Chapter 2

"Party Blows, Eye Glows!"

Dear Diary,

As soon as I got home, I called Julia to tell her all my history. I even called my sister, my friends, my cousin there in Brazil but nobody actually believed me, as I was expecting. But who cares? The thing was that it was real, cause I had the invitation card in my hands. I wasn't dreaming, I was sure of that! I just got my pillow, put it in front of my mouth and I yelled, I screamed, I was so hysteric! Ya know how I act when I'm happy and it was kinda late for me to do such a scandal. So that's why I put my pillow in front of my mouth.

Anyway, I just took a bath, I grabbed something for dinner and I just stared at my card. 'you're invited to the best party: the chairheads freaks and friends' – gosh! Friends? Me? A simple mortal? Gosh, it was too good to be true! But I needed to sleep, cause I had to convince Julia to come with me to the party!!

Early in the morning of the next day, I jumped out of bed, I saw it was a beautiful day, the sun was shinning outside, the sky was blue, there were no clouds, I could hear birds singing outside… wow, I was so happy, sooo happy!!!! Maybe all those things were my imagination, cause you know, when we feel good, we just think everything around us is beautiful. I dressed myself and I went to Juls' house. I had to go find something cool to dress in. I showed her my invitation and she finally agreed to go there with me.

We took the car and we just drove around the whole city till it was really dark and I finally bought something cool. This dress was so different that I just fell in love with it the first time my eyes saw it. It was blue with these weird symbols on the bottom which mean 'freedom' – the most beautiful word in the world (as the salesperson said). I don't know if I believed her or if she just told me that to sell me the product, but even if she hadn't said a word I'd take it home, cause it was just me, the dress fit perfectly. Julia got relieved cause she couldn't walk anymore. Her feet were aching and she was about to kill me if I forced her to go into another store (everybody knows how difficult I am to shop).

Well, it seemed that the week didn't want to finish and Friday seemed so far! I think I felt this way because I wanted the party to happen so badly!!! But it had to be one day eventually! And I couldn't even sleep the night before!

Ok. 7pm. It's time to get ready. I did everything possible to look sexy, but then, when it was already 8pm I looked at the mirror and I saw another person, not me. I took all the clothes off and I decided not to go. Julia arrived home and I was wearing pyjamas! She wanted to kill me, obviously. She advised me to wear something, cause we had to leave. I wore old blue jeans and my red shirt, which I just love. And we were on our way to the concert. I would make my dream come true, but I was sad, really sad. I think that when this sort of thing happens, when we are about to do something we always dreamt of we get kinda scared, right?

So there we were. The place was crowded as hell. We came through the gates and there we were, just waiting till the concert started. Then I saw the producer coming next to me: "Hey, aren't u La…, gosh, aren't u the girl the silverchair guys told me about?"

"Well, if they told you bad stuff, I'm not the one, but if they said just good stuff about this person, yes, it's me!"

"Come here, we gotta go backstage before the concert starts."

"Ok, you don't have to say it twice!" – I held Julia's hand and I lead her on my way. She seemed more amazed than me, but anyway.

I couldn't believe it. They were waiting for me! Chris wave his hand to me, Ben smiled at us and said, "Hey girl. Are u ready to see the best concert of your life?"

And I just said "Oh yes, I went to a Britney Spear's concert last week, so, thanks, I've already seen the best concert of my life."

Everybody laughed, even him and he added, "Gosh, why didn't you call me? I would have gone there with you!"

"First of all, you haven't given me your number and second, I don't think you're such a good company for me! Kidding!" and we were just chatting, but I hadn't seen Daniel.

He appeared there like half an hour later, he hugged me for a sec and he said, "I'm glad you came!"

"Thanks for inviting me, I mean, us! But ya know, for free tickets, I'd go to any concert."


It was time to the concert start. Can you believe I went on stage with them???? My god!!! I'm stunned till now! Before we went there, Daniel asked me what was my favourite song of theirs. "Can you ask me an easier question, please? I haven't studied enough to answer this test, teacher!" He just laughed and insisted me to name at least one song. I told him that Tomorrow was the most special, because I started to like silverchair because of it, but Freak, Findaway and Slave were special also. I said these ones cause live they sounded the best! And when the show finally started, he dedicated these songs for me. I cried, cause I got so emotional! It was surely the best concert of my life.

But the surprise was just about to happen. Chris, for the first time in the history of silverchair, grabbed the microphone and said, "Hey u guys, I want to introduce you to a person who will sing a song here up on the stage. She's just a recent friend of ours and she is a fan of Britney Spears, so she's going to dance and sing 'Baby One More Time' for us. What do you say?" and the public was like "Go away!!" and stuff like that. And I was just laughing, coz who was the weirdo girl who accepted to do such a stupid thing like that? I couldn't wait to see the face of the loser, hahahaha. It'd be so funny! I guess they got this idea because in some concerts, the Offspring hit some dolls with BSB's faces on the head and pretended they were killing them. So I thought sc would do the same.

Well, all of a sudden, Dan took control of the microphone again and he yelled, "So are you motherf*** ready to rock, sorry, I mean, ready to move your sexy body?" and the public was "oh yes, hit me baby one more time" and I was laughing to death. And Daniel continued, "So we call here onstage the girl with the weirdest name I've ever heard in my life: Lais, better known as Laloka!!!"

At the time I heard that, I tried to runaway, to disappear cause the loser was me!!!! Hahahaha, anyway, I couldn't scape. There were security guys all over the place and the producers, the manager and everyone just kept on playing this joke on me. Chris put me in his arms and took me to the middle of the stage. Gosh, I wanted to die! They're so mean, I thought. hahahaha. Ben laid on the floor because he couldn't stop laughing. I told them they owed me one. So, I grabbed the microphone and I sang a little bit of that thing they wanted me so bad to sing.

