shit is this???" and just the same time I said those dirty words, Ben and Daniel came near Chris!

Oh, oh, does anybody see a hole on the floor, so I can hide my head inside of it????

"This shit they're playing is Korn," said Ben.

"Oh thanx. I knew I didn't like it. Only Freak On A Leash Remix..."

"What?! You don't like Korn?! That's one of the best bands in the world!" said Chris.

"I'm sorry, but I hate it... My friend loves it and she wanted me to like it. She used to put it on the stereo everytime I went to her house, but then, it seems I started to hate it a little more. Hehehe."

"Well, I think this band is pretty cool too. It's one of my favorite bands actually!" said Daniel (oh my god, he spoke to me!).

"Yeah?? Well, we can't discuss about it, huh? I'm pretty sure you must hate Jewel, which I love!"

"Well, I can't tell you that I hate it, but well..."

"Oh no, I just remembered that this girl next to us was playing the guitar and she's got a sweet voice like Jewel!" Chris smiled.

"Really? I'm very into Britney Spears too!" Ben said.

"I'm not into Britney Spears. Why do you guys think that??? Jewel has nothing to do with Britney!"

"Hey, sorry, girl! I didn't want to offend you!"

"Ok, I'm the one who's sorry! It's just that you are the 10th guy that says that about Britney when I talk about Jewel. Anyway... just forget it!!!" I said, really embarrassed. I always get angry with this kind of thing.

"Hey, let me introduce the guys for you, Lays! Oh my gosh, it's so weird to pronounce your name! This is Ben and that's Daniel."

"Oh, hi, guys, how are you doing?"

"Pretty well", both said.

"Well, we actually have a band, called silverchair and..." Daniel was trying to say, but then I interrupted him with a huge and out loud laugh that made every single person in the store look at me. Oh gosh, another embarrassing situation. Why do I always do it when I'm nervous? God damn!

"What are you laughing at????" asked Daniel, intrigued and kinda angry!

"I'm sorry, but it's funny for you, rockstars, to introduce yourselves. C'mon!!! I'm sorry, I'm just a silly girl. Really sorry! The thing is, silverchair is my favorite band!!! Hahahahaha. Yeah, I love your job! I wanted to pretend I didn't know you, so you'd be sure I'm talking to you just because you're normal people, but I can't. I just can't. Could you please give me an autograph, a hug or a picture? I'm sorry!"

"No, no, don't worry. That's ok. I thought you were laughing at me," said the shy Daniel, with his eyes down.

"No, not at all. I'm sorry, now you'll hate me forever, won't you??? I know that fan people and normal people are 2 separated things in silverchair universe, but please, don't hate me!"

"Hey, what made you think we'd hate you? Don't be silly," said Chris, laughing too.

Well, they signed the cd I bought of them and we kept on talking.

"You're a different kind, La... what???" said Ben.

"Don't worry about my name. I know it's difficult for you to say it! Thanks, hanging out with you was great! You're really cool and you deserve all the success you have, men!"

"Thanks a lot," said Daniel.

"Nope, I'm the one who thanks here, your songs are great and I hope you come to this town soon, so I can go to your concert. As you never showed up again in Brazil!!!!"

"Oh, we're sorry for that, but ya know, we have these compromises and, really sorry," said Ben.

"Sorry??? I was a frustrated teenager and you say you're sorry???? I've never been to a concert of you, I got sick because of that and you say you're sorry???" I yelled at him, trying to show that I was really angry and psycho.

"Oh, my god, calm down, lady!!! You don't have to..." said Ben, scared of me and trying to make me stay calm.

"Hahahaha, you're just so silly, Ben. Do you really think I'd be angry at you??? Come on, look at me!" I said, laughing once again!!

Daniel and Chris couldn't contain themselves. They were laughing so loud that once again every person in the store looked at us. My gosh, what a scandal!!!!

Anyway... Ben, started to laugh too, cause he'd never got so scared by a fan before, "Girl, you're funny. But please, don't do it again cause next time I might have a heart attack!!!" said Ben with his hand on his heart.

"No problem. I just thought you loved a little sarcasm..."

"Oh yes, we love it. You can do it any time you want. It was so funny!! If I had a camera right now I'd take a picture of your face, Ben, and that would be the cover of our next album. Hahahaha, you're such a wuss!!!" provoked Dan. "Hey, we're gonna grab something to eat. Are you hungry?" asked Dan.

