Second Chances

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Daniel opened his eyes to a painfully white room. He blinked a couple of times trying to remember what happened and what he was doing in a hospital room. Daniel hated hospitals. Their sickening smell of disease and sickness was enough to drive anyone mad. That smell was seeping into his body and he knew he was going to throw up. He felt a wave of nausea overcome him and before he knew it, everything was black.

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"Excuse me. Um... when I can I see Daniel?" Rianon had been waiting outside Daniel's room for 6 hours now and she was more than a little edgy. She had consumed more than 5 cups of coffee and was about to have an anxiety attack if this pitiful excuse for a doctor didn't let her in to see Daniel.

"You may go in now, but he's resting so please be quiet," replied the doctor.

Rianon felt a surge of energy spread through her nerves, from her toes to the tips of her fingertips. She had been waiting for this moment to come for the past 6 hours and she was suddenly afraid to go any further. What if Daniel was to upset to see her? What if he never wanted to see her again? Rianon forced the thoughts to the back of her mind and plunged forward to confront the man who saved her life.

As she entered Daniel's room, the events of the night before flooded her mind....
Rianon had been having such a good time at the concert! It was going to be the best night of her life or so she thought. She had broken up with her abusive boyfriend a week before and things had been going great ever since. She had been floating on cloud nine ever since she had given that bastard and his fists the boot. What could possibly go wrong? If only she had known. If only she could have seen into the future and changed everything. Instead she almost cost Daniel his life.

Rianon had been lucky enough to score Backstage Passes from a local radio station and she was on her way backstage after the concert when IT happened. She had just entered the room where all the important people were. She was now in the same room as Silverchair and Rianon felt as if nothing could go wrong. At that moment Rianon's mind was filled with all the fantasies of a teenager who knows she's about to meet the god of her adultry.

Rianon spotted Daniel across the room at the bar and was on her way over to get a drink when she had the strangest sensation that she was being watched. She looked around but saw no one so she continued on her way across the room. She reached the bar and ordered a bottle of water as she sat upon the barstool next to Daniel.

Daniel looked up and had been surprised to see someone sitting next to him, but he had to admit, he was pleased with what he saw.

Rianon sensed that he was looking at her and so she turned her head and was blown away by how intense Daniel's eyes were. She had to force herself to turn back and just as she was going to turn again and speak to Daniel she noticed something shiny out of the corner of her eye. She glanced quickly and saw Ted, her abusive boyfriend heading straight for her with a revolver in his hand.

Rianon's heart clenched tight and her body froze with fear as she waited for the gun to fire. She looked into Ted's eyes and saw no warmth there. She knew he was going to kill her and her soul filled with dread. The room had grown to an uncomfortable silence as everyone had realized what was going on. Just as Ted fired the gun, Daniel grabbed her and pulled her between him and the bar.

The gunshot rang in Rianon's ears and she forced herself to open her eyes to see what catastrophe had unfolded. She saw two men had pulled Ted to the ground and had him in handcuffs and she saw 5 young men runing towards her. She looked down and realized that Daniel was slumped on top of her.

Rianon's mind froze as she comtemplated her situation. Then all at once the pain set in. The bullet had struck Daniel obviously, but it had struck her too. She saw a deep red fluid escaping the wound next to her ribs. Pain was shooting mercilessly up her side and the room was beginning to spin as she unwillingly slipped into unconcious.

Now here she was next to Daniel's bed. The doctor had explained to her that the bullet had broken one rib and that was it. She had been so lucky and she owed it all to Daniel. A man she had never met but knew everything about.

Here she was and Rianon felt so stunned. She felt like she owed everything to this man and she couldn't even tell him because he was unconcious. Then, as if Daniel had heard her thoughts, his eyes opened. He looked up to see Rianon sitting beside him and a warm, caring smile spread across his face.

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