It was funny, I confess. But that was my chance to take revenge also. "So you chairfans, do you wanna know some spicy details of the silverchair guys lives?"


"Ok! Ben Gillies' mother has to beg him to brush his teeth, because the poor little boy hates it!!! Chris loves to eat crayons for desert and he puts ketchup on it, to taste better. Ewwww! And Daniel, well, he sings opera when he's in the shower!! I bet you guys down there didn't know that!" Gosh, we were a bunch of kids laughing at each other's faces, but I loved it. And the crowd was just "LaLoKa Spears, have no fears! Sing one more song!" Gosh, it was so amazing!

The rest of the concert was great. But I was all dirty and sweaty, so I decided to go home and take a shower before I went to the party. Ben kissed my hand before I left. He said, "I've never met anyone like you! If I had been exposed to such an embarrassing situation as you were, I think I'd hate the people who had did it to me forever! Gosh, sorry, but it was funny! You were great about telling these things to people."

"Yeah, I had to make you pay somehow!!!!"

While the guys were relaxing and the production team was putting all the instruments and stuff away, Julia and I went home, took a shower, ate something and then we left. We took like an hour to do that. We drove to the party place and we got in!

You won't believe me! The place was so cool! It was kinda dark, with blue and yellow lights, chairs everywhere (why?? Hehehe), microphones, drums, guitars, basses, stage; it was a really cosy place. But I didn't get a thing. Hadn't they just performed a concert? Anyway, I was just loving it all. But the place was kinda empty. There were Julia, the waitress, the doorman and I. Gosh! We arrived at the right time, at the right address, but, oh my, what had happened???

Then, some people started to arrive there, some cute guys, some beautiful girls, some punk people and the place started to get crowded. However, there was no clue of silverchair. After waiting for like an hour, the boys arrived there. They had gone to their hotel to take a bath also and be ready to enjoy the party.

Chris came to say hi and to apologize for making us wait. Julia and I pretended to be sleeping and he felt really bad, poor boy. Hahaha. But that was ok. How can I complain about that??? Ben came after Chris and he started to talk to us, asking us if we had liked the concert and stuff like that. This guy is really friendly. I had a misconception about him. I've always thought that he was such a silly guy, but nope.

Finally, Daniel pulled out a chair and sat at our table. It was pretty fun! We sat there, just talking to the chair and some friends of theirs arrived. They drank a lot of beer (what most aussies do) and Daniel and I just drank fruit juices. Then, when it was almost eleven, some punk bands started to play. They were new bands contracted by silverchair's label and they were pretty good! I just loved that! It's cool to know that they encourage and give new bands opportunities such as providing concerts for them to play! I just started loving this band so much more!!

"So, what do u think of these bands, Lais?", asked Chris.

"Oh, they're pretty good!"

"Yeah, remember that cd you were listening to, when we first met, at that record store? The one you told me you picked because the cover was cute?"

"Yeah?" "Well, that's the band. They signed a contract with us. They're going to be opening for us in our next tour, which will start in the next 3 months. Ya know, this show here in Brisbane was the last one in Queensland and after here, we're going to Sydney to play for the last time on this part one tour. We'll take a 2 months break and after that we'll restart the tour with those guys!"

"Wow, they're really great!"

Gosh, it was awesome!! And the drummer of that band had this cool style, he had Mohawk hair, nose pierced, and a Betty boop tattoo in his left arm. That was the cover of the album, also its name. The band was called Cynics. I just loved them!! What a style. So, they asked me what I was doing in Brisbane and stuff like that (it was so cool that they were interested in my life) and I told them I was there to study marketing or whatever and gosh, I haven't even started the course, so, obviously, I'm not graduated, but, you know what? They offered me a job!!

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!!!!!!!!!! To be a kind of manager, like an assistant, to help with their publicity, to help also as a rodie (gosh, it was one of my dreams). I would say YES in any occasion, but the whole thing was that I had to study! My parents spent a lot of money to send me here to Australia, then, to pay my university and I would just throw everything away??? But this opportunity wouldn't happen again.

I said that I would think about it and I would tell them my decision in another day. During the night, I just wanted to have fun and to enjoy their company. Julia saw my unhappy face during the whole night that should be the best of my life. It was, in a certain way, but it was also sad, cause the thing I thought that could never happen, happened and I would lose the job of my life. Besides that, my visa allows me to stay in the country only to study. If I give up the course, maybe I'll be deported, ya know??? What a dilemma.

Well, we danced, we laughed, we took pictures - that according to Ben's arguments, would be included in his personal photo album - and I just became friends with my idols!! What were my chances, in million, to have this day???

It was time to go home and I hugged them all before I left. I thanked them for the job offer and I said I'd call them later. Daniel smiled at me and he said, "I know it's not an easy decision to make. But we all liked you a lot, and we know the kind of fan you are. They think you're really capable to do this kind of work for us and I promise it'll be great! Please, think hard and accept it!" How could I say no?? "By the way, I haven't told you yet, but you look great in this dress! I love the colour!", he complimented me. I just smiled back and left. As soon as I got into the car, I started to cry.

So, here I am, sweetest diary! It's such a pity that you're just paper. You could at least speak and advise me about my decision. I'm so happy for that and also sad. I have to decide between 2 dreams: to be closer to my idols or to build a good career. But before that, I've got to sleep!

To Be Continued
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