Second Chances ~Part 2~

Everything was now coming back to Daniel. The consequences of his actions were now very clear to him, but Daniel didn't see them as consequences, he saw them as rewards. For the first time in his short life he felt like he had done something of dear importance. He had saved someone's life. Daniel had given Rianon the most precious gift she could ever receive. Life. He had given her a second chance and he felt so relieved that he had had enough nerve to do it.

Rianon was filled with gratitude and thankfulness as she gazed upon Daniel. She knew she owed him everything she had and she felt more than willing to give it to him. For a brief moment there was a connection between the two minds and they understood that they had given each other something important. "Hi Daniel, my name is Rianon. I don't know if you remember me from last night or not but I am so thankful for what you did. I don't know how to repay you."

Rianon was overcome with emotion and she willingly let her tears flow because she needed to. All the pain of the past year was being released and Rianon finally let it all go. She didn't care what she looked like, she had to make Daniel realize what he had done for her. Not only did he save her life but he saved her from a life that wasn't worth living.

"Hey, thats allright. Don't cry, I'm glad your so thankful but I'm sure a lot of people would have done the same thing."

"No you don't realize," Rianon pleaded,"you don't understand what you did! You didn't just save my life! You gave me a huge wake up call. For the past year I've been so down about everything in my life. My boyfriend, who you had the misfortune of meeting last night, he used to beat me all the time and after a while i just thought the things he was saying were true. I started hating myself so I thought, and i know this is stupid, that if I was prettier and thinner than maybe Ted would love me. So I started starving myself and I after a while I couldn't look at food without getting sick..." By this time Rianon was sobbing but it felt so good and safe to let it flow so she kept on going as Daniel watched her in disbelief. "...and last night you know, I was so happy cuz i was at your concert and i had gone all day without anything to eat. And then, Ted came and it just became clear to me that i was wasting myself away. It was when you saved me that I realized that I had to change. I had to start turning my life around because you had given me a second chance and I don't want to waste it. I just felt like you should know how grateful I was for you did."

Daniel was speechless. Never is his life had he seen such passion. Her eyes were filled with the knowledge that life was not to be wasted. Daniel felt like staring in her eyes for eternity because he knew that she possessed what he had always been looking for. "Rianon... I don't know what to say. I've never in my life felt so pivital," Daniel said in a low but powerful tone.

Rianon knew he understood and she felt like a weight had been lifted off her forever. It felt so enchanting to just let all that baggage go. She bent over and kissed him gently on the forehead.

She didn't do this because she was madly in love with him. She did it as a sign of love and apprecition and respect and everything that she wanted to show him.

Daniel understood and he watched her as she picked up her coat and headed for the door. "I'm going to get something to eat. Do you want something?" Asked Rianon with a hint of confidence that had been withheld for too long.

Daniel gave an assuring nod and Rianon walked out the door and entered her new life with a smile.


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