Dreams of Dying Alone

She woke up early to the sight of daylight seeping in through the dark curtains, whose failed purpose was to block the daylight which she so deeply loathed. Another day...how much longer must she face each day with such pain, such empty longing? "Well," she thought with that same familiar pain deep in her being, "at least the worst months of my life are over." Months where life was no longer living, the loss of everything dear to her, everything she had feared had become reality and everything she had dreamed, had hoped for, was shattered.

It all seemed so fake, like it was never really happening. I mean, thinking about her circumstances...by most, she was regarded as no more than a whore. They didn't understand, she was searching for love, for somthing more than what she had ever been given. She shortly realized that she had no problem getting "love" because she was strikingly beautiful, outside and inside. But like all of us, she had a certain sadness inside her, searching for somthing that wasn't there...would she ever find it???

Well finally, it seemed she had. It was strange...beyond strange, there's no word for it. Tori Amos was her idol. She loved how she expressed herself and no one understood it but those who had the same emptiness as she...she felt they connected in an indescribable way. More so than anyone else...well she was proved wrong. Daniel Johns...he was the apple of her eye. He was the reason for her lust, her longing. She loved him more than life itself...only there was one small problem. She lived in a small suburb in alabama and for all she knew, he was in austrailia - or atleast hollywood. She had never seen him in person, not even at a concert. Only pictures and biographies but that was all it took. His voice took her to a place she had never been...to a place of solitude where she felt at home, accepted.

If you are a fan of Daniel Johns then you know the feeling I'm talking about, right?? Ya know, while listening to Ana's song, looking into his eyes even though only in pictures...It moves you, he's so enticing and beautiful. What a sad, crazed fan like myself wouldn't do to see him once...thats all it would take and i'm gone. well maybe im just crazy...later ya'll...and as for Daniel Johns and his music, may they live forever so that future generations to come can experience the solitude that Daniel Johns brings to lives around the globe...i love you always TORI

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