"Yeah, a little. So, what? are we going to have a hot dog?" I asked.

"Nope, well, I don't know. I'm vegan, so, ya know..." said Dan.

"Oh, ok, oh yes, you're the one who fights for animal liberation. I'm sorry. But just to let ya know, I'm not vegetarian, but I'm against the abuse of animals and stuff."

"Oh cool!!! You seem to be one of a kind. Most silverchair fans are vegetarian and so..."

"Yeah, I tried to be, but I missed the chicken only my mom knows how to cook... so, I eat meat once in a while. I know you're against that, but hey, that's my opinion, ok?"

"Sure, sure! Never change your personality is what I always think. If you fell better that way..."

"Yeah, I do, thanks." Pretty cool that he didn't get angry, huh? Anyway, I hate hot dogs. I don't even know why I asked for it.

We went out the store, we stopped by a fast food. While Daniel bought a salad sandwich, Ben came with an hot dog and asked, "Do you want some?"

"No thanks, I hate hot dogs!"

He looked at me with that "interrogation" face, "But didn't you want a hot dog or something??"

"No, I just said that to start a conversation! Hehehe." Gosh, Ben must hate me. I played tricks on him the whole time.

Ok. We ate and we kept on talking about plenty of things. Then, all of the sudden, Ben's and Chris' girlfriends arrived. They introduced me to them and they left. So, it was like, only Daniel and me left. Oh, my, it wasn't happening. We chatted for like one more hour and it started to get dark. "Sorry, it's getting late and I gotta go home. I arrived a few days ago and I have to do some stuff at home."

"Oh, that's ok! Can I drive u there?"

"Are you sure I won't bother you?"

"Not at all."


So he drove me home and when we were about to say goodbye he said, "Well, we're doing a concert here in town next friday and after that we're throwing a party in this place," he gave me the invitation card.

"Oh, cool! But I'm afraid I won't be able to go... ya know, I'm straight edge, I hate this kind of place, where people smoke, drink, and flirt with everybody."

"Nope, this kinda thing don't happen there! Not near me, at least! Please, be my guest. Next to me, nobody will smoke, they know how much I hate it." "I don't know..." I was shocked that he was inviting me to his party! And I wasn't accepting the invitation. What am I?? A sucker? A dumbass??? Or just crazy, as everybody calls me??? Yeah, I'll take the last option!!!! I think I was just scared!

"Well, can you give me your number? Maybe I'll call you to ask you again!" he smiled at me.

My god, help your little daughter down here! Make me accept. Why am I playing the difficult kind???

"Ok, Lais (he was the only one in australia who spoke my name correctly!). You're playing the difficult kind. But please, come over. You're such a joke all the time. You kept us laughing the whole day and I'm sure our buddies will laugh with you too. Ok, bring a friend with you!"

"Ok, thanks. I'll think about it. Thanks for the ride and here's my number! I'll see what I'll do, ok?"

"Ok. And you know what? I like your personality. I noticed you don't do things just to please other people. That's cool!"

"Oh, yeah, thanks. I think I should please myself in first place. Cool that u noticed!!

I don't wanna seem conceited, but that's my best quality. Strong personality!"

"Really cool. I think the second best quality is your sense of humor!!" He smiled at me. Oh, my! What a smile. I said bye, he kissed my cheek and he said, "Take care! I'll meet you on Friday! Take this ticket for the concert too. You won't miss this one. You don't have to keep on being frustrated!!"

"Thankd a lot Daniel. You're a really nice guy!! Will I meet your girlfriend there?"

"Oh, no, I don't have a girlfriend at the moment."

"A boyfriend??"

"No. Only a dog. Hehehehe."

"Ok then. See ya there!"

"Will you bring your boyfriend?"

"No, I don't have a boyfriend at the moment."

"A girlfriend??"

"Not either!"

"Why not?"

"Well, guys suck! And I'm not a lesbian, so..."

"Guys suck??"

"Yeah, they've broken my heart a few times...but anyway. I should go now. It's really dark! Bye bye..."

"Ok. Nice meeting you!! Till Friday! See ya!"

Dear diary!!!! Do you really believe my story???? I don't either!!!! Today was the happiest day of my life in Australia. Let's see what happens Friday!!!

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